Words are Spells
Art By Amanda Greavette
As a birth and postpartum doula, I know the words Woman, Mother, and Blood, are integral to postpartum moms who are trying to establish a bond with their baby.
They are a map, a spell, an activation, a secret ancestral code that allows a new mother to drop into her innate gnosis around how to care for and sustain life.
I saw the power these words had during difficult home births. When a woman felt as though she couldn’t go on with the birth. It was the word “mother” that sang her across the threshold and, SHE, MOTHER, brought her own baby earthside.
The word “mother” is an important initiation in the life of the Feminine.
These words must be protected at all cost. They are an important part of our long term, health, evolution, and survival.
I read a gorgeous post the other day about the Goddess, the Womb, Blood, and what the writer had done to reclaim her lineage.
In this post she wrote words like, Mother, Woman, Blood, and “only”. Meaning these words are exclusive to womanhood. Which, is true.
These words have apparently become a dog whistle to those who support trans rights.
So her lovely “friends” were in the comments with that standard death-mother energy. Trying to psychologically kill any last vestige of claim she has to HER-self and HER body.
The majority of people doing social media - social justice commentary, are coming from the Archetype of Death Mother when they speak.
The Death Mother’s goal is to use targeted precision inside her critical intent. That critical intent is meant to kill whatever part of our psyche is generating the thought or behavior the Death Mother doesn’t like. They don’t just “agree to disagree”, like in the old days. Now it’s critical intent to psychologically murder the part of you that has its own independent thoughts.
Just an FYI. That’s why it feels like annihilation when they try and cancel you.
Boy this sweet woman who wrote about blood, and lineage, was feeling the heat. She kept trying to explain that her words had nothing to do with trans people, that she was simply advocating for her own space, and language.
They didn’t care. They wanted to burn her at the stake. Tried, convicted, and executed, in one moment.
This all stuck out to me because this month in SkyDancer, we are at the throat chakra. (Truth Speaking). And one of our Guardian Archetypes is the Goddess Cassandra, who had the gift of prophecy, and the curse that no one would listen.
Her post, my post, the posts of other woman speaking to these words, THEY ARE THE CANARIES IN THE COAL MINE.
Don’t fail to heed Cassandra in the moment she is telling you, THEY WILL EVEN TAKE OUR WORDS IF WE LET THEM.
Do not let anyone tell you that advocating on behalf of yourself, your lineage, and your ancestors, constitutes bigotry.
It’s not.
That’s a false binary.
As my teacher says, they can only cancel you if you let them.
We are so close ladies, to visiting our Dr and not being able to use our own uniquely female anatomy to explain what is wrong with us.
Talk about a place where so many of us already feel like Cassandra’s. A place we already struggle to find the diagnoses and care we need because Drs aren’t really trained to listen and take us seriously.
Now I have to disassociate from the body language I already know, and try and learn something foreign, so the 28 year old intern listening to me knows what I might be talking about because he only learned “inclusive anatomy” in medical school?
It’s gone too far. And I think we sat back and let it. Myself included. I never changed my words. But I didn’t speak up either.
I don’t get into a lot of activism. I rarely post about politics. But this is something deeper.
This is an erasure of part of the population In service to some agenda, without our consent.
And I am a no to it.
I can be a no to it, without making a wider statement.
Don’t come in my comments and tell me that by claiming my own words I’m really saying something else.
I’m not. I know what I’m saying.
I’m saying the words Mother, My Womanhood, My Blood, and anatomy are mine. I’m claiming them for my lineage, I’m claiming them for my daughter, and her daughters.
Because I know the power they hold to root generations. I’m not giving away the most powerful spell in my arsenal because people can’t do nuance and complexity. I’m not laying down and letting womanhood be colonized, yet again.