What is the SkyDancer Evening Star Journey.

Venus Mysteries, The Cosmic Goddess, and the return of the Sun/Son. 

Venus’ Current Cycle was seeded in Leo, giving her a strong association to the Goddess Sekhmet and the Egyptian/ Isean, Hathor, Magdalene Lineage. Or in our modern language, the Rose Line.

“Sekhmet whose name means: “She who is powerful” or “the One who loves Ma’at” was the goddess of the hot desert sun, plague, chaos, war, and healing. She was created from the fire of the sun god Ra’s eye when he looked upon Earth. Ra created her as a weapon to destroy humans for their disobedience to him and for not living in accordance with the principles of Ma’at” - Egyptian Museum.

In Astrology The Sun (Ra, Christ, Horus, Lugh) itself is related to our Life Force, Truth with a Capital T, Consciousness, Illumination, Wholeness, or Holiness, and the Archetype of both The Higher Self, and The Divine Magical Child.

What can we understand about the association between the Higher Self, The Self that when living aligned with truth and the light of consciousness, and the Divine Magical Child?

And how does this Fierce Lion Goddess or the Egyptian Mysteries relate to any of this?

In my transmissions about the phase shift of the Venus Cycles I have spoken to the principles of the Static Feminine (Capricorn) and the Dynamic Feminine. (Leo, Fire)

We can see that Ra sent Sekhmet to have his vengeance against the people who had turned away from Ma’at. (cosmic law). 

Ma’at is a profound concept that represents “cosmic order” and is related to the Libran Mysteries of the High Heart. It is associated with Balance and Harmony in the cosmos. Alignment on our Path. And of course Venus rules Libra.

So can we expect the Roar of the Sekhmet when we live our lives divorced from the truth of our spirit? The truth of our FULLEST EXPRESSION? When we fail to recognize who we truly are? Can we expect plague and pestilence? Wrath and vengeance when the values of the high heart are thrown by the wayside?

Can we expect Sekhmet (The Fierce Face of Hathor) to pounce when we squander our soul path in favor of convenience and ease?

It is becoming more and more clear that we can no longer sit on the sidelines of life. Waste incarceration after incarceration.

This Venus cycle in Leo is a call to take up the mantle of spirit once again.

To reject the call of materialism. And instead be a stand for the Light. Be a stand for the Path of Love, the Path of Union.

This doesn’t mean we turn away from the dark. In fact, the Dark bore the Light. The way Cancer proceeds Leo. The Moon precedes the Sun. The Moon has no light.

I’ve been thinking about the relationship between light and dark quite a lot recently. Because the “light” didn’t initially seem very “Feminine” to me. The Solar mysteries have been masculine for the last 2000 years.

Then I thought of the fertile deep. The soil. How the word soil is so related word soul, and the word soul is related to the Moon. That giant orb that reflects rather than radiates.

As the Feminine, that fertile deep is the womb that gestates, but it also births. From the fertile deep the Rose blooms. The Rose with petals and thorns.

What we birth becomes our responsibility. Ma’at. It is absolutely cosmic law that what is born of us becomes a sacred duty. It is our obligation to be the authoritative “yes”, or “no” with what happens to our creations.

I’m not someone who wants to spread doom and gloom. So I don’t say this lightly. I say it honestly. We are in a type of war. It’s a war not of blood perse, but of consciousness, (Sun) on the battlefield of psyche, and what’s at stake is our soul.

Will we become Sekhmet, and reject the attempt to colonize our reality? To take cognitive control of our minds?

Will we be the Priestesses who light the way out of the shadow of Pisces, the disillusionment, confusion, and suffering?

Or will we continue to uphold the false matrix? The false light? And dying structures of power. 

I believe the sons and daughters of Venus are being called at this time, to take back the light. That which was born of the Goddess.

To reclaim what is “good”, and holy. What is natural, and divine. What is in alignment with Cosmic Law.

With Pluto's move into Aquarius, we will be faced with the shadows of the upcoming Aquarian age. Every "Epoch" has it's evolutionary purpose and it's shadow side. In Aquarius, we are facing,  Transhumanism, endless progress, endless technological advancement without ethical checks and balances.

Instead of giving birth to one solar king, as in Leo, in the Age of Aquarius as we be called to give birth, and steward a new collective consciousness. A new field of abundance that is connected to an organic timeline. With this cycle in Gemini, and some of Astrology that preceded strongly suggested a timeline split, and the need for a “Bridge”.. As Priestesses of the Rose Line, we are being called to be the bridge “birthers”.

Isis conceived Horus in the midst of great destruction, in the midst of tragedy. Mary gives birth to Jesus, in the midst of her own society’s need for a Sekmet like energy to come in.

Once again, Sekhmet is here’s, which precedes the birth of a new Sun/Sun. Only this time it isn’t the birth of one man, or one King… but a birthing of a new humanity. 

I woke up this morning with a transmission brimming inside me about this upcoming evening star phase. It's evolutionary purpose, and what's a stake. 

Stay to the end as I weave several different wisdom streams together, to give us an idea of where the Red Women are headed. 

I awoke this morning inspired to bring this transmission through. The information has just been flowing through me.

In this transmission I discuss so many important factors of Venus’ Cycle, and where we are on the current evolutionary map.

How this cycle is connected to the Egyptian Mysteries, and how that will be a large focus of how we “initiate” in this leg of the journey.

Make sure you stay to the end as I weave all of the different wisdom streams together.

In this transmission below, I discuss the Mysteries of Venus and Gemini. Gemini as the overlighting Undertone of our upcoming cycle.

To join us for an epic Celestial Journey, please find more information here. Fill out the application. Temple doors are officially open and we are welcoming in new initiates now.

Field Transmission

Are you someone who can sense there is more happening in the field behind the scenes?

This transmission is for Priests, Priestesses, Leaders, Healers, Oracles…

Anyone who is curious about the deeper background energetics we are experiencing.

It’s essential for those walking the Venus Path.

I was only going to make it available to the people in my membership, but I actually think it’s to important.

It’s also not something you are going to hear anywhere else.

If I had to name it, I’d call it “stirring the cosmic body”.

After you listen, I’d love to hear how this is manifesting in your world.

One thing I didn’t mention in the video but it highly relevant… Water is related to Memnos.

Astrologer Stephan Arroyo says that people with strong water signatures in their charts, or that when strong water signatures are present in the collective, we get this kind of somatic/body memory, almost like epigenetic memory. So with these connections with Venus in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces both at 29°, it’s likely that there will be this increased kind of etheric epigenetic memory to come through and be “completed”.

Mary Magdalene Feast Day Helical Rise

A special thank you to all who came to our transmission today for Mary Magdalene and Venus Helical Rise.

I began the video speaking about how everything we do, everything we are is “Lineage”. 

We don’t often think about all of the webs of connection that go into creating our Lineage. It is just so big. 

So many of you share a lineage with me. A sacred Red Thread. The Rose Lineage. 

With Venus’ Rise in Cancer, she is asking us to really consider all that has had to happen for us to be here now. And how everything that has happened, every difficulty, every victory, everything we have created and given birth to,  is now recorded in the record of our existence… Lineage. 

I set an ambitious agenda and we made it most of the way through. 

My goal was to really deeply flesh out the Astrological Themes of the upcoming evening star phase of the journey.

While we touched on most of the Astrology today, it is inside the Temple, where we will flesh all of these themes out in gorgeous, life changing detail.

We will get to see how As Above is truly a map and mirror for the As Below. And thusly, the how the “as without” is always a mirror or map for the “as within”.

The one thing I didn’t speak too (as time went long) is how Black Moon Lilith’s trek through Libra is important to this cycle.

This Venus in Leo Cycle began in August 2023 with Black Moon Lilith right beside the Sun/Venus conjunction.

Meaning that Black Moon Lilith themes will be present throughout. I have a very sophisticated way of viewing Black Moon Lilith as the archetype of the Death Mother (more on that here) and represents the wounds of love. 

With her in Libra, she is highlighting these wounds around relationship, attachment, our ability to attune, our inability to find inner balance and harmony. And the Places we’ve been projected onto. 

I always think of the astrological lights - The Sun and Moon - as being related to our inner children. 

Cancer/Moon- as the home of the emotional pain body that shows us where we are scared to go inward. 

Leo/Sun - as the home of full self expression  that shows us where we are scared to go outwards. 

Because Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day chart is so heavily connected to not just this phase, (but also the beginning of the cycle in August as her feast day last year was the day Venus Stationed Retrograde), in SkyDancer we will explore the Seven Wounds of love that I mentioned as the “Seven Devils” cast out. 

This was such a great transmission with a great group that laid out so much of what we will explore together in SkyDancer this round through working with these planets and signs which are so heavily encoded with the current Venus cycle.

I can’t wait to begin.

Damascena Tanis

Damascena is an Archetypal Astrologer, Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner, and The Facilitator of the Transformative Journey through the Mandala of Venus’ Wisdom, called “Sky Dancer”.

She is a passionate devotee of the ever unfolding mystery. As an expert observer, a trait she developed as an only child, she regards herself as both a student of life, and decoder of the cosmos.

Skilled at recognizing invisible patterns, and picking up on subtle shifts in the collective, she gets a thrill from uncovering and revealing the hidden threads that are woven together to create our paradigm.

Her passion for this existential detective work aligns well with her unique approach to one on one client work, as she helps others to discover the building blocks of their archetypal blueprint, and mythic overtones. She does not believe that astrology is static, and therefore works with clients to develop strategies and practices that allow them to transcend challenging aspects of their natal chart.

She lives on the Shores of Lake Erie with her husband, four kids, and Cat, Oscar (the grouch).

These days, when she isn’t interpreting a natal chart, or translating the stars for her astrology blog, you can find her engaging in one of her favorite pandemic pastimes, unraveling her inner “good girl”, cultivating the ability to thrive in the deep, dark, unknown, or playing her favorite game of identifying fun paradoxes called “two things are true at once”.


Medusa, Venus, and the Root Chakra


Mirror Mirror On the Wall