Astrology Readings
And Group Offerings DIRECTORY

Your Journey Begins Here
We have each come into this world with a quest to discover, explore, and finally master our own unique purpose.
I have curated a variety of astrology consultation packages and group offerings geared towards helping you to uncover your “Cosmic Mandate”. The organic seed knit into your soul at the moment of your birth.
My work is for you if:
You are prepared to be catalyzed on your soul journey.
You know that you are in the midst of a great cosmic game, and you are ready to play it FULL OUT.
You are ready to meet HOW the Archetypes are living through NOW, and you are open to cultivating a rewarding & powerful NEW relationship with them and yourself.
You know that my Channel reaches frequencies beyond the chart, and you trust me to hold your session in whatever form it takes.
My work is NOT for you if:
You are looking for a mundane, non transformative astrology reading.
You are deeply attached to specific placements in the chart.
You are deeply attached to outdated patterns, and are unwilling to look at them.
You are unprepared for the process of discovery, and exploration.
You are NOT open and receptive to the process of alchemy and transmutation.
Please read the “About a Reading” page here for more info on my approach and general pricing info.
“Contact Sessions”
Our chart is the blueprint of our soul, a snapshot of the cosmic curriculum our soul chose to embody in this lifetime.
I like to think of it as our Universal Birth Certificate. Holding a web of information about our unique soul journey. Including a map of the potential of our incarnation. Revealing the archetypal contracts we came in to master.
It is an invitation to an epic, high level game, should we choose to accept it.
The chart is also a holographic imprint of reality. It encompasses the full spectrum of potentiality across the human experience. High's and low's, dark's and light's, and all the shades in between.
All of the different flavors our soul wishes to experience.
Therefore, no chart is necessarily bad, or brilliant. They are simply actualized to different levels of potential.
“Contact Sessions” are the whole package. It is the deepest intimacy one can cultivate with Their Soul and it’s longings. Together we meet and explore the highest intention of YOUR soul in this lifetime, To “Know Thyself” through actualizing your Cosmic Mandate.
This is a multi-session intensive, that brings us into the deepest dimensions of our incarnation, and it’s multitudes of possibility. Where we meet and engage the archetypal combinations we currently inhabit. Then free and then actualize the highest potential of your chart.
We have all seen archetypal offerings in the world of Women’s Spirituality.
Instead of inviting you to embody a generic archetypal template, this offering invites your to meet and embody the authentic patterns the cosmos impressed upon your soul at the moment of your incarnation.
Fill out the form below if you are interested in full, naked intimacy: full, uninhibited Contact with your Chart.
Damascena is a Master Coach and Guide. Combined with her Astrological Sight, and Archetypal Brilliance, she brings all of her training, and life experience into these sessions.
A Journey into Knowing…
This work Guides you to open your own Channels of Inner Gnosis &reveals the Medicine you came here to share in this lifetime.
The Gnosis Sessions help clients get crystal clear on the big questions. Exploring our own unique Archetypal Matrix, to be equipped with an unshakeable sense of Inner Gnosis. We go into the chart to explore the big questions. Who am I? Why did I choose to incarnate at this time? What is my purpose? How am I meant to serve?
The Gnosis Sessions
Know Thyself, Be Thyself, Love Truth. These Maxims are displayed on the outer columns of the Temple of Delphi. Intimating that above all, Inner Gnosis was prized by the Oracle
Gnosis is Clarity
Clarity Sessions are an area of particular brilliance for me. Client feedback has been phenomenal. It is the generative nature of these sessions, that feeds the soul.
Clarity Sessions are essentially coaching sessions. Though “coach” isn’t a word I love, I do think it helps describe the intention of the session.
The Clarity Sessions®
The Alchemist Sessions…
A.K.A. The Big Player Sessions
These sessions are designed to pinpoint the most challenging Aspects in the chart and help you finally Alchemize them into their full potential
These sessions are designed to help you identify difficult aspects in your chart, and and make a quantum alchemical leap forward.
We’ve all experienced prolonged periods of difficulty, stuckness, or even stasis. This can look like frustration, anger, numbness, or melancholy.
When this sets in, it’s often a result of having a non-productive relationship with one or more of the archetypes in our chart. Just like we have relationship patterns in our outer life. We often get stuck in similar internal dynamics that need to be shifted.
To do this we must take ourselves through an alchemical process to burn off the dross (dross: impurities, or scrap material/dynamics that are holding us outside of accessing our inner gold).
In these sessions, Damascena helps you identify the dross, and prescribes alchemical practices and remedies to help you meet these parts of yourself, and eventually integrate them.
Part of the reason this work isn’t done more often is because it’s meant to be done in partnership. Meeting our dross can illicit uncomfortable feelings that need to be lovingly, yet firmly held. In other words
Surrendering to the alchemical process can be frightening. Damascena’s expert hand guides you throughout the process.
Inquire below if you are interested in these unique sessions.
Death Mother…
We’ve all Met her. The Death Mother….
The one who injects Poison straight into our veins, Resulting in shame
In my studies and chart research, I find a clear correlation to Lilith and the “Death Mother”, or the “Anti-Mother”.
If the Moon represents the Mother, nourishment, safety, homeostasis, comfort, warmth, embrace, acceptance, the balanced emotional body, etc.
Then Lilith has the potential bring about the antithesis of this.
The Death Mother is a complex archetype, though important to understand.
She is the one who injects psychological death into our experience through critical intent
In Leo, this manifests around our confidence, our ability to be seen, to be in the fullness of our light and shine it brightly, our ability engage unhindered in joy, fun, and play. And it will most certainly stir up places where our inner child is still frozen and in pain. Lacking the ability to be fully self expressed in the face of others.
So likewise, to be free from the chains of the Death Mother’s gaze results in…..
Sovereignty. Freedom from taking on the projections of others. Freedom from shame..
In her light emanation she is the Rewilding of our true, empowered nature. The rewilding of our essence. Our childlike innocence.
She represents the place in which we’ve been cut off from our organic nature by the paradigm we live in. By our parents and the opinions of society. Cut off from owning our “darkness”, or the things others think are shameful and taboo.
Our Black Moon Lilith work is to move beyond Death Mother’s grasp, To reconnect to our essential self, the self that existed before we bathed in the the criticism intent on dimming our light.
She helps us “reconnect” to the places of severing. Click Button to learn more about this offering.
Cosmic Context
Underworld The Death & Grief Sessions
Part of my medicine in this lifetime, is to help people walk through the Underworld. As Grief Practitioner and Threshold Doula, I feel confident I can help you navigate your journey through the Dark.
Any topic under the Sun can be looked at through the lens of Astrology. Everything has a cosmic context. Death, Grief, & Loss are no different.
These sessions have become some of my most powerful, deeply moving work.
They have the potential to help release us from the mental loops, and contracts with suffering that often accompany death, loss, & grief. The sense that we could have known or done something to prevent what has happened. Particularly in cases when a we loose something that wasn’t “supposed to die”.
These sessions have the potential to help us see beyond the mental story the mind is weaving about our loss. Pulling in threads from a a culture that is immature, and unequipped to hold loss in the expansive, reverent, way its meant to be held. Thus, opening us to that sweet tender current of love and connection across dimensions that is available to us when we have a healthy container to hold our loss inside of.
They offer a more cosmic context than the one society gives us. Answering questions we often didn’t know we had. Revealing the wisdom of what the soul knows in the “after death moments”. And help us identify, continue and/or complete the evolutionary work we came here to do together.
They help to help sacralize our losses.
Whenever we move experience a profound loss in our lives, we are often so uprooted that our identity shifts. (This is right from a biological perspective. Major transitions are supposed to rock us a bit) We almost always have a sense that we’ve become brand new again. These sessions have the power to help us orient ourselves in the Underworld, and offer a map to navigate the tumultuous terrain.
Mystery of Incarnation
Session Package
Do you want to fall in love with life again? To feel so “on purpose” that you have the ability to wake up in the midst of the Underworld, yet still be on fire for this one precious life?
It is possible.
We each incarnate with a mission, purpose, and intention. Yet somehow, throughout life, so many of us loose touch with it. When we are removed from the current of life force that is meant to live though us, removed from the evolutionary forces set in motion at the moment of our incarnation, apathy sets in. We loose our hunger, and desire, to really be here. We flail and flounder until we are reunited with that ecstatic current once again.
In these sessions I offer you my sight and guidance in service to aligning with a life that lights you up.
*Astrology is not the main focus of these sessions. Although it can be utilized.
Inquire at the contact sheet below.
The Sacred Femininee
May of 2024
Join the waitlist below for more details
Sky Dancer Venus Mystery School
Venus’s cycle has a unique Relationship with The Sun & Moon.
From an esoteric perspective…
The Sun is related to the consciousness that bears the mystery of all of creation. It is the original and sustaining spark of life.
While the moon, relates to our psyche, our subconscious patterning, and is thought to meditate the realm between the conscious and the unconscious, helping us move between the known and the unknown.
Venus serves to transform knowledge into wisdom.
Through the principle of love, She is the vehicle for the emergence of essence.
By syncing with the Five Pointed Mandala created in the sky as she dances with the Sun & Moon we are provided with the template of a deep mystical journey that helps us cultivate our own inner gnosis.
*This is group work, opening cyclically. Join the waitlist to be notified when a new round in beginning.
General Reading
Archetypal Astrology
Archetypal Astrology
This is a general reading. Exploring both the “Evolutionary Challenge” of the Chart, and what I call the chart’s “Medicine Pathway’
Together we Map your Archetypal Matrix, (look at the influences active in the psyche) so you walk away with a profound new sense of Deep Inner Gnosis.
This is a foundational reading. Recommended before doing any deeper work.
Astrology Readings For Returning Clients
Nodal Expression
Choose this reading if you would like to uncover the gifts you came in with, and the story you are destined to express in this lifetime. It is said that the Nodes can tell the story of our soul’s purpose across multiple timelines. During this reading, you will uncover the blocks and noise in the system that are hindering you from your highest expression. We spend an 1 - 1.5 hours looking at your Moon’s sign and house, as well as the Moon’s Nodes, Signs Houses, and major aspects. We also do an overview of your “Big Three”, your Ascendant, Sun, & Moon. The reading typically lasts 1-1.5 hours.
Queen of Heaven
This is my signature reading for those on the Venus Path. It includes all things in the realm of the Feminine. A full exploration of your Venusian Blueprint, and how she expresses through you. We deepen with Your Venus Star Point, where you were born in Her Cycle, and what themes will be brought forward to be worked with and mastered in this lifetime. And the immense gifts you have to offer the world. Then we move onto the a full Pantheon of Goddess Asteroids. Not just the big four. These include but are not limited to: Isis, Mary Magdalene, Ishtar, Persephone, Sophia, Mary, Tara, Kali, Lilith, and more. We will discuss which influences are most important to you prior to meeting and create a custom chart. *Reading typically lasts 1-1.5 hours.
Child's Big Three
As a mother of four, I find having astrological insight into my child’s inner world, motivations, and driving forces, to be indispensable in helping to guide them and provide them with worthwhile counsel. For instance, my youngest son has a signature that tells me that he really struggles with issues around confidence, and that head on confrontation will not come instinctually for him. We have been able to develop strategies that feel authentic to him, as he moves into the critical middle school years. Reading length is about 1 hour. We go over the child’s Rising Sign, Sun, Moon and any major pertinent signatures.
For all one on one work, please read the “About a Reading’ Page here, which makes important distinctions about my session style and provides general pricing information. Then fill out the inquiry form and submit it. We schedule the focus of the reading and the reading type BEFORE you pay. If you don’t see the type of reading you are looking for, that’s no problem, let’s connect and create a custom package to suit your needs.
*Special package prices and payment plans are available for multi-session work.