Capricorn Full Moon Where Identity meets Maturity
Johfra Bosschart
The Capricorn Full Moon
The Full Moon happens July 3rd 2023 at 7:39 am at 11 Degrees Capricorn.
The sign of Capricorn is all about growing up, maturing, and building our legacy.
It rules closed systems, ie governments, hierarchies, corporations etc. And it points to acculturation, conformity, and preserving tradition.
Ruled by Saturn, planet of responsibility, duty, conservation, and the refinement that comes through discipline, this Full Moon is asking us to wake up to the places we’ve been out of right relationship with these themes. It is my Rising Sign, and chart ruler, so I happen to have a deep relationship to this sign, and love her greater mysteries.
In addition to the listed themes, Capricorn also has a highly mystical side that I've written about in the past. Unfortunately I don't cover the more esoteric meaning of Capricorn here. Though the Art offering by Bosschart offers some illumination.
As the Full Moon falls across the Cancer/Capricorn Axis, it asks us to look at the places we are burrowing into safety and comfort, and negating our calling to venture out into the world and quite literally “build our life’.
Where has the process of maturation stalled? Where are we stuck in adolescence, or inner child dynamics? Conversely, where are we in over-responsibility, lacking trust, and not allowing things to play out to their organic conclusions.
Squaring the Cancer/Capricorn Axis, are Aries and Libra, the signs of self and other. Me & my relationships.
Aries is keenly related to the identity, and the idea of being ensouled with the Divine Spark, along with inner authority, sovereignty, and freedom. This Full Moon is in a wide square to Chiron at 19 degrees Aries. In the Full Moon Transmission, I discuss the idea of identity, and the current wounding we find ourselves in the midst of as a collective.
Given that there is no Air, and no Mutable energy represented in the New Moon chart, I believe the energy will be hot, emotional, and perhaps a bit sticky. As Water, Earth, and Fire are all well represented.
*While I’d love for you to tune into the frequency of this Full Moon transmission, given that it discusses identity, it requires that we come to it as an adult. That we can be with nuanced conversations on gender and identity. If that is something you struggle with, or if you feel passionately about one side of the conversation, and have a hard time being with a more meta outlook, it may be best to sit this video transmission out. To be clear, I do not take the prevailing liberal, nor conservative, viewpoint on these issues Just as I approach everything else, I take the evolutionary, spiritual perspective.
Because July is such a big astrological month, I've created a running page of transmissions. Find the link in the comments.
Hope you enjoy.