Hall of Mirrors…. Jupiter Saturn Conjunction
On December 21st, the Winter Solstice, Jupiter and Saturn meet in the sky at 00 Aquarius for their Grand Conjunction. As I feel into the hall of mirrors gateway that we are in with Jupiter and Saturn, I am struck with the sense that the opening of this portal doesn’t happen in a single day. We must walk through a tunnel of our projections, attachments, distorted perceptions and beliefs, experiencing the imbalances of the previous cycle. Feel where we have expanded and contracted in order to ascend the next loop of the evolutionary spiral. There is first a period of initiation. What an exciting time to be alive. As we cross the threshold into a new era of social and internal change, in order to experience new levels of expansion, we need to examine where we are still attached to outdated, outmoded, reality constructs. Where are we clinging to old structures, old belief systems, old ways of understanding the world? In short, it’s time to discard the cardboard 3-D viewing glasses. Trade them in for something more full bodied, a kind of dolphin sonar that allows us to use our feeling senses to navigate reality. To attune to the cellular level information field that vibrates all around us. To resonate with the qualities of air. Some transits can only be understood in hindsight, and it’s helpful to understand where we’ve been to understand where we are going.
Jupiter and Saturn, like all universal planetary pairs, hold within them sophisticated secrets in their unique synodic period. Happening in roughly 200 year cycles they move through each triplicity to conjoin every 20 years creating a spiral of societal revolution. The last 200 year cycle happened in Earth Signs. So what can we ascertain from looking at the larger 200 year cycle, the Earth Element, and the sacred number three, as in triplicity? To begin with, “The Quadrivium”, part of the Wooden Book Series on the secrets of the universe, tells us that the number 3 bridges both heaven and earth. That it relates opposites, and synthesizes a return to unity. Both the number 3 and the sign of Earth relate to 3D material reality. What material reality has been catalyzed through these last 200 years? We had the industrial revolution, a boom in textiles, in war equipment, in transportation vehicles, in architecture, and building giant castles to reach the clouds. You can probably think of many examples that fit here. Likewise, we see an increase in escapism tendencies, in people who believe that if they were just free of the mundane material experiences of life like having to work, pay bills, and take care of loved ones, then they could be happy. They would devote time and energy into polishing their soul. But please understand that all of these processes are a necessary part of the human’s evolution up to this point. It was designed this way. In this past cycle, we have been instructed to learn through the law of three. Duality, polarity, oneness. Conflict, integration. That’s why we experience reality in 3D form. Because you can’t manifest material form in a different dimension. We must work with our lessons in the here and now, however they show up.
Jupiter and Saturn mutation (change of element) conjunctions mark a new level in the matrix. We expand beyond the previous cycle with the help of Jupiterian energies. He helps us idealize a better world, he is the philosopher king, the creator, editor, and publisher of new laws, and dramatic new epochs. He infuses religion and spirituality with new ideas, and helps us contextualize new planes of reality. And when this expansion threatens to throw us out of balance, Saturn comes in with his scythe and rings to reign us back in. To remind us that we are not the immortal like the gods, and we are not in control. All things have a predetermined cycle of time and limitation, beginning and ending, that in fact that he is the Lord of Karma. Nature balances all things, and sometimes nature is cruel. About a month ago, I wrote about the mythology of Jupiter, who represents Free Will and unbounded spirit, and Saturn, keeper of time, Master of Fate. If you’d like to deepen with that, click here.
When Jupiter and Saturn get very close in the sky, a mighty dual ensues, the energies of fate and free will converge, and humans can readily perceive this in ways they can’t at other times in the cycle. The waves of expansion and contraction are compressed, and we feel tossed about more overtly, the time in between crest and valley shortens. So while we have access to higher levels of awareness, it takes finding a still point in the eye of the storm to truly attune to them. If we allow ourselves to be caught in the chaos, we miss surfing the great evolutionary waves and wind up just trying to stay afloat, treading water. This year’s conjunction happens on the Winter Solstice. Humanity may be tuned into this Star of Bethlehem frequency like no other time in history, marked in ceremony across Gaia.
All of this churning, all of this change, feeling compelled to uplevel, cosmically pushed to shed our skin, can cause a flood of tremendous grief as we keep letting go of the reality of “before” and step into the reality of “next”. Can you feel the transitory gateway? It began earlier this year. In what felt like an instant, when Saturn conjoined Pluto, in Capricorn, on January 12th. We were asked to sever our attachments to the hamster wheel, to our creature comforts, to the rat race construct, and quickly adapt to a new internal, constricted, restricted world. We were asked to put on masks, rather than remove them. It felt like the spine of society was failing, structures were crumbling, our safety net had perished. There was so much pain as we clung to the hope that soon a lifeboat would drift by to pull us from the icy unknown.
Capricorn represents government, and the structure of reality, it is the house of success, discipline, inheritance, and legacy building. Along with Saturn and Pluto, Jupiter has been traveling through Capricorn as well, but is debilitated in this sign. There is too much rigidity to fully stretch himself. We intuitively felt this when our ideals just couldn’t get any traction. And society tribally split along ideological lines. Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter, traversed across this ancestral boneyard, acting as gravediggers, excavating long buried pain, fear, shame, guilt, injustice, crime, corruption, and inhuman violation. Brought it all to the fore, forcing us to face it. There is so much grief to be felt even when we let go of toxicity, even in a purge. We must not skip over the funerary rites of these dry bones. Martin Prechtel says “We live in a kind of dark age, craftily lit with synthetic light, so no one can tell how dark it has really gotten. But our exiled spirits can tell. Deep in our bones resides an ancient singing couple who won’t give up making their beautiful, wild noise. The world won’t end if we can find them”. Jupiter and Saturn moving into the lighter, more spacious, futuristic sign of Aquarius, will help us find a song of rejuvenation and renewal.
So now the peristalsis begins. The upward, downward, spiral present in Hermes Caduceus and in the staff of Asclepius (Ophiuchus), father of Medicine. Asclepius, student of Chiron, and son of none other than “Coronis”, is known as the greatest healer of all time. He rules the galactic center, an area of sky we are traversing between the total solar eclipse on the 14th and the grand conjunction. It’s an interesting additional layer to stop and ponder the symbolic nature of Ophiuchus, the “13th sign”, in the lead up to this Father-Son reunion. The galactic center is a giant black hole in the center of our galaxy. We cross it just before the winter solstice, on the darkest days of the year, the time in which at high noon, our shadow is the longest. Chiron would have taught Ascelpius not only herbology, but that true healing is in unplugging from the vibration of fear and tuning into frequency of adoration of all sentient beings, and a devotion to ones path, whatever the cycles of life might bring. That each life holds the pearl of the hero’s journey, if we choose that lens from which to view things. After leaving Chiron’s cave, Asclepius went on to be a healer of wounded, traumatized soldiers. He brought them into his ancient dream healing temples, and in ceremony his patients drank ergot, and were put to sleep to encounter the chthonic depths of their being. Reminiscent of the ancient/resurrected psychedelic healing sessions where a psychoactive substance is administered by sitters, acting as midwives of transformation and wholeness. Could this Jupiter/ Saturn cycle open a new era of healing and expanded consciousness in the wider collective? Legalizing these substances in several US states this past election cycle is a good sign. It’s an exciting area of study.
Furthering the inquiry of the symbolic nature of the 13th sign, could it be that we are resurrecting the veiled Goddess, so that she can take her seat beside the solar masculine? The number 13 represents the spiral. It is a circle (12) plus an additional step. It is the number of the Goddess. There are 13 moons in a year. For thousands of years mankind worshipped the Goddess. In 3000 BC, we see that historical artifacts began to change and man was now beginning to revere the great solar gods which heralded the birth of the patriarchy, and monotheistic Abrahamic religion. Perhaps this is the dawning of a period of balance? Where both the energetics of yin and yang are equally recognized when forging new pathways. Recognizing the law of opposites is an essential part of evolution. That both the one, and the many, as found in the arrow, and it’s feathered backend, are equally important to hitting the bullseye. That the highest level of power and sovereignty is achieved when we integrate polarity rather than push it to one extreme or another. That the toroidal nature of reality is present in all things.
We got news this week that yet another government official came forward to tell us that “yes, we have made contact with alien life”. This time it was a retired Isreali General in their space program. He then said that Aliens have not made official contact with the general public because they feel earth needs to get its act together before the “Galactic Federation” can work with us. I don’t know what I believe, in the past I’ve always dismissed these stories, but disclosure is happening more and more lately. So that really got the wheels spinning, and I got playful with trying on this question “if this is true, what is it about the current state of humanity that is turning them off”? Is it the lack of respect for our planet? Is it our glorification of violence? The seeming endless wars? The fact that we have billionaires but also hundreds of thousands of starving people? The thing I keep coming back too isn’t all of the horrors but rather our complacency in finding solutions to them.
The idea that there is a Galactic Federation, alien life visiting us, who is working for the good of humanity is the quintessence of a new cycle opening in at 00 degrees of Aquarius. Air represents mind and thought, knowledge and information, and unhindered movement. Aquarius represents the collective, future innovation and invention, technology, the underclasses, and is the humanitarian of the zodiac. This new epoch will likely bring massive shifts in thought, belief, location, and consciousness. I foresee more of us understanding the holographic nature of the universe. In which the implicate and explicate order of creation contains every piece of information of the whole at every point. And that we are all fractals within the hologram. That is exactly what the grand mutation of earth into air is saying to me. That your perception of reality is just as important as mine, and every fractal of perception is contributing to the wholeness of our current reality. Just as every cell in the body is working together to make our individual machine function. A universe within a universe. This concept has been with us through ancient times, and is still present in some shamanic cultures. Only now both science, and the wider public are remembering this universal truth.
“Far away in the heavenly abode of the great god Indra, there is a wonderful net which has been hung by some cunning artificer in such a manner that it stretches out indefinitely in all directions. In accordance with the extravagant tastes of deities, the artificer has hung a single glittering jewel at the net’s every node, and since the net itself is infinite in dimension, the jewels are infinite in number. There hang the jewels, glittering like stars of the first magnitude, a wonderful sight to behold. If we now arbitrarily select one of these jewels for inspection and look closely at it, we will discover that in its polished surface there are reflected all the other jewels in the net, infinite in number. Not only that, but each of the jewels reflected in this one jewel is also reflecting all the other jewels, so that the process of reflection is infinite. It symbolizes a cosmos in which there is an infinitely repeated interrelationship among all the members of the cosmos. This relationship is said to be one of simultaneous mutual identity and mututal intercausality.”
~ Francis H. Cook, Hua-yen Buddhism: The Jewel Net of Indra
Naturally when we arrive here, these invoke thoughts of of non-duality and the singularity, which is quite Aquarian. In the video I posted last week I spoke about needing to have awareness of the shadow side of these qualities and how they can impact the wider culture.
KrystlEyez 2009
Throughout the last cycle in Earth, scientists separated everything. In something known as the Cartisan split. Wherein the philosopher DeCarte proposed to a widely accepting public, dualism, that mind, and body, are separate. And in that same vein, people were thought to be separate from God. They believed that the universe was random and chaotic. Nothing is connected, or interdependent. Understanding and indeed even experiencing non duality is an important part of maturation, but it’s important to not to negate our freedom and individuation. I like the idea of humans being part of an interference pattern, or quantum entanglement. We will see that this Aquarian conjunction is going to awaken more and more people to the interdependence of all processes. From the fabric of spacetime, to our local networks of satellites and internet, to the mycelium network below ground, to the networks within each individual human body. We are embedded in an intricate web of scales and octaves. Like the sign waves in the Aquarian glyph, that are moving in different directions. We will see and feel connections across the morphic field. When we really understand this, it has deep implications.
This last cycle was gravitationally dense. Moving into air, using the substance of spacetime, we can begin to play in an elevated, lighter field, not contained by the same forces of density. Futuristic and innovative ideological, and cultural, changes are about to revolutionize human consciousness. Aided by new technologies we will again begin to explore these wild frontiers. Pushing the limits, these will transform our world from one which is fear-based into one which shares a love of knowledge and integrative meaning. We will move our locust from an “I” based conception of reality to a “we” based, inclusive reality construct. It’s not just going to be an opportunity to find answers to some of our current challenges, but also to find new questions. New things to wonder about and new curiosities. Perhaps we will be brought into the fold of our Galactic Family because we finally entered a paradigm of peace and prosperity for all. One can dream. Be sure to make your intentions and speak them out loud. This is a powerful transitory gateway. The solstice and Jupiter and Saturn meeting together on this High Holy Day is not a coincidence. It’s our opportunity to lay the foundation of the future our children will one day live into. Blessings to all. Happy Solstice. -Mea