Venus in Capricorn
Art: by Autumn Sky
Over the weekend, Venus moved into Capricorn.
I absolutely love when Venus is touched by The Feminine Home of Saturn.
The simplicity of this energy.
Ecstasy in the lament of Nature’s shedding.
Of baring our bones.
Here Venus asks us to reexamine our values, by anchoring to what is real and true. By serving us with an aversion to excess.
She reminds us that the goal is not to be “good”, but rather to be “grounded”.
Crone medicine.
Crone’s are infamous for their take no prisoners attitude, and are un-concerned with political correctness in their presentation.
Venus in Capricorn helps to reveal the rich wisdom and abundance held in our inner realms.
Crazy wisdom.
There is special kind of self-mastery available here. No muss, no fuss.
This is where Eros meets the Mundane and the two make love.
What is it to gather the storm to us? Rather than embody the storm?
To have a harvest of no-thing?
What is our relationship to the concept of more?
What does it look like to build on our reserves alone?
A kind of inner tantric yoga that calls us to be fully satisfied with just one sip, just one breath, just one taste.
Slowly slowly, deeply deeply.
Oh Ancient One.