Debunking a Virgo Myth
*Art: one of my favorite symbolic representations of Libra. Found on Gnosis Online
I want to debunk a Virgo myth.
It’s often said that Virgo’s are the perfectionists of the zodiac.
And while Virgo’s can indeed be very exacting, precise, and particular.
I don’t think this is the sign that most relates to internal patterns of purity & perfection.
While, perfectionism is a shadow we are all capable of having, because we are all born with a full zodiac chart. My gnosis says that Libra is the place to really unwind the patterns of shame that can arise from internal perfectionism.
Let me explain….
Libra is ruled by Venus as The Evening Star. In this emanation Venus embodies the qualities of Transcendence. She is the Queen of Heaven.
Venus, whether Morning or Evening star, always points to our values. In Taurus, she rules over our personal Values, “what is meaningful to me”?. In Libra, she points to the values we hold in relation to the wider world. “What is my role and what are my values in relation to the collective?” (this is often seeded in our ideas around the inherent questions, “what is a just and beautiful world?”)
Saturn, a highly mystical planet, King of Karma, is exalted in Libra. Asking us to look at how our values, and their application, are in service or detriment to our ability to transcend our bodies at the end of our lives.
This is the home of Maat. Cosmic order. And the weighing of the heart against the feather. Have we lived in alignment with the Values of the High Heart, to be granted admission to the next world?
All of this energy, and focus on balancing, weighing, and harmonizing. Getting to a state of neutrality, or equanimity, can funnel us into a kind of purity mindset.
This orientation that says “If we don’t get it right, there might be some kind of karmic backlash”. So we internalize the belief that if we stay strictly on the path of transcendence, that’s our safest bet.
But this isn’t exactly real or true. It’s more a function of the paradigm we live in.
As we approach another turning of this cycle, as we shift from a Star Point that would normally fall in Scorpio, to one that will now take place in Libra, what does this all mean?
I am going to focus a great deal on frustrating ideas of purity and transcendence over the next several weeks. And lean into what “perfection” really means.
This is one of the most mystical areas of the chart, and the Venus Star Point shifting into Libra, is a huge turning point for the evolution of humanity.
But we don’t want to get stuck in the shadows here.
To get a short primer, before diving into the deeper content, and living workshop we are entering into. Join the private portal on my website.
There are two specific resources around this great shift.
The first is the Interview I did with Jaime Lee, called, Bridging Sky and Earth. Find it under the tab of this same name.
And the second is the overview of the Entire Capricorn Star Point Cycle, which is under that same tab. In addition, you’ll find the Libra Star Point Embodiment Practices and Playlist there.
Not to worry if you don’t understand the Venus Cycle. All of the information you need to understand the template of the Venus Cycle, and orient yourself towards her mysteries is also housed in the portal. Begin with the section entitled, Getting Started with the Codex of Venus….
I look forward to diving deeper into this content with you over the next few months, as Venus Guides us into the Underworld.
This is an invitation to orient ourselves to the journey.
Link to sign up for the portal below on the footer of the website. Be sure to whitelist Red Moon Revival. If you don’t immediately see your welcome email, check your promotions, or spam folders.