Oracle Moon
Today’s full Moon in Virgo has a lot of Polar Resonances that need to negotiated. Polar resonances are seeming opposites, that invite us to weave new stories together with what appears to in conflict.
For instance Full Moons are usually a punched up, illuminating energy. That tend to make us more energized and active.
The Full Moon takes place at 5 Degrees Virgo, directly across from the Sun at Five degrees Pisces. The Sun is making two conjunctions, one to Mercury, and the other is to Saturn.
When Mercury is “combust” the Sun, it means that Mercury is invisible. He is being consumed by the suns rays.
Mercury is mind, and can indicate the quality and clarity of how we think. Pisces is already a challenging place for Mercury to be because of its relationship to the illusory and imaginative. Pisces is so deep, so undifferentiated, it can be hard to gain traction here. We might say this is a debilitated Mercury…
However, the Planet Mercury rules this Full Moon, pumping up this function of “Mind in a dreamy, undifferentiated, liminal realm”.
Here is where we see this opposition.. we would think of the ruler of the Full Moon in a Noble position. But instead, he’s in Fall.
The way I’d recommend working with this Full Moon transit is in the tradition of the veiled priestess.
Given we are in the Sacral Chakra of Venus’ journey, let’s use the veiled priestess as a metaphor.
In ancient times, when the priestess wanted to tune into her inner Oracle, often during her bleeding time, she would wear a veil over her head. “Blinding her” and turning her sight from outside, to inside.
With Saturn involved here, we are getting a cosmic assist. Saturn can “still” the waters of Pisces. From a spiritual perspective, Saturn rules the art of contemplation.
The Full Moon seems to want to illuminate something on the inner plane. She asks us to become contemplatives.
Contemplatives will hone in one small detail (Virgo) and magnify it. Turn it inside out, and hold it as an inquiry.
What interests me is that the Full Moon squares Pallas Athena, the Daughter of the Patriarchy, in boisterous Sagittarius. Indicating we may have to fight our impulse towards outward battling, donning our armor, and participating in debate in the “town square”…. Which is the opposite of quiet contemplation.
The Full Moon in Virgo, trines Jupiter, our zodiac’s philosopher… the one searching for higher truths. This Full Moon is asking us to find those higher truths within, versus in the external world.
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