We Were Made For These Times
Pluto finally ingresses into Aquarius today. Over the next year we have ALL of our outer planets changing signs.
I wanted to begin to open an exploration of the evolutionary edge we are now surfing. And give you guys some resources to help you orient yourselves in our changing times. I wanted to do this for US. So that we can move through these major shifts TOGETHER. In Synarchy!
Pluto Into Aquarius - And the Outer Planets
There is a degree of rightness that is embedded in the current outpicturing. Even though to some, the world may seem bleak, or chaotic, I promise IT IS NOT. This is a right and proper animation of the Sky Story.
Below is the Inside Degree Point of Pluto’s Ingress into Aquarius today.
“A two-headed calf.
Taking a good look at things with an eager eye brings you right into the middle of the dilemma of polarities. As you stand there faced with the different sides, you are impartial; neither side pulls you more sharply than the other. Immense opportunity. Huge challenge. You have vital potential for brilliant synthesis, but a subtle temptation to think too long. A schooling in alchemy in every moment--do you find what is ready to emerge or do you think about it? Progressive evolution draws you through all your mistakes into all that can be.” -Elias Lonsdale
We can see these polarities magnified in the collective.
In this video, I want to take a moment to speak to the messaging in the collective. There are so many fear based narratives being thrown out there that are, likewise, generating a fear so thick it’s almost palpable. (At least in my area). And I want to look at how to orient to the world in these intensely shifting times.
Written Transmission to accompany the Video Transmission.
We are in the midst of a heavy Uranian Influence.
Retrograde Uranus and Friday’s Full Moon were conjunct the Demon Star Algol in Taurus.
Algol is known as the “winking eye of Medusa”.
and under its influence people are thought to “loose their heads”.
Uranus is a planet of sudden change, rebellion and revolution. Long thought by astrologers to be far more akin to the Promethean impulse towards freedom and emancipation, then the mythological story of Ouranous, King of the Heavens.
We can clearly see this influence in the outpicturing in the collective. Uranus influence is further amplified in its trine to Pluto in Capricorn, and its sextile to Neptune in Pisces.
Things are going to continue to be weird and chaotic for the foreseeable future. However, from an evolutionary perspective, this chaotic weirdness, this breakdown, and reorganization, is rightful.
I want to be careful with how I frame this chaos, because we so often hear the word chaos and think “doom and gloom”. Something negative.
However, chaos is the force of the feminine. It is the birth place of creativity and Eros.
I’ve thinking a lot about this idea or motif of “loosing our heads”, and whether or not there is something rightful in this as well?
The outer planets are transpersonal in nature. Meaning we see and feel their influence deep in the psyche. Unconscious contents are released into the subconscious, and then made conscious. This process is the very definition of awakening. We aren’t waking up to some universal utopia, but rather being given access to more and more of the collective/higher/cosmic consciousness.
This can be an instense and even maddening experience, and must, therefore, be held, acknowledged, and somehow integrated.
If we don’t acknowledge the impulse of “awakening”, we end up fighting against it. Using the “emancipatory” impulses that are unleashed by Uranus against ourselves.
Because of his correlation to Prometheus, we equate Uranus transits to moments of collective “en-lighten-ment”.
Likewise there is a correlation between Neptune and investing in illusion. While Pluto signifies deep transformation that is usually initiated by the death of an old way of being.
Neptune is at the midpoint of this configuration, which means we must always wash new information (awakenings) with discernment.
All this to say that we REALLY need to be gentle with ourselves and each other. We need to hold what we deem to be “truth” lightly. Because this transit is impacting each and every one of us. And each and every one of us will be in differing layers of consciousness at different points. Just like a group of gamers being on different levels of the same game.
My guess is that part of what is happening is an evolutionary “correction”. The forces of opposition are so pronounced right now.
Jung called this phenomenon, “entantiodromia”. The Pendulum swinging to the extremes precisely so a resolution can occur. This function describes the way rapid evolution happens.
Uranus is known to reconcile irreconcilable opposites. In an almost instantaneous fashion.
We have two halves of the collective who do NOT inhabit the same reality. This is considered destructive to societies. Healthy societies function through a sense of cohesion. We are living through a time that is the opposite of that.
The chaos is serving to push the two sides of the pendulum to the extremes so that we will eventually snap back into a shared reality.
This will be a messy process. The more we fight the forces of evolution, the more maddening it feels.
My suggestion when this becomes overwhelming is to come back into local spheres. The places where our influence actually has impact. Touch grass. Be present with your family and your community. Strengthen your bonds with those you love, while suspending the need for certainty, for operating in “known-ness”. Allow yourself to “loose your head” a bit. This is the breaking of a layer of untruth, that will eventually lead to more truth. Root into the body and the heart as much as possible.
This is an awesome time of awakening, revelation, transition, and transformation. Those who benefit most, who will acquire the most wisdom and enlightenment, will be the people who flow with the energy. Evolutionary surfers.
Those who have a practice of allowing the old to fall away: who trust the thrust of change, those who stay malleable. Those who flex their muscles of discernment, while still holding what they discern gently.
Be wary of those who have messages of certainty. Those who preach from a place of crystalized “truth”. Those with a message of “knowing” that their path is the true path.
Also be wary of messages of doom and gloom. This is a bug in the matrix that is meant to keep us stuck in this old layer of consciousness. It has been very profitable for some.
Allow yourself to move out of perceiving time as a linear progression from a-b. And instead begin to see time as a cyclical progression. Cycles within cycles, like Russian Nesting Dolls. When we have this relationship to time, we know that somewhere on the arch of the cycle, we all win.
The only unchanging truth is universal/cosmic law. Everything else is in a state of flux right now. And again, this is rightful. Because the Universe is moving through the photon belt, There is a lot of light available to us. But when the light heightens, so does the darkness. The darkness seeks to keep us locked in fear.
In addition to all of this Uranian/Promethean/Emancipatory energy, Retrograde Chiron is at his USA return point, signaling a mass level of collective healing. It’s as though the scab is being pulled off of the wound.
Lastly, please remember that we incarnated for these times. Each and every one of us chose to be on this specific transition team. To birth the bridge between old world and the new.
Pluto and the Outer Planets Video
Pluto Stationing Direct - Still Under this Influence
Pluto Stationed Direct on October 12 conjunct the Moon, squaring Black Moon Lilith at 29° Libra.
When a Planet stations direct, the chart it creates intones the energy of the Planet for the next six months.
This station direct will be very deep and cathartic. Touching on personal topics that cut to the quick and impel transformation that serves sovereignty and liberation.
Here is the inside degree for Pluto’s degree.
“Blue morning glories growing up a tall trellis.
Heightened ability to bring the greater self into action. The towering presence of the one who knows informing each moment. A huge and formidable destiny-dedication to bring all of yourself through into this world. A steadfast, adamant quality of soul. The prenatal resolve to work out all remaining karmas and be free. Intensive focus upon soul evolution. Purpose, will. You have something to grow into throughout your life. Ancient ways, unfallen heights, seeing through. Staggered by what you have taken on. Ripening on the vine. Under massive pressure from within. The path and journey of ascension, with the body honored and the world renewed. Awakening and tapping the source for endeavors, projects, and tasks requires top-level clearance and the truest endowment of inward faculties to see them through and light up the world.”
Inside Degree by Elias Lonsdale
*Pluto leaves Capricorn TODAY for good on November 19th. However the Direct Station Chart remains in effect until he stations retrograde again in April
*Find an excerpt from the book, “Eros and Chaos” at the button below, that perfectly captures this transition for me.
The 29th degree of Capricorn is the crisis point around consensus conformity. “the old ways”. Where we meet the “one in us who knows”. The one who “cannot be destroyed” when everything around it has been.
29° Capricorn is opposite our Venus Helical Rise point of 29° of Cancer. ♋️
This, in and of itself is something to ponder. How does this “one who knows” in us give way to our rising or ascent in the world?
How does access to this inner void, serve us?
I made a recording of the excerpt and added some more astrological wisdom to accompany the excerpt. This excerpt really encapsulates the energy of the Pluto Direct Chart and the themes we may encounter with Pluto over the next several months.
Closing out the Pluto in Capricorn Cycle Powerfully
It is really important that we fully close out the last cycle so that we can powerfully move into the next cycle.
If you didn’t have an opportunity to drop in with our Pluto Exiting Capricorn And the Age of Aquarius Masterclass, there is still time.
This was an epic conversation as I handed listeners some keys to the upcoming time we are moving into.
Plus it’s affordable. This is an opportunity to close one cycle, and step powerfully into the new age.
As an Astrologer, I am extremely passionate about cycles. And we are at an inflection point with one of our most powerful and influential planets in the zodiac. Pluto.
Pluto leaves Capricorn for the final time in our lifetimes on November 19th.
The last time Pluto journeyed through Aquarius, between 1777 and 1798, the world's balance of power massively shifted. These two decades saw the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Which tells us, that we are in for massive, quantum level shifts in the collective.
I believe this time we are in now is why each and every one of us incarnated.
My friend and teacher, Perri Chase, and I created an amazing workshop to discuss the end of this epic cycle, the moment we are in now, and where we are headed.
We look back on the ways we have personally transformed with Pluto in Capricorn. What died, and what was born in its place.
Throughout this sweeping conversation, we offer the audience powerful inquiry topics to help you reflect on and close out this cycle consciously.
As I mention in the workshop, I think one of the most important things we can do in this moment is “raise our eyes” to longer cycles. Because despite the current outpicturing, the future is arriving. We encourage the listener to move with the pulse of creation and be part of creating the new world that is literally at our doorstep.
There were so many aha moments for me in taking myself through the inquiries offered. And I think you will find this a hopeful and valuable exercise for you too!
Pluto Into Aquarius Transmission
Pluto and Sun Conjuct in Aquarius on Inauguration Day
On January 20th, the Day the Sun ingresses to Aquarius each year, the US inaugurates a new President. In 2024, inauguration day takes place with the Sun, Conjunct Pluto. In other words we have a unique alignment. Donald Trump on the ground, the Sun behind him, and behind the Sun, Pluto. This will be the first time in the history of our Country, that we have a Sun/Pluto conjunction on inauguration day.
The Sun informs our sense of self, rules our conscious ego, general disposition, impulses towards autonomy, and selfhood, how we radiate that selfhood outwards, and how we generate life force for ourselves.
In Mundane Astrology, the Sun represents the King.
Pluto, on the other hand, governs all processes of breakdown, what exists at the subterranean level, cycles of destruction and creation, impulses towards regeneration and transformation, power, fear, purging and detoxifying. Pluto is a libidinous, chthonic God, Ruler of the Underworld.
As a simple math equation, what happens when the Sun meets Pluto?
In a person, the answer seems simple, some area of self is slated for transformation.
But what happens when we zoom out, and look at these planets on a collective level?
In mundane astrology (astrology of the collective) The Sun Signifies the head of the nation, the government or executive head. It rules the President, King, Nobles, persons of distinction, influential political or business leaders, corporation heads. The condition of the Sun reflects many things about the well-being of the nation and how it is viewed by other nations. Difficult aspects show tensions.
Pluto Signifies the mob psychology and power of the masses. It has to do with regeneration and transformation and if in a favorable aspect shows where improvements and better organization can come about. Pluto often shows where there are complications though, the shadows, and if afflicted may indicate sociological upheavals, power struggles, terrorism or corruption. Pluto rules nuclear power, plutonium, radium, zinc, tungsten, nickel, infrared rays and lasers. Stressful aspects of Pluto may produce volcanoes, earthquakes, oil spills, fires, war, mudslide, avalanches or anything which involves widespread death and destruction.
The Historical Astrologer Says, “ Pluto in astrology acts as a force for creative destruction. This term, creative destruction, was coined by the Viennese economist, Joseph Schumpeter. Schumpeter described creative destruction as, a “process of…mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the….structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, and incessantly creating a new one.”
Could there be some event that takes place on or around the 20th that shakes the world leaders in their leadership position? What could this portend for the United States, or for the wider world at large?
On January 20st the Sun Conjunct Pluto is in the sign of Aquarius. This is huge news by any astrologer's standards. What happened during the last 16 years, and what might the future hold. How should we approach Pluto in Aquarius?
Let’s begin with Joseph Schumpeter’s words. Creative Destruction..Pluto’s trek through Capricorn was a veritable masterclass on the underbelly and corruption of our closed systems. It was kicked off in 2008 with the “destruction” of our financial system. And since this point, it has been one revelation after another about the subterranean level of government. The Deep State, Cover ups and whistleblowers abound. My only sadness is, with Pluto Moving out of Capricorn, we don’t seem to have learned or rectified anything. It’s only been revealed.
With the last Sun/Pluto conjunction taking place in Capricorn, it was no surprise to me that the equivalent of the executive branch of quite a few governments across the globe, seems to be in crisis. It’s as though the old systems of power know they are on the chopping block and they are making one last stand to maintain their grip on imperial power.
With Pluto’s orbit taking 248 years, the last time we found Pluto in this area of the chart, we were founding our country as a rebellion to the English Monarchy. And we are just a few years away from the Pluto Return of French Revolution which happened in Aquarius. The French Revolution fundamentally changed the face of Europe, and paved the way for the “creative destruction” of many more monarchies.
Aqaurius takes power from the center (Hierarchy) and distributes it more evenly, along the periphery. Think centralized systems of power (Capricorn) vs a More Egalitarian Flavor of power.
In many schools of Astrology, Aquarius is the sign of the People. It governs society, Whereas Capricorn is the Government. So while Pluto in Capricorn took the arrow of our attention and focused it on Halls of Power, Pluto in Aquarius may turn that arrow back to us. As the “masses”.
We must be weary that the halls of government don’t project their failures onto the people. We see this phenomenom taking place right now with the loosing side blaming “ill informed voters”, rather than taking responsibility for their failure to create a popular platform that would have drawn voters to the polls. That side lost over 14 million votes. Meaning 14 million people who voted in the last election, did not vote in this one. It is not these peoples fault that the outcome was unfavorable. I can name several places that side could have created a populist platform that would have turned more people out. (as an analogy)
We read above that Pluto Signifies the mob psychology and power of the masses. Essentially, I believe this means that we, the people, are on deck. We have the power to make collective change in ways we haven’t before.
With Pluto unveiling the shadows, the revealer of truth…
This also means the health of the collective has never been more important. We will need to inspect the collective thought forms that try to hook us. The health of the ideologies that we invest in. Whether or not, “mass formation psychosis” has taken over. Because, it may be, for the first time, we realize, we’ve always had the power.
Given the spiritual state, and maturity level of the collective, hooking us with the unhealthy could be quite easy. When we are not firmly attached to the seat of our own soul, it’s easy for outsiders with agenda’s to hijack our system. To engage us in their fight, to support their cause rather than our own. I have a theory about this that I’ll discuss in a later video. As Uranus Rules progress and evolution, I think there is a test in Aquarius.
In addition to being the mundane sign of the People, Aquarius rules progress, the future, new technologies, AI, Deep Fakes, UFO’s, hyperdimensional space travel, the bionic, or perfected human. Anything that can be dreamt up that doesn’t already exist within the closed system
If you take a look at this list you can see that all of these things are in the “more than human” realm. Therefore, we will need to be capable of discerning what is real versus what is unreal.
With my own students in SkyDancer, we play with a Practice called “Real Beauty or Glamour Magic” for precisely this purpose. So that our connection with the organic, the natural, the “real” doesn’t get squashed by the technologically created unreal.
There is so much to cover Regarding Aquarius and Pluto. I hope to get a video up for you all soon.
The Art is a collage using Joffra Boschart's work. I LOVE it. You've got the skull, Pluto. And the Water Bearer, Aquarius