Planetary Priestess


In saying “yes” to The Planetary Priestess Path, You are saying “yes” to the Mystery. “Yes” to walking the Path of Deep Trust, and Living Revelation

Descent & Resurrection


Archetypal Journey

Into the Mythic Underworld and Back Again.

The Venus Cycle Maps on Perfectly to Inanna’s Journey to the Underworld. Because her Myth, is a Venus Myth.


Every nine months Venus makes one leg of her twofold journey.

The Morning Star Phase (Descent) and the Evening Star Phase (Ascent).

Venus is now entering the “Gemini” Evening Star Phase. The Ascent To Reclaim Our Inner Throne.

All Planets have an exoteric ruler (mundane) and esoteric ruler (inner mysteries).

In esoteric Astrology, Gemini is Ruled by VENUS herself.

Click ROSE Below to be taken to a set of four free Evening Star Journey Transmissions.

Planetary Priestess Opens for Enrollment at the beginning of each cycle. Next cycle begins in March 2025. Apply now to reserve your space.

Applications are considered ongoingly. If you have a deep desire to work with Venus

Fill out the application below for entry.

(The application covers additional logistical information and fee structure)

The Underworld Container and all Underworld Curriculum is included in this round of Planetary Priestess. So you will have access to all prior curriculum from this Venus in Leo Cycle.

Temple Doors are now open, and foundational transmissions and masterclasses are available.

What is The Path of The Planetary Priestess?

It is A Deep Exploration of Universal Truth and How it wants to Live Through Us.

Venus Cycle

Venus’s cycle has a unique Relationship with The Sun & Moon.

From an esoteric perspective…

The Sun is related to the consciousness that bears the mystery of all of creation. It is the original and sustaining spark of life.

While the moon, relates to our psyche, our subconscious patterning, and is thought to mediate the realm between the conscious and the unconscious, helping us move between the known and the unknown.

Venus serves to transform knowledge into wisdom.

Through the principle of love, She is the vehicle for the emergence of essence.

By syncing with the Five Pointed Mandala created in the sky as she dances with the Sun & Moon we are provided with the template of a deep mystical journey that helps us cultivate our own inner gnosis.

Primordial Feminine

In spiritual traditions across the globe, the body of a woman is equated to the body of Earth. For millennia, these correspondences have been evident in ancient artifacts, pottery, and natural artwork. Woman=Body=Earth, was the prevailing formula for worship and ritual inside of Deep Time.

A woman’s body gives birth and sustains her child, which is mirrored in the way the earth sustains us and all sentient life. Because of this, ancient people learned to trust the earth, and Her cycles.

There is ample evidence to suggest that the Sky Story directed the steps of our early ancestors. The cosmos acted as a map, an oracle, and a portal to other dimensions. In many tribes a Priestess was appointed to translate the whispers she heard while observing the celestial symphony. This strengthened the tribes people’s connection to the Goddess. Helping them open to receive Her force within them.

Through my own work following the Mandala of Venus’ Cycle, being guided by the Dakini Sky Dancer, I’ve had my own direct revelation around Venus’ relationship to the Earth. It’s not the whole of my personal body of Venus Wisdom, it’s not even the tip, but it is something that has passed every challenge I’ve put to it.

It goes something like this… When the dominator paradigm began to systematically stamp out matrilineal societies, the “Hall of Records'' that belonged to Primordial Feminine, The Woman=Body=Earth Societies; stored all of their organic wisdom, on the Mandala of Venus’ Sky Dance with the intention that one day it would be revealed, reclaimed, and upgraded by her daughters and supported by her sons, through the revelation of her synodic cycle.

Mythos Logos

The Path of the Planetary Priestess

This journey is one of unraveling. A reorientation to the Realm of the Feminine, before the Dominator Paradigm colonized our mind, body, and soul.

Together, we will collapse duality, shed layers of outdated conditioning and inner misogyny, that says we have to conquer and dominate our reality in order to get by.

Slowly we will loosen our grip on our strategies of control that have kept us imprisoned by restriction.

Instead, we will enter the liminal field of intuition and psyche, reclaim our disowned rage, and feel our unacknowledged grief.

Learn to make love to Chaos & Embody Paradox.

The Realm of the Feminine is the beauty of our mess, the groundlessness of the underworld, the discarded, and reviled. She is the demon, and the snake. Along with the angel and the lover.

She is feral, and unkept. 

And because of this, she has been wholly rejected by society.

For centuries we’ve bound her in fabric, muzzled her mouth, adorned her with jewels, perfectly coiffed her hair, and made her into the disciplined, restrained, picture of a lady, acceptable to man.

It’s time for us to reclaim HER.

Dakini Sky Dancer

As guide through the Venus Mandala

The Dakini is a messenger of spaciousness and a force of truth, presiding over the funeral of self-deception. Wherever we cling, she cuts; whatever we think we can hide, even from ourselves, she reveals. The dakini traditionally appears during transitions: moments between worlds, between life and death, in visions between sleep and waking, in cemeteries and charnel grounds. - Wisdom Rising

Astronomical Mandala Of Venus’ Cosmic Rose

Every 9 Months, Venus makes one Star Point. This Star Point, like Russian Nesting Dolls, is one cycle fixed inside of an even larger 19 month cycle, and then a larger 8 year cycle.

It begins with Venus in Retrograde, high in the sky, traveling closest to earth.

She then spends nine months, the same amount of time it takes to gestate new life, in her Morning Star phase. This is why Venus is connected to the woman’s mysteries and cycles of creation.

Each month She descends towards the horizon until finally she disappears from view.

As She descends She meets with the Moon, creating the Gateways to the Underworld, as in the myth of Inanna.

Her Cycle provides the Template for a profound Medicine Journey, descending into the Underworld, Meeting with The Queen of Death, only to rise again, ascending up through the night sky as Evening Star, to reclaim her throne at her Greatest Brilliance.

With Venus acting as Sky Dancer and Guide, I invite you to come on this Inner Journey straight into the heart of your own inner gnosis, to reclaim and embody the wisdom that Venus has stored on her Mandala.

Feminine Dharma

Getting in touch with our Feminine Dharma means touching into the natural cycles of life. The Planetary Priestess uses the Moon as a timing tool that lights our way.

Venus has a unique Relationship with The Moon that The Ancient Priestesses used as Oracle to gain access to the greater Mysteries of the Cosmos. By syncing with their unique cycle, (Moon/Venus) they used this Wisdom to Guide their greater Communities.

In this group, you have the opportunity to commune with other devotees of the Feminine who are in Service to restoring a Balance to the Planet.

Together we will explore what it means to map our own essential truth. And revivify Ancient Technologies to help ourselves and the collective evolve.

By deepening with our own Astrology Chart, we can locate our inner genius, and integrate the wisdom of The Sky Story through embodying its archetypes, walking the Path of The Planetary Priestess.

This is a profound initiatory journey of remembrance, reclamation, and empowerment. Curated by cosmos especially for us.

Why Sync With Venus?

Sync With Venus

Planetary Priestess is a comprehensive program of Archetypal Embodiment.

Each month we meet with a New Astrological Archetype, and it’s Corresponding Feminine Frequency.

In the Descent Cycle, Venus Moves Down through the Chakras, giving us an opportunity to psychologically “disrobe” from Crown to Root.

We work with one Chakra Per “Gateway” (Month) removing all of our “false vestments of power” (ego attachments, misalignments etc.) as we travel downwards. Until we finally arrive “naked” (metaphorically) and “bowed low” in the Underworld.

The Underworld is the place where the Alchemical Magic happens.

On the Ascent Side of our Journey, Venus Helps us to Rise in our AUTHENTIC Feminine Power. Fully aligned with the truth of who we are. Preparing us to share our Priestess Skills with our own Communities.

The Venus Path is perfect for:

  • For anyone who wants to truly meet the mystery.

  • For anyone who wants to embody the Universal Currents of Energy that live through us.

  • For anyone who has a deep remembrance that they are a Planetary Priestess and that the Star Story illuminates a deeply personal spiritual path for each one of us.

  • For anyone who has ever experienced, grief, the loss of a relationship, or a profound change, and wants to be held in the embrace of the Great Mother, while exploring Her many faces as they learn a new way to relate to these interior realms. Whilst getting reacquainted with any pieces of us that we’ve abandoned along the way. Those soul fragments that we’ve unknowingly left behind.

  • For anyone who wishes to meet their authentic power.

  • For anyone who is interested in deepening with their unique astrology chart, and how our chart can support self transformation.

  • For anyone devoted to doing the deep work of self reclamation. Especially of the parts of us that have been denied, or shorn off during times of adversity or intense trauma.

Your Guide

Greetings and Welcome. My Name is Damascena. I’ve devoted the last several decades of my life to exploring the Mystery of Incarnation. As your guide on this Deep Spiral Path, I bring my background in Ayurveda, Birth and Death Work, Grief/Shamanic Passages, Emotional Alchemy, Mothering, and Astrology to every dimension of our our time together.

The thing I am in service too, my “Medicine” in this lifetime, is to be a “Wayshower” on this Path of “Deep Inner Gnosis”. Guiding initiates towards meeting and relating to themselves and their incarnation, powerfully, deeply. and honestly.

The way these modalities weave together provides a beautiful template of self discovery through Archetypes, Energy, & Frequency (embodiment). In SkyDancer, I hand you the keys to my own personal Spiritual Practice. As your guide, I immerse myself in the journey with you, never removing myself from my place beside you in our circle, or standing above it. Our time together is always intimate and deeply transformative. My Scorpio Sun wouldn’t have it any other way.

To learn more about me, and my background, peruse the website, and visit, about page. To begin a free journey with Venus, sign up for the access to the Portal.

How It Works…

  • Venus Mandala

    Provides the Structure of our container. Each month we gather As Venus travels through the night sky, and makes her conjunction with the Moon to form The Chakra Gateway. At each Gateway we work on the themes that Venus Sky Story reveals are most prescient at that time.

  • The Chakras

    We use the Chakras to help focus our work. It is this work that helps us create a direct connection to the cosmos, so that we ourselves can become a Sacred Channel of the Divine. This is deep energy and embodiment training, readying ourselves to step out into the world as Planetary Priestess.

  • Energy / Frequency / Archetypes

    This is where Soul meets Sky, and a beautiful fusion happens. Where our own unique Medicine begins to rise to the surface.

    What does it mean to be a Planetary Priestess? A Leader and Emissary of The Venus Path? In addition to our monthly meetup, there are additional coaching calls, and explorations.

Pertinent Links

Find The Course

Syllabus Here

The Path of the Planetary Priestess is a 12 month container in which I will hand you the Keys to My Spiritual Practice. It is one part Astrology Journey, One part Path of Transformation, Led by Venus Herself.

Participants will be initiated in the Rites of the Venus Path, Her-story, Her Gnosis, Her Mysteries, and how to sync with her cycle. Planetary Priestess offers a full introductory astrological curriculum, so that you graduate with the Keys to Divine the Oracle Yourself.

There will also be a blend Psycho- Spiritual content to aid in awakening our Inner Venusian Codes, Plus Bonus Astrology & Embodiment Content.

Click the button below for important information on Planetary Priesstess’ Lineage


Once you check out, we will get an email notification. Within 24 hours, you will be sent a link to join our private Mighty Networks Container. If you do not hear from us within 24 hrs, feel free to reach out at

Note: “The Path of the Planetary Priestess” is newly an expanded and evolved version of our previous offering called “SkyDancer.” These terms may be used interchangeably on the website. You are in the right place.

To view the the formal invitation page with Informational Video Links, and a Free Venus Master Class click below,

If you know you are ready to begin now, fill out the application here. Application includes additional logistics information, and fee structure.

Planetary Priestess Temple, Held on Mighty Networks is already loaded with transmissions and Venus Mystery School Lessons. Begin today.

The Venus’ Path and The Planetary Priestess, is a Mystery School Tradition.

All Rights Reserved.

For More Information or to place your name on the waitlist…