Gnosis .
Know Thyself
Be Thyself
Love Truth

These Maxims are displayed on the outer columns of the Temple of Delphi.
Intimating that above all, Inner Gnosis was prized by the Oracle.

Gnosis is a feminine Greek noun which means "knowledge" or "awareness."
It is often used for personal knowledge as compared with intellectual knowledge, or in other words, embodied “knowing”, versus knowing with the mind.
Synonyms for Gnosis are Wisdom, Sophia, Oracle, & Philosophy
Gnosis s closely related to Nous: Intuition, Sensory Perception
Astrology is the science of how the holographic universe affects us. It broadens our horizons because it provides a holistic approach to life.
Astrology shows us the journey of our souls transmigration from one lifetime to the next, one body to the next.
It details how the events of our life, have obstructed us from attaining self-knowledge. This will help us understand how to set ourselves free.
The knots in our psyche, referred to as “samskara” in sanskrit, can only be untied by learning the way in which they came together in the first place.
We do not have to know all the details. It is enough to be acquainted with the basic principles of how astrology & universal law works in relation to our own soul to begin to unlock inner gnosis.
You will get those basic principles by participating in this work.

By familiarizing ourselves with our natal chart, we come into contact with our Archetypal Matrix, giving us mastery over our own Psychic Realm, revealing the Medicine we each carry in this lifetime.
Each Birth Chart holds a unique evolutionary challenge for us. And each chart provides a clear medicine pathway that allows the evolutionary intention to flower.
When we do our own work, uncovering these two pieces of our story, we create a template for others to follow in our footsteps. We become evolutionary way showers. Fully embodying and expressing our medicine in the world.
At this time of great planetary shift, so many people long to get crystal clear around how they can best show up and help the collective evolve. The path is through our own gnosis.

There is a lot of talk in the collective about “waking up to the truth”.
But It doesn’t mean anything to wake up to the truth of this world if we don’t also wake up to the truth of this dimension. And the reason we are really here.
We have to do our own work. Recognize our own power. And the way we can use our power, both spiritual and personal, as a force for growth and evolution on the planet.
That means, having spiritual, philosophical, psychic, and archetypal literacy that allows us to sense the bigger picture.
It’s not enough to know the pop culture keywords. The ones that point to all of the corruption, distortions, propaganda, and geo-political strife.
Know it, fine. Track it; even better. But we shouldn’t invest all of our precious energy here. It’s a misuse of life force.
Instead, one would be better served by focusing on cultivating inner gnosis and a devotion to the evolution of the planet

The world needs each of us to awaken and embody the unique medicine we are here to offer.
Weaving our collective sacred offerings together IS the force of evolution on the planet.
Group Work…
First the Macro Level, above and beyond what is happening on the “Big Screen”
Universal Law
The Underpinnings of our Paradigm
How Egregore/Weitiko are constantly at play
Duality as a Teaching Mechanism
Spiritual and Psychic Influences
Archetypal Forces
Energetic Intention
Involution and evolution
Myth as the building blocks of the paradigm we live in, and how we can evolve them
Then we fine tune on the Micro Level
Our own Soul
Our own Embodiment
Our own Full Expression
Our own Medicine
Our own Inner Gnosis
Our own Energetic Hygiene
Our own Inner Mythology
Our own Inner Archetypal Matrix
Using Astrology
to Focus Our work…
Listen to me speak to some of the things we will cover in Gnosis, on this episode of the Architects of Destiny Podcast
Stasis is a Precursor To Death
The idea of Balance has become badly distorted by New Age Culture. It posits that our aim should be to get our life into a static state. “If we have no drama, no change, and then we will have inner peace”?
This allows an unattainable goal to take root, seeding threads of perfectionism deep within our psyche.
Stasis is a precursor to death in any system that is meant to evolve.
The Universal Truth is that all things are constantly in flux. It is through navigating the dynamic tension inherent in the Universe, engaging chaos, continuing to find “balance” as we navigate rocky terrain is the “balance” of universal law.
It’s “Balance in Motion”
Mapping Polarity, and then shifting as the edges shift.
Cultivating the skills (through our chart) to meet both small and seismic shifts is the real “path to inner peace”.

How Gnosis Works
What you will get…
As Venus and the Moon govern the female body, we will move to the template of Venus’ Cycle, using it as a Mandala to Focus the work. At the end of our time together, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how to sync with the Venus Cycle as a tool of Feminine embodiment.
High level spiritual teachings that help you do the work of self liberation.
A thorough exploration of your medicine path, and what your soul is here to offer the planet at this time.
Learn how to embody the astrology, & archetypes, feeling the dominant energies in your body, and how to decode them.
Practices, meditations, and ceremonial offerings. Participants will have the voluntary opportunity to contribute in this area as a tool for your own leadership development.
Each person receives a one on one natal chart reading with Damascena at the beginning of our time together to explore your inner planetary matrix. Along with consistent coaching throughout specific to your natal chart.
We then meet once a month for a group coaching call.
In addition, you will receive two transmissions a month from Damascena. The first is centered around “how” she is decoding the Collective Archetypal Matrix. And the second on one of the topics listed above.
In a lively private group container, there will be weekly prompts for learning astrology and the archetypes so that you can become proficient in tracking the collective energies to later integrate into your own medicine path offerings. Optional daily prompts. And at various times Damascena will pop in with video content on the archetypes, astrology & what she is tracking in the collective.
Over the course of our time together you will have an opportunity for personal sessions with Damascena to help you narrow down and refine your Medicine Path and the gifts you are here to offer the world.
Depending on the size of the group, Damascena will bring in special guest speakers, from the world of Embodiment, Priestessing, Ceremony, Divination, Reading Symbols, Mythology, Psychology, Developing Psychic Sense, and Special Astrology Seminars for advanced techniques, etc.
What is expected of you…
While this is a high level transformative container, beginners in both the personal development space, and astrology community are welcome.
You are required to sign a contract and keep all agreements therein prior to the beginning of our work together.
You are expected to be an emotionally mature adult, able to take full responsibility for your experience.
The magic of Archetypes & Astrology is the way they help us to deconstruct patterns and limiting beliefs that live inside both the mind and the body. You will get the most out of your membership by engaging in this part of the work.
*This is not a trauma informed space. Damascena is not a mental health practitioner. Though she does have a decades long history of working with clients and supporting them on their journey of self discovery.
*To participate you will be expected to resource yourself when difficult emotions arise. While a layer of support is provided in the group, the applicant should be aware of the professional limitations of the space. This is for personal exploration & development, not for dealing with complex trauma. While healing and trauma resolution are possible through this work, it is not the express purpose.
*Damascena’s coaching style is to challenge dominant inner narratives, helping you to liberate yourself from the places where your ego has you stuck. We are polishing off the conditioning and domestication that is heaped upon us as we develop, revealing our deepest truth, and essence self. While she always strives to be loving, sometimes the work may feel confronting. If you do not trust yourself to relate to the confronting parts of your journey, you should not apply.
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