Purpose- The Medicine We are here To Serve
Victoria Lisi
*This subject is near and dear to my heart, as we have addiction in my lineage. I have watched too many people fall into this trap, and pay with, first their souls, and some their lives.
Gnosis of the Medicine we are here To Serve
I find it redundant how often Astrologers refer to energy as “intense”. It’s always across some spectrum of intensity.
However, right now, I’d like to move us to the extreme end of the scale for the remainder of 2022. In this context, saying things are intense is entirely appropriate.
It’s time to hold on to our hats. In every sense of the word.
We have Mars in Gemini for the next seven months, which includes his retrograde period. This is a super stimulating signature. We have an upcoming Mercury Retrograde, Venus entering the Underworld, the Nodes close to Uranus, (the fact that they are across the Taurus Scorpio Axis is already a lot) Saturn and Uranus’s Square is tightening. PLUS ALL THE RETROGRADES reorganizing our insides.
Which leads me to want to discuss a piece of natural law. With this upwelling of stimulation, it feels important to touch on it…
However, because we exist along a spectrum of intensity, this message always applies.
…..If the energetic structure, (us, home, land, ceremonial space, etc) is not clear on its purpose, mission, or intention, it opens itself up for infiltration.
Let me explain…
It is an inversion upon an inversion that we’ve ended up in a place that says “our purpose isn’t important”.
While certainly paddling around the universe in search of some ever elusive identity to put on is counter productive. That’s not what I mean when I talk about purpose, mission, and intention.
First, it’s important to (g)know that every single ensouled being has come here with a purpose.
Nobody incarnates for a vacation.
It isn’t important that we define our purpose in the context of our paradigm. I admit that idea has already been highly codified and now it's difficult to discern between “finding our purpose”, the mainstream’s search for meaning. And living in the frequency of our purpose as defined by natural law.
My teacher has a great way of reframing this, so we don’t get stuck in the elusive search aspect.
She asks, “what are you in service too?''
I’m not going to wax poetic about how to answer that question right now. What I wanted to do is highlight the dangers of not having your container oriented towards serving your medicine.
Let me reiterate again… If the energetic structure, (us, home, land, ceremonial space, etc) is not clear on its purpose, mission, or intention, it opens itself up for infiltration.
Deeper gnosis tells us, the purposeful veiling of this information has led to a society full of people who are addicted. Not just to substances but to social media, binge watching tv, scrolling through tiktok, creators making meaningless youtube content to feel validated and worthy, or use of other markers of false of approval to gain a sense of purpose that gets tied up in belonging, etc.
In other words, we are being led towards apathy. Towards hungry ghost syndrome. Unfulfilled consumers.
Once leadership/ “the paradigm” has installed apathy in us, because the problems are too convoluted, and big to solve, and we’ve lost sight of why we incarnated in the first place, they can then infiltrate us, and carry out their own agenda. Feeding off our lifeforce. Rerouting our container towards their purpose, mission, or intention.
*Let me state here, as we begin to probe the matrix, the details of the agenda aren’t important. It’s the natural law that we need to keep our eyes on. I see this phenomena being carried out on all sides of the political spectrum to one degree or another. In fact, getting overly involved in political movements from a disembodied place is one method that can be used to infiltrate us. As a spiritual practitioner, it is beneficial to unhook from the stories we are invested in “out there”, (mainstream cultural beliefs) and pull our all of our energy back to ourselves. We often find when we venture back “out there” we see things differently because we have this practice of cyclically unhooking.
How have we gotten here?
Gone are the days that sons followed their father’s into business, and women had a limited number of archetypal roles they could embody.
Like everything else, the outcome of expanded options is paradoxical. On one hand it has led to more freedom and opportunity. On another hand, it left us spinning with far too many choices.
There was once a study done to quantify this. It involved ice cream flavors. The researchers asked one cohort of participants to choose from one of three choices. And the other cohort from thirty one. The first cohort, who had fewer choices, was actually significantly more satisfied after having their ice cream than the cohort who had thirty one. The second cohort fell into the trap of thinking that they perhaps missed out on something better.
My point is, removing the importance of purpose, mission, and intention from our children’s upbringing, and replacing it with, “you can be and do anything you WANT out in the big, wide, world”, is by design.
It’s left our children in overwhelm and overstimulation around purpose, mission and intention. It’s led them to look outside themselves, to purposely curated modern archetypes “out there” to find it. Which in turn, always leads the system to compression & collapse, which then, at least momentarily, takes them out of the game.
We need to work with our children around these themes when they are young. Make sure they understand that they are their own authority. Help them root into their body, and learn to feel truth. Assist them in cultivating discernment based on their own inner signals. This will help them recognize and harness their medicine.
Clue: It is always felt in the vitality of love. Whether you are child developing along this thread, or an adult who is beginning to ask these questions of ourselves.
What does it mean, how do we address it?
Infiltration is happening earlier and earlier in our development. Which makes it more difficult to come back in and solely inhabit our own field.
Once we are off the board, we quickly enter the land of million distractions. The goal is to hypnotize, & anesthetize us from the pain of living disconnected from our purpose, mission, or intention, and put us to work for an entity who has co-opted us.
If we don’t do this work, it’s easy to be infiltrated. And it isn’t just the mainstream agenda that we need to concern ourselves with. The spirit world is real, and so are nefarious spirits and unfriendly entities that can penetrate our container.
Spirituality, the idea of waking up, or becoming more conscious, should always involve an inquiry around the underpinnings of our reality. Or we miss out on vital information about this dimension of spirit. It can’t really be called spirituality with out delving into the invisible forces that play on us.
But the purpose isn’t to get lost in the inquiry, it’s to be aware of our surroundings, and get back to doing our own soul work.
Which leads me back to the how too piece…
This phenomena speaks to the number one, reported deathbed regret.
It is from the people living between the veils, in the gap between worlds, that we can learn the most about how to define purpose, mission, and intention for ourselves.
Purpose, mission, and intention, always come from within. What energy or frequency we serve. Have we done our best to clarify, occupy, and serve, the space of our container (our soul) with that “purpose”?
In this swirl, this upwelling of energy, it is ever more important to deepen with this inquiry.
Am I serving my medicine, or the agenda of an entity outside if myself.
Getting clear on the medicine we are here to serve is the what the Gnosis Sessions center on.