Astrology is Animistic
“Children arrive animists. They learn about life, themselves, and empathy by imagining the liveliness of everything they come into contact with.”
― S. Kelley Harrell
Our job here is not to dominate or conquer reality. But to know our own essence, and to develop the capacity to be in relationship with the entire web of creation.
Our unique natal chart, is always working in a call and response pattern with the Cosmos. Coming into relationship with our natal chart opens up pathways that allow us to be in a deep and nourishing conversation with the Universe.
Red Moon Revival
ECLIPSES, or “Red Moons” hold a vital symbolic correspondence to all of my work. They are the celestial eruption of night into day.
In just moments a rift of darkness opens into the daytime sky. These dragon holes are said to be the portal our ancestors use to access the afterlife. The ancients found eclipses to be eerie harbingers of evil events. While I don’t find them evil, I do think they hold an otherworldly kind of power over the human psyche.
We have had a long tradition in Western Society that doesn’t want to face “dark”, difficult topics, or the shadow side of human nature. This unwillingness has left us fundamentally unable to meet this moment as a collective. It is essential that we transform our relationship to the qualities of shadow and light. Not living in either polarity for too long without bringing ourselves back into balance.
Red Moon Revival is passionate about reorienting our relationship to shadow as a necessary function of evolution. Night gives us a different kind of vision, it allows us to literally see the stars. For night to enter into day represents what is teaming within us that is just waiting to burst into our consciousness.
Eclipses represent, among other things, breakthroughs in awareness, and are known to bring otherworldly messages that precipitate events. Night is fundamental to the creative process, to conceive something from nothing, to birth form from the formless. Red Moons give us a sense of the fertile void where the emptiness underlying everything is found. And where the collective oversoul of the world myth stretches across the cosmos. When we invest equally in the shadow and the light, we can rest assured that we are NOT spiritually bypassing, but rather are living a fully dynamic life, doing the very work that evolves our soul.
The birth chart shows us the seed of our dynamic potential. It is said to hold our “Natal Promise”. C.G. Jung stated that “Astrology represents the sum of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity”. We evoke fluid like archetypal patterns by employing advanced astrology techniques, that tap the animating cycles of life, and that begins to unveil the state of becoming we are in. When we become curious about the unconscious pieces of our stories, our cosmic mandate comes into focus.
The Natal Promise is not static. Yes, it is, in part, our soul’s blueprint, (birth chart) but it also holds the seed of our potential. Therefore, our chart is, as The Tree of Life is; ever expanding branches ascending upwards, and likewise, a descent, rooting into our underlying nature. The work is to fully embody both polarities. The rooting and the rising.
Throughout the course of our lives, we shed and step into multiple iterations of ourselves. Writing, editing, and rewriting our stories again and again, attempting to grasp the plot. But what if, just as the tree releases its leaves, and regenerates anew each spring, we could vibrate with archetypal resonance to the planetary influences, or rather, experience a oneness with the universe, in rhythm with her cycles, fully alive with limitless vitality? Feeling unbounded freedom to self-author in total alignment with our unique cosmic mandate?
It is increasingly important to me that the type of astrology I practice be received as a transmission in service to the ways in which we can transcend our identity, not crystalize it. How we can move beyond our stories, and become the storyteller through the art of making distinctions. Archetypal multivalence means there are an infinite possibilities in which the archetypes can express themselves through us. Our natal chart can then be seen as a map to point us home to our essence self.