Art by Freydon Rassouli
Venus/Mars conjunction at 00° Aquarius at 1:29 am EST
Because Venus and Mars in the Sky are together by longitude, its easy to think this points to a balance of polarity. A opportunity to find harmony, for the Feminine and Masculine to come into Sacred Union.
But we have to remember that balance is always a dynamic tension. And wild swings between the extreme edges are expected.
In Archetypal astrology, we look at how planetary pairs in conjunction blend their archetypes, how they relate to each other, by exchanging energy and information.
With Venus/Mars, this looks like intensity, magnetism, exaggerated passions, deep desire that is sometimes ungrounded. The interplay of love and anger. Wild swings between yin and yang.
In our personal lives, this can be a phenomenal combination. Giving just the right boost of motivation to bring a heart centered project to life. A strong urge to couple, dynamic sex drive, lust, attraction. Eros pumping through our system clearing out stagnancy.
On the flip side, jealousy, possessiveness, disharmony, the perverse enjoyment of conflict. Sharpness and cruelty. The desire to smoother, or snuff out, from uncontrollable lust or passion.
Venus and Mars together point to what it really is to be human. To be in the world, in our bodies. To be feeling vessel. Alive, vital, potent, receptive. All of the things.
So what does it mean that it’s sitting at the evolutionary point of the Saturn/Jupiter Great Conjunction at 00° Aquarius?
Aquarius is the future leaning sign of the humanitarian. Ruled by both Uranus (liberation, individuation, energy, nervous system) and Saturn (structure, conservation, control, construction) we are asked to both revolutionize AND build the required foundation to hold the areas in which we have evolved.
With Venus and Mars here, this is what I see for us as humans from that ever important perspective. How are we being asked to evolve?
Now is the time to begin the work of mapping the extremes of our own system. Become an expert at feeling the edges with our energetic tentacles. Fine tune our aperture.
We will see the best and worst of humanity, and have an opportunity to get crystal clear on what our values are. And where we are needed if our vision extends that far.
But it’s not just that we will see the “why”, or the “where” of what we are being called too, but we will also be asked to refine the “how”.
What energy does the world need? Is it a sense of grounded strength? Come with that. Is a sense of fierce love? Show up in that.
We are called to attune to this question. “How” am I being asked to serve?
In what energetic capacity, along the tension wire of yin and yang am I embodying?
Am I being asked to lead? Or is it time for me to receive? Time for me to follow?
Becoming mutable, adaptable, in the frequency we show up in, and in what archetypes we inhabit, is the evolutionary challenge.
Allowing the Divine Play to live through us. Coming together, and falling away. Evolution, and involution. The Universe making love inside us. Planting seeds. Birthing new possibilities. While the old decays. All in dynamic flow.
Remaining, supple, unfixed, able to expand or contract our range at will.
Sounds easy enough in theory, but this takes immense practice. It requires we take on the work of healing our nervous system. Staying aware of our personal “aperture”, if you will.
It is only when we tap in deeply to the interplay between the field, and what the field is asking of us, that Sacred Union is even possible. And I think we are a ways off from that on a collective level. But we can always begin the work of attunement in our own lives.