Capricorn Full Moon, Masks No Longer Useful

Art By Aimee Stewart

Art By Aimee Stewart

Exploring The Polarity

The Polarity at play with Cancer and Capricorn is “The Vulnerable Feminine”, vs. “The Armored Feminine”. The implication is not that either frequency is right or good. Rather we are being given an invitation. We cannot live life so open, that we have no boundaries or edges. And we cannot be so armored that we aren’t able to savor the sweetness available to an open system. So the prescription this month is to explore where we fall across the spectrum and make adjustments accordingly. I am a Capricorn Rising, so resting into openness and vulnerability is always more challenging for me.

Astrological Transmission

The Full Moon this month Occurs on June 24th 2:28 pm est. at 3 degrees Capricorn across from the Sun at 3 degrees Cancer. This Full Moon is inviting us to look closely at the masks we wear. The old model states that we wear our masks out into the world, and can take them off at home. Is this true for you? We are being asked to explore whether or not our home life supports us to fully open so we can devote our whole measure to what we are in service to in this lifetime. It wants us to tap the frequency of our deepest truth, and then share it with the world. Ideally this would be so aligned, there is never a need to put our masks back on. To aid us in this task the structure of Saturn/Capricorn wants to be brought into the home so that it can anchor and hold more for you. If you have become too rigid at work, or are feeling any kind of burn out, the Moon is here to assist you in softening. In remembering her mystery school teachings. The tide flows in and out each day. No amount of force from us will change what the ocean does. Bring in an energetic ebb and flow. Take care of your system first. Open. Then the tap will turn back on. 

This Full Moon has the ability to trap us in a state of reverie. Where we nostalgically look upon the past, longing to go back to better times. The challenge is to keep one foot firmly planted in the here and now. So that we are prepared to do the big work that is calling us forward. The dress rehearsal is over. We are being asked now to take greater and greater responsibility for ourselves and our lives. If we want love, we must feel that now. If we want peace, we must be responsible to feel our own peace now. Hiding behind our masks just won’t do for us what it used to. 

The Sun at 2 degrees Cancer trines Jupiter at 2 degrees Pisces. Jupiter wants to expand everything it touches. He is reminding us that everything we want in life is in direct proportion to how much we can open and hold. If you want a big life, you have to open all the way. We can’t call in anything really big, really worth having from a small and contracted space… The old saying by Alex Haley goes, “you can’t put anything in closed fists, you must open your palm in order to receive”. The same energetic principle applies in the universe and our ability to manifest our dreams.

On June 11th, Mars, God of Sex, and Sovereignty, moved into Leo and will remain here for the entire month. Leo is a sign that delights in the experience of being a creator as an end to itself. They are playful, and like to experiment, making it up as they go. And they can do that because they are strongly connected to gut level instinct. They empower others through their radiance, and see through to the quality of soul in all people. As a fire sign Mars here has the ability to burn away antiquated storylines around desire, and pleasure as gateways to creativity. In Leo he has the energetic imprint of a firecracker. So be extra mindful of your triggers this month. If something cracks off, it would be wise to consider whether or not your system is running hot, and you may have played a part in the upset.

Art By Aaron Miller

Art By Aaron Miller

June 14th Saturn at 13 degrees Aquarius squared Uranus at 13 degrees Taurus. This transit is really in effect all year, but will be especially potent for the next few weeks.  Saturn/ Uranus is all about evolution. In fact, because this transit happens three times this year, it makes all of 2021 an evolutionary turning point. Saturn/Uranus is the embodiment of “the old” vs “the new”. Saturn wants to conserve the old way of being, while Uranus wants to push through a revolution of liberation and change. Together they are working to create that change at a pace that is sustainable. Which for me, I am happy about. Aside from the environment, which needs immediate action, evolution that happens too fast can be extremely jarring to the energetic body. So the push/pull they are creating, is actually going to serve us in the long run, however uncomfortable it may feel in the immediate. 

Venus at 23 Cancer makes a trine to Neptune at 23 Pisces on the 21st of June. This is going to be a great place to notice what we authentically long for. The longing Venus creates is a kind of tension. She provides a longing that is never quite attainable. It’s a longing that leads us right into the heart of our desire. If we attain the thing we are craving, another longing comes in to fill that space. Paradoxically, authenticity and illusion both spring from this well. So it’s important to use our feeling navigation to sense which edge we are on. This transit will really provide ample space for us to drop into all of this tension by offering the medicine of dream discovery. For instance if we LONG for a better relationship with our mother, or for a partner to come in, this is an invitation to drop into the dream world and clear any incoherence in the desire.  

On June 23rd Venus at 26 degrees Cancer makes an opposition to Pluto at 26 Capricorn. Oppositions highlight the way these two energies relate. How they feed one another when they are both vying to be fully self-expressed. Pluto wants to dig deep underground. To go through a process of catharsis by unearthing underworld material, while Venus wants to Sense, Feel, Touch, and Be. Together the invitation is to feel through ALL THE WAY anything that Pluto may be excavating. Feel the uncomfortability, or the pleasure you deem inappropriate. Ride the wave to completion. Whatever you do, don’t cut the feelings that arise short from their full expression. There is a huge opportunity that awaits those who stay the course. 

Mercury has been retrograde in his own sign of Gemini this month. With his trickster energy spun inside out, he rampaged through our lives, upending anything that wasn’t firmly tied to the cross of our soul. He tied our tongues, got hokey with our technology, and bent time when we thought we had a solid plan. On June 23rd he finally stations direct at 16 degrees Gemini. He will now retrace the sky again for a third and final time, hopefully giving us an opportunity to take another look at what went down the Rabbit Hole. We will want to pay special attention to recalibrating our nervous system by slowing all the way down. Reestablishing our connection to the Divine. Take time to identify and integrate any fragments of fear and anxiety that have come up around society reopening. Mercury is the only planet in our pantheon considered to be a psychopomp. When he turns retrograde, and dips below the horizon, it is said he is visiting the otherworld. Gathering messages to be delivered at another time, from the other side. Stay tuned into what subtle energy is shifting, or news is coming in that feels quite surreal. That may be a gift from our Winged Friend Hermes. 

Metaphysical Properties

On June 20th The Sun Culminated at its highest point on the cycle of the year at Summer Solstice. The Sun is a masculine principle and as it’s ascension journey is over, we make way for the return of The Feminine Principle, and the descent into the body.  The structure of time we are in isn’t really a wheel, it’s a torus. If we mapped the structure we’d be at its northern most tip.

From a Metaphysical Standpoint, Cancer is the sign of birth into the physical form. The Sun moves into Cancer at the Summer Solstice on June 20th. For the next several months until winter solstice we work with the energies of involution. Down and into the body, into the earth. While the light simultaneously wanes from the day we get to explore together what it is to be a fully embodied human. Universal Law is always working with two energies. Two spirals that create a vortex. One spiraling up from the south, (center of earth) and one spiraling down from the north, (the heavens). Simultaneously as earth is in it's Descent Pattern, we have the Venus Cycle in an Ascent Pattern, or an up and out evolution phase. This means the Energetic spin of Earth, and Venus’ Energetics, are creating a kind of etheric vortex. To my mind is a huge cosmic assist because it supports us in working to stabilize our systems after the intense mind, body, soul, initiation we all experienced collectively in 2020. (for more on working with the Venus Cycle, visit this link)

Full Moon In Capricorn

Full Moon In Capricorn

Damascena Tanis

Damascena is an Archetypal Astrologer, Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner, and The Facilitator of the Transformative Journey through the Mandala of Venus’ Wisdom, called “Sky Dancer”.

She is a passionate devotee of the ever unfolding mystery. As an expert observer, a trait she developed as an only child, she regards herself as both a student of life, and decoder of the cosmos.

Skilled at recognizing invisible patterns, and picking up on subtle shifts in the collective, she gets a thrill from uncovering and revealing the hidden threads that are woven together to create our paradigm.

Her passion for this existential detective work aligns well with her unique approach to one on one client work, as she helps others to discover the building blocks of their archetypal blueprint, and mythic overtones. She does not believe that astrology is static, and therefore works with clients to develop strategies and practices that allow them to transcend challenging aspects of their natal chart.

She lives on the Shores of Lake Erie with her husband, four kids, and Cat, Oscar (the grouch).

These days, when she isn’t interpreting a natal chart, or translating the stars for her astrology blog, you can find her engaging in one of her favorite pandemic pastimes, unraveling her inner “good girl”, cultivating the ability to thrive in the deep, dark, unknown, or playing her favorite game of identifying fun paradoxes called “two things are true at once”.

Venus Report, Third Chakra Gateway


Venus Report, 2nd Gate of Ascension