The Wyrd Calling…
Your calling is going to crush you. If you’re called to mend the brokenhearted, you’re going to wrestle with broken-heartedness. If you’re called to prophesy, you’re going to struggle to control your mouth. If you’re called lay hands, you will battle spiritual viruses. If you are called to preach and to teach the gospel, you will be sifted for the wisdom that anoints your message. If you are called to empower, your self-esteem will be attacked, your successes will be hard fought. Your calling will come with cups, thorns and sifting that are necessary for your mantle to be authentic, humble and powerful. Your crushing won’t be easy because your assignment is not easy. Your oil is not cheap.
-Patrick Weaver
Art by: Lori Mena
New Moon at 2:58 pm, May 11th
The New Moon 21 Degrees Taurus is conjunct Black Moon Lilith really potentizing the energy, causing us to connect with our wild, intuitive side. We’ve also entered the May Eclipse Portal, which intensifies pressure on the Nodes, causing both a personal and collective Pivot Point.
If we hopped in a chariot and took a ride across time, to the Renaissance world of Magic, Symbolism, and Earth Based Spirituality, we’d encounter people along the way people who “felt the astrology” in an embodied sense. They were soooo connected to the earth, her rhythms, and her relationship to the cosmos. If we stopped to ask them, “what is a new moon”, we might hear quite a bit about their “spiritual beliefs”. They were people of Wyrd. With one foot in this world, and one foot in the “Otherworld”.
The Sun represented, spirit, the masculine based principle. The moon; soul, the feminine based principle, consciousness, and ego. While Mercury served as the Sun’s messenger and alchemist, and Venus’ the Moon’s. And thus they believed the celestial choreography lived through them in a grand cosmic drama. As above, so below.
Marsilio Ficino, one of the most influential humanist philosophers, astrologers, and alchemists of the Italian Renaissance, regarded the Sun as if it were like wine, giving food to the Soul. He postulated that it was important to surround oneself with “fertile sources of spirit”. Asserting that one of the obstacles to experiencing equanimity is the ego, (moon). During the New Moon, the light of the Sun/Spirit, is no longer providing a mirror for our consciousness. The Sun is not filtering through providing His larger overview perspective through the moon. And so we are left alone with ourselves. Now experiencing life purely through the ego or as Ficino suggests, “the power of agency an individual enjoys”.
Taurus is a sign of embodiment, nourishment, and resources, and New Moons are a time for rewilding, connecting into our deep intuitive, organic, self. A time when our psychic gifts are strongest. The channel to the infinite all is direct and clear, as is the connection down and in, to the refuge of our soul. It’s also a time when insecurities and fears arise as we second guess many of the things that came through during the month. We aren’t held and comforted by the soul food of spirit. It doesn’t feel like we have a soft place to land. We are tender and vulnerable, yet have an opportunity now for immense creative expression. One way of navigating this portal is to endow yourself with spirit through creating your own inner retreat space in your home that serves as an anchor for your soul. Touch each emotion, or “seems like” narrative, that arises with your third eye and just witness it passing through without attaching any meaning to it. After the portal closes, it may look very different in the light of the Spirit/Sun.
The finger of god calls you forward
**Definitely put this one on your radar. When I’m looking at the chart, this transit stands out most
Mars at 11 degrees Cancer is Sextile to Uranus at 11 degrees Taurus (loosely conjunct the New Moon), and qunicunx, the Karmic South Node at 11 degrees in Sagittarius, forming a Yod, or Finger of God. This suggests that there is some Karmic debt that it is time to clear. Mars and Uranus lend us clues as to where our work resides. Is there some way of being that you have written off because you believe “this is just the way I am”? Mars reveals an instinctive, reactive pattern we employ as a strategy to get what we want. The South Node suggests it could be in the realm of hubris, a lack of humility, or overconfident rigidness in our ideas.
Uranus is going to activate or trigger a situation that will result in a feeling of shock, or instability, helping us to get unstuck. Whereby perhaps we experience it as the shaking of our very foundation. Causing us to rethink how we’ve ordered our lives. However, we have an opportunity to alchemize the trigger which undoubtedly leads to our liberation. Awakening to our conditioned responses creates an opening to acknowledge outdated patterns that no longer serve. And not just through this portal. The Finger of God has set in motion an imperative for us to evolve. This holds true both personally, and for the collective as well.
Because the South Node in Sagittarius is not in polarity with either Cancer or Taurus, meaning they do not share geometric flow. This makes it more difficult for a natural resolution to the issue. It signifies a burden we are carrying, possibly one we came in with, that must be resolved.
This is why the aspect is called the “Finger of God”. It makes the shape of the isosceles triangle that points an area in need of intense focus and actionable intention, in order to overcome the conflict being presented and exit the Wheel of Karma. In this case the Apex of the Finger is pointing to the Karmic South Node in Sagittarius. Sagittarius deals with themes such as, integrity, honesty, philosophy, hubris, free will, doing the right thing and so on.... As we are in Taurus Season, the Earth is literally stepping forward to support our expansion. Release all of the struggle, grief, reactivity, and confusion to Her. Get out in nature, lay on the grass, hug a tree, meditate on mycelium. Simplify as you alchemize. **If you want to deepen with this aspect, find Saggitarius in your chart. Note the house and any other bodies of energy therein for more clues around resolving the Yod.
May 12th Sun at 22 Taurus, Sextile
Neptune at 22 Pisces.
This euphoric aspect reveals to us our true and eternal nature. We open pull back the veil to see the truth of who we really are. We are all duality, and oneness, all of the elements, all of the signs, and stars. With one foot in time, and one in infinity, on this day we know ourselves as divinity in human form. There is nothing to do one this day but bask in your robes of light, and maybe search for a rainbow. Rarely are we offered the ability to see through duality and unite all opposites through power of love with such ease. The shadow side of this aspect is the unconscious feelings of duality can make us compromise ourselves, and our values, in search of a sense of the unity and oneness that we sense we have lost. Allow the Sun to alight your long vision that sees through illusion and grasp that you are whole and holy as you are now.
Art by Tithi Luadthong
May 13th, Jupiter moves into Pisces; Jupiter is the ancient ruler of Pisces, while Neptune is the modern ruler. With both of Pisces’ ruling planets in their home sign, this signifies that we are stepping beyond temporal reality. We spend so much time living in a world of Matter. Our feet on the earth, sun above the horizon, blue sky above. Rarely do we take the opportunity to peer beyond the veil of the two towers of yin and yang, into the numinous. We are indeed crossing the threshold of a mystical portal. My guess is that on the other side of the Eclipses, things will not be the same. This is a time to really activate the power of your imagination. Hold yourself, your loved ones, and the world in the most expansive, empowered, vision you can perceive, then go beyond it into the realms of fantasy.
Venus Moved into Gemini at 10:01 p.m. on May 8th where she will stay until June 1st. Venus holds the frequency of the Golden Section, or the Divine Ratio of Creation in her five petaled rose pattern that she makes as she orbits the Earth and Sun. Gemini itself represents the multiplicity. Demonstrating how we become multiple iterations of ourselves throughout the course of our lifetime. Gemini governs the Black and White, (yin and yang) Pillars of the temple, or the Dark and Light faces of the Goddess. Venus in Gemini speaks to how we are currently holding both aspects of the sacred marriage in equanimity and then unfolding, like a fractal, leaning into new ideas, and following our bliss wherever it leads us. In Gemini Venus is asking us to look at how we communicate with those that we love. Are we using our communication in service of greater connection, or greater separation? In this placement she can be light, playful, full of fresh insights and lyrical prose. Easily oscillating between polarities without becoming mired in drama. It is a good time to take up a poetry practice, to write music, or start an art inspired YouTube channel.
On May 16th the Sun at 26 degrees Taurus is Trine Pluto at 26 degrees Capricorn In the overly commercialized sector “New Age Spirituality” and self-help we are currently being messaged that if we aren’t doing shadow work, we aren’t doing the work properly. It doesn’t help that the apocalyptic soup we’ve been swimming through as a collective keeps rising up to support that narrative. We’ve been soaked in it. We are told in order to get something real from this experience that we have to go deep. And yet, I think we must be vigilant not to become addicted to the dark, always waiting for the other shoe to drop, thinking that would give us more fodder for spiritual transformation. It’s time to bust the myth that spiritual evolution has to be hard and born out of fear and loathing to have worth. We can find nourishment everywhere if only we are awake and present with life. Sun trine Pluto helps us to acknowledge that in life there can be ease and flow, that what we are doing with endless dives into the darkness is a type of spiritual bliss bypass. Spiritual work must be balanced. If you are only focusing your work, on one end of the spectrum or the other, you are stuck. There must be a time of integration, where we find equanimity between the dark and the light. Where we drop into the luscious, juiciness of nature, sing in the shower, and dance naked on the grass. If this resonates with you, today is an opportune time to let in the light. Reclaim and fully feel into what is good and right, what is in flow, what is blissful and easy.
New Moon Ritual
New Moons are a time to plant seeds for manifestation in the month to come. This month the energy is so clearly pointing to the ability to reach beyond the veil and manifest our most imaginative fantasies. It’s a very Mystical Moon. Here is a ritual you can perform at home to more fully embody the New Moon’s Energy.
Come into a quiet space where you will not be disturbed. If you do not already have an altar, this is a good opportunity to create one for this moon cycle. For the ritual you will need a candle, a journal, a pen, and a scarf. Feel free to incorporate any herbs, plant medicine, scent, or sound without words, that you feel drawn too as it will only help you catalyze your intentions. Set up your space so you feel comfortable. Read through the entire ritual before beginning. And have fun. Don’t be too serious.
The New Moon Happens on May 11th 2:58 pm EST. Do the ritual as close to the New Moon as Possible (the day before and up to three days after)
Although it is mostly forgotten, each person is supposed to receive and follow a calling in the youthful part of life. That calling was supposed to lead you to your inner sage. The world is getting smaller and the conditioning and taming of souls starts so much earlier. Because of this, many people have missed their call. This ritual serves to begin to reconnect you with the call that is still being sung from beyond the veil. To take your place in the Lineage of Wyrd, with one foot in the daily world, and one foot in the “Otherworld”. It is your birthright to spin your own stories.
When you were young you played joyously and carefree. You were a holy innocent child. As you grow the adults around you wrote their narratives across your soul. “Do this, Don’t do that”. At some point you learned it’s easier to just play along and thus you made “agreements”. Those agreements often morph into “self-limiting beliefs” because we often neglect to go back and look at what narratives are authentic and organic to our holy innocent child, and those that are inorganic to us. Scribed by our adults or society itself. This month, lets look at some of those agreements and cut some cords,
Get comfortable, in a space and time you can fully surrender to the ritual. Light the candle, and drape the scarf you brought upon your head.
In silence look into the flame and let your gaze soften, while you sink into your breath for several minutes.
Allow an emptiness to arise within you. Come into resonance with the heartbeat of the earth. (you will intuitively know when this has happened)
After you have sunk into a liminal space, outside of the business of life, begin to draw your attention to all that a time in your childhood when you just acting intuitively and someone told you to stop. A teacher, parent, or even a stranger. You can cycle through several scenarios. The goal is to look at how agreements are made.
As a free writing exercise begin to journal what comes up around this inquiry. Do not analyze what is coming across the screen of your mind. Do this for about 5 minutes, or until you feel complete.
After you are complete with that part, look at what you have written. On a separate piece of paper begin to journal about how it would FEEL to belong, and be fully connected, and fully self expressed. (do not think too hard about what “belonging” and “connection” mean in this context, just write what comes through for you)
Now use your imagination to write a scene that includes a juicy sense of belonging, connectedness, and creativity. A scenario that turns you on, and lights you up from inside.
When you have completed step 7. Take the first page you’ve journaled and either burn it (safely) with the flame of your candle and discard the ashes, or bury it under the New Moon to signify a death to the things that keep you separate from our one beating heart. Say the words… “I cut all cords and agreements, across all timelines and dimensions, that do not align with my holy innocent child, or my highest good. I cut any and all agreements that I made that are not organic to me, leaving a blank canvas for me to make new agreements, or no agreements at all.”
Keep the second set of pages you wrote and place it on your altar. Each time you interact with it, remember to FEEL connected to what you have written down with immense gratitude. In this way, what you have written will be magnetized to you.
Choose a card from your favorite oracle or Tarot deck. Soak in it’s meaning in relation to all you have just experienced during the ritual. Keep the card on your altar until the next New Moon, so you can review your progress.
Art by Colleen Koziara
A blindfolded woman who sees the future.
Witnessing dispassionately the flow of time. Standing outside of all linear progression and knowing what is likely to happen here. Supremely disengaged from surface affairs, even lightly dismissive of all secondary considerations, but tuned right in to the thread of prophecy and inner vision. Granted a certain grace to follow the inner track. And serving a larger function as part shaman, part seer, and part commonsensical advisor. Salty wit, earthy and pithy, no nonsense. You know where the bones are buried. Penetrating insight. A throwback to simpler worlds. One who warns of dangers ahead, and is not amused by factions and fragments and phantoms of common assumption.
Inside Degrees by Elias Lonsdale 22 TAURUS
NEW MOON CHART MAY 11th 2:58 pm EST.