The Mystery Of Coming UNDONE

The Underworld
I love it.
The rawness. The nakedness.
The ”no room for bullish!t-ness”…
The absolute UNKNOWN-NESS….
of the Venus Underworld Journey.
The way others get hyped about their favorite holiday each year, I get hyped for the descent.
The disrobing of everything that is not us.
No frills.
It’s a time of emptying and alchemy.
And maybe loosing our minds a bit.
Where we purge old ways of navigating the world that keep taking us back to the same tired places that we don’t want to go anymore.
Can you feel it?
The desire to go down, to take some space. To really feel the essence of who we truly are?
To own our frequency? Our Medicine? To OWN ourselves?
To know a quiet simplicity.
How we are actually smoother, and less complex, on the inside than we thought we were, when the noise of the upperworld is turned all the way down.
When we drop all of the masks.
When identity doesn’t matter anymore.
When we stop gripping onto the “shoulds”
And there is nobody left to ask permission of. Just us.

The Underworld is calling us when…
When it costs more to keep it all going than to just let go.
When we realize that hanging onto our fears is literally killing us.
When we are on our knees for the thing we came here to embody, and everything else just feels like a cheap substitute.
We keep searching for it out there, when we know, that we know, that we know, it’s been in us all along. We just haven’t been able to access it.
This is a Path of Deep Trust. The Path of Surrender. The Path of Inner Gnosis
The Alchemical Crucible that lives in the dark.
In order to have all of this, we have to give up control. We have to relinquish our addiction to safety, and restriction.
But how?
That’s f&cking terrifying.

The Details
To be a powerful creator, we need our roots deep in the dark fertile soil.
We cannot manifest and create a “New World” or even the life we want from a dissociated, or grabby, state of control.
A decade ago, I took my first (semi) conscious trip to the Underworld.
I thought it was the deepest, most inward trip I would take in my lifetime.
Little did I know how often I would return to the same place.
How this would become a place of buried treasure. And how I would begin to welcome opportunities to open wide enough to go down this far.
Each time hitting a new layer of my soul’s truth. Revealing something previously hidden, something that would end up being crucial to my life in the Upperworld.
Call these treasures, or “internal tools of power”. A Power forged in the Dark
What is The Underworld?
In Shamanic cosmology The Underworld is the realm of the Feminine. Of the Mother, of the Soul.
We travel to the Underworld for deep nourishment. Once there, we allow ourselves to lay down in the soil, and receive Her nutrients.
In the Underworld we are “fertilized” by our worldly experiences and they are then transmuted into a “new thing”.
The Underworld is a realm of “soul retrieval”… a homecoming for our exiled parts. Where they can be reintegrated with love.
It’s a realm of rest and digestion.
While the “Underworld” carries certain negative connotations in our over-materialized, culture, this is actually just a manifestation of our collective “Mother wound” that darkly colors our perception of the lower world.
A genuine Underworld experience, re-introduces us, body and soul, to the living source of love that pulsates from the center of the Earth. And reminds us that we are never separate from this living source of love.
It offers us an ecstatic encounter with our life.
In the Underworld, there is a welcome release of what is weighing us down. There is room for our lament.
Imagine the way a child runs to its Mother, when things feel too big to hold alone. This is what the Underworld offers us. An opportunity hand off the excess baggage to the Mother.
In the Underworld, She holds and embraces us we give over the parts of ourselves that we’ve found difficult to love.
And with the eyes of love, she cherishes us.
It is here we are reintroduced to the interconnected web of life, and we find a different kind of belonging.
Yes, the “work” of the Underworld is deep and profound. But it is not a trip to the Hell Realms.
It is a trip to the realms of our own nature.
The Myth of Inanna is Star Story, a Venus Star story to be exact.
If you remember in Inanna’s myth, she descends through seven Gates and arrives in the Underworld to meet her Dark Sister Erishkagel.
Erishkagel is the mythic representation of Inanna’s exiled parts.
When we meet Erishkagel, she is on the floor giving birth. At the very same time she slays Inanna.
As this drama plays out, two of Inanna’s helpers from the Upper World come down and deeply empathize with her. Mirroring her pain back to her through the eyes of love.
Then they move onto Inanna and sprinkle her with the bread and water of life.
This clues us into a few things. First, the motif of the “Mother” being a central character in the story.
Secondly, the metaphorical, simultaneous, death and rebirth, is a symbolic clue of transmutation, or becoming a new thing through the medium of love and compassion.
Said another way, it is through meeting ourselves in the metaphorical dark, with the love of the mother, we become a new thing. Fully transformed.
This is the central “Drama” of the Venus Story.
Where we will go together is a Mystery.
The Mystery is part of the Underworld’s Power
If you feel Underworld Calling you, I invite you to listen to your soul’s desire and join us.
Here are the few details I will present you with….
This is a psycho-spiritual program. We work with myth, story telling, shadow, dreamwork, visiting the subconscious, and unconscious, as well as journeying as an access point to the shamanic realms.
We will meet bi-monthly on Saturday’s at 2:00 pm est. for eight weeks beginning on May 11th for transmission, teaching, and shamanic work.
We will have mid-module deepening calls so people in different time zones are able to participate in Group Coaching, Q&A, and integration.
The Journey will be Transformational, and Shamanic in Nature.
Underworld will be held in a gorgeous Container on Mighty Networks, that hosts a vibrant, lively, soul centered sisterhood, alongside all of the course material.
We loved hosting our last round of SkyDancer on Mighty Networks.
It truly offers the “Etheric Temple Experience” for all participants.
The way it’s laid out encourages community sharing, while leaving all of the course materials, events, zoom information, etc. right at your fingertips.

Ready to Join Now?
We realize that there are people ready to begin today. As soon as you make your purchase you will be added to the container, which is pre-populated with lessons and materials so you can begin your journey right now.
Two Available Payment Options…
Read Details below payment options before choosing one
One time payment of $222.00
Split payment of $111.00 over two months.
* Mighty Networks Checkout Process works best on a Web Browser, or on a Desktop. You will first be prompted to create an account. From there, you will make your purchase.
Mighty Networks has a web browser experience that you can utilize from your desktop. And a very useful mobile app option. Much like Facebook. Once you have signed up, if you do not already have the Mighty Networks App, please download Mighty Networks from your Mobile Device’s App Store. For your convenience, this prompt should come in an email upon your purchase.
We realize that this is new technology and that can feel overwhelming. Please do not let that deter you from signing up. We have several tech support assistants who will help you get your program up and running with ease. Simply reach out to us at the form below and let us know that you need help. This way, the sisterhood we cultivate will always be in your pocket.
We’ve had two phenomenal promotional calls. To access the Replays in the “Underworld Vault” click button below. On our first call, we explored the Deep History of Venus, and her role in the evolution of our Planet. On our second call, we grounded that knowledge in modern times.
Because we shared some of the Inner Temple Venusian Mysteries, we’ve chosen to put the replays on a password protected page.
Password: VenusPath
The Underworld Initiation is an incredible jumping off point to engage with the Greater Venusian Mysteries. Our Venus Ascent Journey begins just after Venus rises from the Underworld in July. Find out more here…
A note on working with the Underworld
In the past, I have had participants ask if doing this work in the Dark is “safe”? As described above, the Underworld is the realm of the Mother.
We spend much of our first week setting the field in preparation to go down. This work is important for all of us. It creates a web of safety and protection.
Underworld does NOT work with any “Deities”, nor are any personal spirit guides, or ancestors invited into our group field.
This is a Shamanic Living workshop that is Psycho Spiritual in nature and, and Highly Transformative.
Because of the transformative nature of the work, we do require participants who wish to join have psycho-spiritual stability and the ability to self-hold.
We do not recommend Underworld for participants who are currently in active trauma.
We all carry historical trauma, so this does not disqualify someone from participating. The question to ask oneself is: how do I hold my trauma? Is it stable or do I become highly dysregulated when its touched on?
My work is potent, yet gentle. While I do not ever purposely activate trauma in group containers, it can be touched on in ANY psycho-spiritual work. My preference is that participants are personally well resourced and have a good support system outside of the sisterhood space prior to signing up. Should you have any questions about where you fall along this spectrum, feel free to reach out on the contact sheet below.

If you have personal questions regarding Underworld, please use the sheet below to reach out to us.