Venus at The Solar Plexus Chakra of Ascent
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Tomorrow, February 22nd, the Moon meets with Venus at 2 degrees Aries to create the Solar Plexus Chakra gateway of Ascent.
Both the Solar Plexus Chakra and Aries are ruled by Mars.
The Solar Plexus, as the seat of the self, acts as our inner sun. Our first gate of self or individual consciousness.
Here we are concerned with expressing Divine Will. The Will that emanates forward from the essential self. Not the ego, not our inner children, not our “parts”, but the SELF in connection to the DIVINE SPARK.
Likewise, the sign Aries is connected to the initial divine spark of life. The initial function of bringing revelation to life, in material form.
Venus in Aries is here to remind us to live in the present. To take risks, to be assertive, and brave. To anchor our dreams here on Earth.
Here Venus is less concerned about harmony, and whether or not things are balanced on the collective level, and much more concerned with living out her deepest truth.
In Aries she is primal, and impulsive. Deeply connected to her passionate, intuitive nature.
This energy is a far cry from the unconscious watery realms of Pisces she just left.
Pisces represents the oceanic waters of creation. It’s thought to be the waters through which we travel on the way into this inacarnation, and the place we traverse on our way to reunite with our oversoul after death.
Thus, Pisces can leave us feeling a bit bereft. Like we’ve been dropped in the midst of an ocean without a horizon, or any physical points of anchoring. Because of its abyss like environment, it almost forces us to ignite our faith. To turn to spirit.
Pisces, Venus and, Neptune (who is in the later degrees of Pisces) are all very spacious bodies. Associated with love, openness, and creativity.
A shadow of all three however, is over -spiritualization.
Being overly altruistic. Not able to really see the forest for the trees. A kind of hippy mentality.
When we are operating in the shadow of the Piscean realm, it will render all of our earthly, mundane, 3-D world, experiences, relative, or neutral.
We can lack discernment here.
One of the things I’ve always liked about Judeo-Christian Spirituality is its passion.
IT’s ability to call a spade a spade, to call out right from wrong.
In the shadows of Pisces we loose our will and/or capacity to do this. Always seeing the higher dimension of the thing we are confronted with.
In “Descent Spirituality”, as I’ve begun to call my own body of work with the Feminine, we are called to hold both poles. Spirit AND Human. SPIRIT IN HUMAN. HUMAN IN SPIRIT.
Over the weekend, the Sun ingressed into Pisces and was quickly followed by the Pisces New Moon.
So now we have this creative, imaginative, domain, with its possibility to reach into the unconscious realm of spirit, with The Sun, juxtaposed against this more fiery, vital, Venusian Principle.
A balance of these energies will allow us to get a bit lost in the dimension of dreams, but not pulled so far out to sea we loose sight of our Values, Passions, and Deepest Truth.
This is a beautiful combination with the Sun bringing light and consciousness to the deep yin of liminal Pisces.
While Venus holds the rod of inner sovereignty and self authority in her maiden emanation.
Venus in Aries, at the Solar Plexus, is fresh and revivified from her journey to the Womblike Wonderland of Pisces, and Back. Ready to cut new evolutionary lines on her path to integrate divinity in matter.
#astrology #Pisces #sun #venus #aries #solarplexus #venusgateway