From one event horizon to another… Gemini Full Moon Eclipse


Eclipses have long been the subject of much fantastical lore. Each society, and culture, across time, has interpreted eclipses in a slightly different way. However, there is one common thread among; Eclipses are eerie harbingers of unfavorable events. In fact, it is only in modern western culture, that we run to the store, buy our eclipse viewing tools, and eagerly await the moment of the event, to cast our eyes upwards, and view the light being blotted from the sky. Perhaps that is because, as a society, we suffer with collective amnesia. Obsessed with new things, proclaiming that building the future has more value than keeping the old ways alive. Not remembering that time isn’t linear, eclipses remind us that the end is the beginning and we are definitely not in control.

The ancients made a point of NOT celebrating or ritualizing the day. They would cover their water and food, and take shelter when the lights extinguished. This isn’t to say that I believe eclipses are harbingers of evil, but rather, they are trumpeting, an often radical, change. In modern day, we have the ability to adapt to sudden changes due to advances in technology. We can store food, and have emergency plans for extreme weather. The dawning of psychological study has allowed us to understand that even when we are spewing forward the contents of our unconscious, as a result of sudden changes, there is an opportunity for soul growth. The shadow is a gift. That doesn’t mean I don’t heed the ancient’s wisdom, and honor that eclipses are energy moving across lifetimes, and I’m not sure I want to get swept into the tide. Instead I gather the edges of my magical carpet and hang on tightly for the ride, skimming the surface of eternity, from one event horizon to another. Because, to be sure, an eclipse does open a celestial portal. The debris of fate enters and exits through this hole.

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This Penumbral Lunar Eclipse at 8 degrees Gemini happens almost twelve degrees off of the north node. The north node, or in Hindu mythology, Rahu, is the head of a disembodied dragon, eternally chasing his severed tail. He personifies insatiability, and unquenchable hunger. When activated it can feel a lot like we are taking in experiences and thoughts that we can’t fully digest, and the previous rules and regulations we were accustomed to are meant for breaking if the object of our desire is at stake. Rahu, divorced from our ancestral twine, is really tied up with our ego and identity, even if our identity is to be a good, faithful, and kind person. Developing a healthy ego is important work, and a necessary part of our evolution. Yet sometimes our practice gets shallow and instead of deepening into authenticity, warts and all, we get tied up with appearances, and acquiring more stuff, more knowledge, more training and more things. A Gemini, north node eclipse is an invitation to balance your solar cross, and fully embody all parts of yourself. When air signs rule the day, we tend to live in our mental body, without being able to tap the wisdom of our intuition. Ruled by Mercury, Gemini governs the lower mind, practical knowledge, media, and communication. Feeling scattered, anxious, and antsy is common during this period. It’s as if we have an antennae taking in several different stations at once. We don’t know which one to give our attention to. Conversely, as Mercury is able to travel beyond the veils, it gives us the opportunity to receive messages from spirit. So be sure to honor what does come through, perhaps with a journaling practice, which can help curb anxiety, by getting all of the mental chatter out of our minds, and down on paper. Then you can discern what messages were just static from those meant for you. Additionally, we may find ourselves straddled across choice points. Confused, or unclear about the path forward. The key is to take the focus off of the multitude of mundane events vying for your attention, and go inward, focusing on what brings you joy, happiness, and peace. It is essential if confronted with a choice on the 3-D level, you take some time to feel grounded into your body, to digest as much as possible, feel into your answer before moving forward; and if at all possible, avoid making that choice until the full moon portal closes.

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The full moon eclipse is being squared by a Neptune which just turned direct. Neptune has the ability to dissolve rough edges, and places we are feeling the overstimulation of the mental body. It reminds us to trust and surrender, with presence, and intention, is how we release the lower frequency DNA traumas and deep seated fears, that are poisoning the well, so to speak. We have the opportunity to repattern these traumas now, by tuning into the deeper frequency of love. Neptune is a wonderful ally to expand self love, sink into your spiritual practice, and to commune with the divine. The shadow side of this Neptune square is it is so diffuse it can leave us feeling unprotected, and the lines of our boundaries blurred. Take a moment to ground into your sovereignty, before opening your practice. Calmly and firmly reassert boundaries that have become diffuse. And take time to get in clear communication in any area you left in confusion with another. This isn’t a time to wonder if the other understood your intention, or if you understood someone else correctly. These simple to fix misunderstandings, are commonplace under this influence.

Because eclipses are so notable, I wanted to see what Elias Lonsdale had to say in his book “Inside Degrees” about 9 Gemini. (with Chandra Symbols, you round up). Which is aptly fitting.

Wild Flowers Growing around the ruins of a temple. 

“Catching a second wind. Taking a booster rocket from one cycle to another, one lifetime to another, the whole stage in evolution to another. Shot out of a cannon to discover the next great thing, you are wildly attentive to the signs and portents, looking for a way to the future. Coming out of immense soul experience. With flying colors, leaping forth into the new. Enthusiastic, naive, and impressionable. Eager for a thousand universes to come true. You feel that ultimate springtime quality of fresh immediacy and windblown alacrity, just sensing all through the body and soul the possibilities, the openings, what wants to happen next. A destiny -bearer--universal in spirit, and in the right place at the right time for remarkable synchronicities and huge turnarounds.”

This channeled message by Lonsdale brought to mind the Fool Card, number zero, of the Tarot deck. It reminded me how important beginners mind is, to bring fresh eyes, wonder, and a sense of open minded, anything is possible, curiosity when we are attempting to make a new start, or even a quantum leap. How many times have you held yourself back, by being practical and reasonable? What would you do, if you could do anything without being afraid? If you were able to take a fearless step off of the ledge, and land in the midst of your dream?

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The fixed star Aldeberon, being the red eye of the bull of the Taurus constellation, (bulls eye)  and one of our four Royal Stars, currently sits at 8 degrees Gemini. He is really giving this eclipse a dynamic quality as he pours forth the amrita of Royal Initiation, Heiros Gamos, Sacred Marriage, equality, union, enlightenment, empathy for self and other, onto the earth, for us to alchemize and use to further our divine inheritance. Calling for balance in all four corners of the globe. Reminding us of what a blessing it is to give, as well as receive. Beckoning you to meet in his sky palace for the night, here is an opportunity to go into meditation and scribe the messages illuminated by his light codes. Aldeberon in Vedic Astrology,  is also known as The Lunar Mansion of Rohini. Rohini is associated with the milky elixir of immortality, Nectar of the Gods, otherwise known as Soma. Soma in Vedic tradition is also identified with the Moon and with various sacred plants. The Vedic view appears to be that the Milky Way in this region of the sky is heavenly Soma. This ellipse falling directly conjunct Rohini, (Aldeberon)  is considered to be especially auspicious. A provident time to commune with your plant allies. (as this is an eclipse, it is not time to make medicines) To dream your visions awake, and then vision some more. To ask yourself the deep and hard questions, and dance the answers into being, and send them on their way. To go beyond the limits of language, through art and creativity. To heal past wounds without saying a word. Rohini, desires to bestow gifts of beauty, abundance, grace, ojas, and balance down upon earth.  

The signature in the sky at each eclipse point imprints another layer to our personal and collective cosmological instruction of growth and evolution. Eclipse points can be aptly thought of as notches in evolution. The current eclipses take place on the Gemini Sagittarius Nodal Axis, which they entered on May 5th. Think back to what was happening at that time? What was closing in your life, and what was beginning? Did you feel a calling or a pull to something new? What has to be released to bring that calling to fruition? This is the second set of eclipses on this axis point. Giving us an opportunity to further refine what was encoded in May. The nodes spend 18 months in each polarity. It takes roughly 19 years to complete a full cycle. The story of the nodes is like a great Epic. Stories within stories. Divining through the looking glass the universe inside you. As above, so below, as within, so without. Every six months we are gifted with another set of lunar and solar eclipses.  The way I see it, eclipses are like the great rock tumbler, shaking us up, rubbing our edges, polishing us, and calling us ever closer to home. 

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In the spirit of finding inspiration in beginners mind, and holding the edges of your magic carpet while skimming the stars, we created this Gemini Eclipse Portal Playlist in Spotify. If it is wisdom for you, please enjoy

Damascena Tanis

Damascena is an Archetypal Astrologer, Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner, and The Facilitator of the Transformative Journey through the Mandala of Venus’ Wisdom, called “Sky Dancer”.

She is a passionate devotee of the ever unfolding mystery. As an expert observer, a trait she developed as an only child, she regards herself as both a student of life, and decoder of the cosmos.

Skilled at recognizing invisible patterns, and picking up on subtle shifts in the collective, she gets a thrill from uncovering and revealing the hidden threads that are woven together to create our paradigm.

Her passion for this existential detective work aligns well with her unique approach to one on one client work, as she helps others to discover the building blocks of their archetypal blueprint, and mythic overtones. She does not believe that astrology is static, and therefore works with clients to develop strategies and practices that allow them to transcend challenging aspects of their natal chart.

She lives on the Shores of Lake Erie with her husband, four kids, and Cat, Oscar (the grouch).

These days, when she isn’t interpreting a natal chart, or translating the stars for her astrology blog, you can find her engaging in one of her favorite pandemic pastimes, unraveling her inner “good girl”, cultivating the ability to thrive in the deep, dark, unknown, or playing her favorite game of identifying fun paradoxes called “two things are true at once”.

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