Venus Report - Rose Gate of Immersion
This past New Moon on March 13th saw this cycle begin with a conjunction of Moon, Sun, Venus, and Neptune in the deep Piscean waters, providing a corridor of mirrors, oscillating reflections, coming forward for clearing, on our Carnival Cruise down the River of the Du’at. This highly receptive, yin signature, allowed us to bathe in the imaginal dream realm of Neptune, that out of body, out of time experience that often accompanies deep transformation. We have been given an opportunity to sort what is real from what is illusion. To feel connected to the larger story, and to see beyond the veils to what can be refreshed in our own personal narratives.
In the Myth of Inanna, after her Descent as Morning Star, She meets her Sister Ereshikigal in the underworld where we find her in the pangs of giving birth. Naked, and clawing at the ground, writhing in pain. Here at the Immersion Gate, as Venus is coming into her Superior Conjunction, we are asked to surrender our identity. To surrender ALL attachments, to break the patterns that fragment our wholeness in exchange for security, how we identify, and the foundations we believed supported us. At this point in the story, Ereshkigal has just had her sister, Inanna, Goddess of Heaven and Light, hung on a meat hook. Here she stays for three days and three nights, the universal symbol of rebirth and regeneration. In Goddess mythology, the light and the dark goddess are one in the same. Two faces of the same woman. One representing the “Good, nurturing, kind, woman” and one representing the “angry, dark, and vengeful woman”. In his seminal work, “The Light of Venus” Adam Gainsburg calls this period the Transumational Phase.
Here at this seed moment of Spring Equinox, we remember “all life death doth end”, and that birth and death are eternal intimates. In the ouroboros of time, where the head of the snake eats the tail, we regenerate again and again, ad infinitem. It is the grand blessing of the feminine.
Venus Star Point at 5 degrees Aries
The opportunity with the Venus Star Point (Sun Venus Conjunction) at 5 degrees Aries, just days after Spring Equinox, is “integration through initiation”. Aries, holds the keys of the initiator and gives us the courage and motivation to meet life’s challenges with fresh eyes and a hearty spirit. For too long women have been forced to identify with one half or the other, labeled mother or whore. Making decisions based on what the “good half” might do, while abandoning the dark feminine’s instinctual wisdom. In our western society, and across much of the world, we revere the light, and turn away from the dark. We are encouraged to “think positive” and spiritually bypass the negative which leaves us depleted and out of balance. The Aries, Venus Feminine, is the fierce warrior goddess, who, through an open heart has the power to transform through love. She can be both soft and strong, maidenly, and wise. We are being called from deep within the collective to bring the feminine into balance and initiate a middle path of wholeness for all mankind. The dark, and light; conscious, and unconscious; above, and below; future, past, and present. The challenge of the Aries Star Point is to touch into and reclaim your instinctual self with no reservations or judgements while remaining surrendered.
Art by Danielle Noel
The Venus Sun conjunction at 5 Aries is conjunct Chiron at 8 degrees Aries.
This combination tells us that our soul is calling in the experiences, we need to heal and evolve. In his mythology Chiron, part man, part God, was mortally wounded by a poisoned arrow dipped in Hydra’s blood, but because he was immortal, he could not die. Chiron carried that wound for the rest of his life, much like we carry the wounds of our childhood with us. As a healer and mentor, Chiron sees through to the quality of soul. When we learn to live with and embrace our wounds it generates a lot of compassion, wisdom, and empathy for ourselves and others. This combination of Sun/Venus with Chiron reminds us that when our wounds get pacified , they can become more dangerous, because the psyche will go back to sleep. At such a time as this, when we are experiencing rapid global transformation, one needs intense Centaur determination, and the ache of the poisoned arrow so that we stay at attention. This is the signature of a healer, AND part of the process of maturation and individuation. The challenge is to turn towards the pain, and feel it all. In this way, we are living from, and embodying all corners of Self, rather than trying to outrun our wounds. Chiron helps us bridge our body and soul, our personal and transpersonal. The shadow here is, seduction into extroverted action, rather than leaning into the discomfort, which is another virus of our times. Trying to fix a problem of the soul with material things interrupts the grief and integration process.
Art by Danielle Noel
Venus as Cosmic Midwife
Each phase of the Venus cycle is 260 days, the length of human conception, gestation and birth. The last Venus Phase began in June of last year. I know for me, I was oscillating between broken heartedness, powerlessness, and fear of the unknown. Between the uprisings that were met with resistance, to an unknown future due to a pandemic, I felt almost paralyzed. What I gave birth too was the ability to empty and surrender. To the eternal paradox that, immense power is gained by letting go of what I cannot control. And that from a place of collaboration and co-creation, joined hearts and voices, change can materialize.
Astrology is a science of shadow and light, the study of cycles that exist within cycles. Take a moment to close your eyes, breathe, feel into your body. What was alive for you last June? Who were you? What has the journey been between then and now? What was seeded, and what are giving birth too? What is dying, and what is being born? These questions don’t necessarily ask “what are you more of today”. But rather “what have you let go of, what have you shed, to reveal more of your soul essence”? “What wisdom has been gained through this process of inner alchemy”? Please feel free to share in the comments what has been transformed for you in the Venus Phase, from Gateway to Gateway. It doesn’t have to be material, in fact, because it’s a transmutational journey, it’s usually on the level of soul polishing that we feel the changes most.
Art by Danielle Noel