Venus Families and the Founding of America
The Apotheosis of Washington Painted on the ceiling of our Capital
From the time I was a child, I was interested in Astrology. My interest was born through watching a biblical movie that depicted a scene of The Three Magi, in their ziggurat, studying the night sky. They “knew” that the coming of the Christ was being heralded by the Stars.
Anything in and around “Gnosis”, lights me up.
At that juncture in my short life, it was the single most fascinating thing I had ever seen or considered. I went on to learn that there were hundreds of references to astrology in both the New and Old testaments. What made this all the more incredible and mysterious to me was when my parents found an astrology book I borrowed from the library they told me that astrology was evil. From the devil, in fact. Despite my protestations that it was found right there in their sacred book, I was told not to engage with it further.
One of the things that repulses me most in the world is a good old fashioned hypocrite. So being forbidden to explore Astrology only solidified my desire to go deeper.
Over the intervening years, I have had a keen interest in Astrotheology, Astroarchaeology, FreeMasonry, The Knights Templar, The Cistercians, Agriculture, Solar Cults, Mystery Schools, Gnosticism, Mythology, The Venus Blueprint, the Early Church, The Goddess. Ancient Religions that center around the Rites of Resurrection. Which, believe it or not, eventually led me to the Founding of the United States of America. The common thread amongst all of these things is yes, Astrology, but also, the Venus Cycle.
Venus shows up around the world. From The Cuneiform Tablets of Sumer, To the Mayan Calendar, we find her influence. That place where the Ziggurats once peppered the skyline? Now fly flags that herald a Crescent (the Moon) and a Star (Venus) Yes, I’m referring to the Turkish and Islamic Flags. One place I didn’t know I’d find her is here, in America. And in my own European Lineage.
Mathematically, Venus has a very special relationship with the Earth. For every 8 Earth years, Venus has 5 complete cycles as seen from the earth. This 8:5 relationship throws up all types of mathematical certainties in which the ancient people seem to have known instinctively.
The use of this mathematics was used by the builders, or “masons” of the ancient henges over 5,000 years ago. And long thought a secret, it amazingly then shows up in the layout of Washington DC. Pointing us to is an astounding secret. That the United States was founded by Venus Families. That then went on to encode their stamp all over the “Temples” of Washington DC.
There are deeply veiled occult secrets embedded in the architecture and symbology all around the world, that have been protected from us at all costs. Because the powers that be, the Flavian Deceivers, AKA Empire, don’t want us to know of our inherent power, magic, and majesty.
At this juncture, there are those who would have us believe that America is a Christian Country. We hear it online all the time. People justifying dogmatic overreach because “we are a Christian nation”. Just google those words, and you will see a plethora of non-profit organizations dedicated to promoting that idea. On the opposing side, there are those who would entice us with the notion that having no values, no ability to call out right and wrong, is in fact, a virtue. These people who preach blanket tolerance and compassion are equally complicit in distracting us from the truth. Both movements threaten to undermine, even destroy our constitution.
Venus rules Values. And indeed the Venus Families, founded our country upon theirs.
Our inception was seeded by those who wove Ancient Wisdom into the design of our Capital. The builders left proof all over Washington DC in their megalithic yard. The megalithic yard is a unit of measurements which incorporates Venus’ Astronomical Cycle in its calculations . Which is entirely appropriate as the whole of the original civic heart of Washington DC is a giant astronomical observatory.
Once we begin to peer beyond the veil, the veil that keeps us in ignorance, we can begin to free ourselves from this great Flavian Deception. She, and Yes, America as a Feminine Nation, was founded to grant people freedom FROM religious tyranny and promote enlightenment.
Jefferson believed Liberty was gained through knowledge, and that knowledge led to enlightenment.
The Capitol Building itself was conceived of as a Temple of Enlightenment. A Dome of Ascension. Using sacred geometry, and modeled after the Temple of Solomon, Walters’ interior revision of today’s Capitol Building in the 1860’s included the monumental, mythological, painting suspended over the oculus of the inner dome. The Apotheosis of George Washington. (Washington becoming a God) by painter Constantino Brumidi. It is filled with Occult Symbols. Thirteen dancing maidens surround Washington. Wink wink. There were 13 colonies. Wink. These maidens are encircled further, by 72 five pointed stars. And as we’ll come to learn, the five pointed star is, of or related, to Venus, The Feminine, and The Earth.
There is Mercury, holding a caduceus, the god of spiritual travelers, alchemy and transformation, handing a bag of gold, (alchemical) to the financier of the American Revolution. (this is important to our history, but I’m not going to cover it here)
Then we find the God Hephaestus, (or Enki in other Pantheons). Zacariah Sitchin, in his reinterpretation of the Sumerian myths said that Enki was the God that created the human body. So this begs the question: what does Brumidi know about this figure? And what message might be in this painting about human origin and our potential to achieve true freedom and liberty?
*With all this talk this week about moving into a “transhuman world”, I feel it’s ever more important to understand these secrets now.
In a Lecture given by William Henry, he says, “There are seven vignettes in the painting, (Apotheosis) which Arion Love points out can be seen as representing the seven transformations in alchemy, which is taken from the Emerald Tablet of Hermes. Brumini was a student of Rapheal and Michelangelo. Both Rapheal and Michelangelo were students of the Emerald Tablet and Sacred Geometry. The vignettes display, Calcination, Dissolution, Separation. Conjunction, Fermentation, Distillation, Coagulation.
In society, Coagulation is the living wisdom in which everyone exists within the same light of evolved consciousness and cosmic order. Bermidi, along with the Founding Fathers, believed this was part of the vision for America. A place where the people were actually free to transform and awaken. On a planetary level, coagulation is a return to the Garden of Eden. This time on a higher level, in tune with Divine Mind.” -William Henry
Further, in the painting, America is depicted by Maat, the Goddess of Cosmic Order.
Esoterically the symbolism in the painting can be seen as the embodied liberation of the human soul through the alchemical process.
The ignorance the founders spoke of was in getting bogged down by dogma and fervor, and not attending to their own enlightenment. We must remember the context in which the country was founded. Everything that the people believed was dictated by the church. And heretics were burned at the stake, along with the witches. The founders wanted to create a haven where consciousness, belief, and the sacred, could evolve.
“Convinced that the people are the only safe depositories of their own liberty, and that they are not safe unless enlightened to a certain degree.” -Jefferson
This, in essence, is the American Dream. The Vision for a New Jerusalem. Or Atlantis, as Francis Bacon called it. Not Apple Pie and Baseball.
These days, the “Church” has morphed into the Government itself. When we see the level of censorship coming from different government bodies, I think the founders would be alarmed.
This was a lofty goal, and at this point America is so far from the vision of the founders. But that doesn’t mean we can’t contribute to continuing their legacy, each of us in our own way.
Even if you don’t live in America, one can join the vision of a New Atlantis. Whereby “Know Thyself” takes on a critical meaning. For it is through dying to our conditioned self, the self that has been indoctrinated by beliefs and domestication we did not choose, and giving ourselves over to resurrection to be reborn as our authentic, “higher” self, that we contribute to the collective evolution of humanity. This was the initiation rite in the founders tradition. It is the initiation rite baked into the template of the Venus Cycle, and practiced by the followers of Inanna, Isis, and their lineages that still exist today.