My work is for you if:
You are prepared to be catalyzed on your soul journey.
You know that you are in the midst of a great cosmic game, and you are ready to play it FULL OUT.
You are ready to meet HOW the Archetypes are living through NOW, and you are open to cultivating a rewarding & powerful NEW relationship with them and yourself.
You know that my Channel reaches frequencies beyond the chart, and you trust me to hold your session in whatever form it takes.
My work is NOT for you if:
You are looking for a mundane, non transformative astrology reading.
You are deeply attached to specific placements in the chart.
You are deeply attached to outdated patterns, and are unwilling to look at them.
You are unprepared for the process of discovery, and exploration.
You are NOT open and receptive to the process of alchemy and transmutation.
Sessions with

Archetypal Astrology
Thank you for your interest in an astrology reading/session.
My deepest passion is to help clients meet, and cultivate a relationship with their Inner Archetypal Matrix. To understand how the Universe wants to live through us, and co-create a beautiful, rich, life WITH us.
Our relationship to our chart is a fundamental part of feeling true fulfillment, and meeting the soul’s potential.
Throughout my own practice, I’ve come to know The Planets as Inspirited, Living Gods, who desire to have a co-creative relationship with us, so that we get the most out of this particular incarnation. They act as our Personal Guides, doling out lessons from the Archetypal dimension of reality, helping to initiate us into the deepest elements of our soul path.
I love introducing my clients to the Anthropos, Animate, Spirit of the Archetypes.

As Above - So Below
I am a firm believer in the Hermetic Axiom “As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without”.
The cosmos is always working in a kind of “call and response” pattern with us, attempting to cultivate a collaborative relationship. This dynamic is meant to assist us in embodying our Divine Plan.
When we resist, the cosmos continues to work on our behalf. But that resistance can make the path bumpy, and what shows up looks less and less like evolution, and more and more like pain and bad luck. My work with clients, helps to bring in clarity around the conversation your soul is having with the stars. So that we can begin to smooth the rough edges of our journey, and open up to the lessons our soul chose for this lifetime.
Sessions help us make sense of this call and response dynamic.
(*I like to add a caveat here for victims of trauma and abuse. I am not intending to suggest that the soul chose to be a victim of horrific events. I am referencing that the soul chooses overarching archetypal patterns to work with. Read more about this here.)

Session Format
The results you get from your session largely depend on the quality of openness, receptivity, and depth of sharing, you bring. Why? Archetypes are multivalent. Meaning they have several avenues of expressing themselves. As you are able to share details of your life and experiences, I am able to pick up on the precise pathways the Archetypes are using to express themselves, and how they are communicating with each other, in your specific chart.
In other words, the dialogue between the client and astrologer is an important element to a robust session. Along with your willingness to probe the mystery with me. To ask the wild questions, the ones your soul thinks are too outrageous to mutter out loud.
More often than not, those soul urges, the ones we feel too shy to share in other contexts, are a set of blaring alarm bells right in the center of our chart. Just waiting for us to put two and two together.
So be prepared in your session to go on a deep exploration of the wild and wyrd dimensions of soul.
This is to say, asking questions, and being animatedly engaged with me as we work through the session is not only welcomed, it is encouraged!

Session or a Reading
I am available for both “readings”, which is an overview of your chart. And sessions, which is a more interactive engagement that involves deeper insights and guidance. And Group Work.
Please specify which option you prefer. Sessions are a higher level of work, so if you’ve never had your chart read before, you may want to consider beginning with a reading, and then graduating to a session. Let me know if that is your preference and a custom package that comes with custom pricing can be created to suit your needs
Unless I indicate otherwise, I often schedule out a few weeks in advance. Do let me know below, if your reading/session is time sensitive and I will try and get you in as soon as possible.
I have never been into the trend of veiling prices. Therefore, prices are listed below.
*All Introductory Sessions and Readings begin at $333.00. A split payment option is available, mention your interest in this option when inquiring.
*Full or partial payment required to secure your booking.
*Payments must be paid in full before the Session.
*Prices may be adjusted based on the scope of the work we agree too. Adjustments will take place within the context of a mutual agreement.
*I do not schedule appointments via a scheduling app. I find it’s much more personal to communicate directly with clients during the scheduling process. Once this form is filled out and submitted, I will get an email notification, and we will begin the scheduling process from there.