Aquarius Full Moon
Joffra Bosschart.
Today is the first of two Full Moons in August.
The first is in Aquarius at 9°. Aquarius is associated with individuation, evolution, unpredictability, progress, ideology, and genius.
In the Tarot Aquarius is ruled by the Star card, who shares a significant journey toward connecting individual ego with deeper and more transpersonal levels of awareness. The Star acts as the “Great Hope of Humanity”, who helps turn our eyes upwards, towards ever exalted ways of being.
Full Moon energy is always super amplified. It expands our awareness, our field, and our capacity. Often leading us to make some kind of “mischief". We often take more risks, and lean into our edges more keenly under this energy.
I am super excited about this Full Moon ruled by Uranus, precisely for it’s capacity to move us towards the novel, weird, wild, rebellious, raunch that so often gets repressed in favor of political correctness.
Aquarius is best understood through groking his neighbor Capricorn. I find the signs are often this way. Knowing the contrasts helps to really land it.
Capricorn ruled by Saturn, and governs closed systems. Government, Hierarchy, Corporations, the Good Old Boys Club. It coalesces around a central power. Therefore, consensus, conformity, conservation, and conditioning, are all Capricornian key words.
Aquarius, therefore, rules everything that has left the closed systems and is pushing out on the edges of society in an effort to move us all forward, or away from the central power. Aquarian archetypes are, the rebel, the revolutionary, the mad scientist, the heretic, the idealogue, and the humanitarian.
Aquarius and I are on tenuous ground. On the one hand, I am quite Aquarian in nature. Both Uranus and Saturn, the modern and traditional rulers of Aquarius, feature prominently in my chart. Nothing, and I do mean nothing, can impinge on my freedom unchecked. I love the wild and the weird. I appreciate progressive styles of art, useful innovation, and have quite a humanitarian streak inside of me.
Where Aquarius makes me weary is this very relationship to progressive ideological social movements. It’s capacity to capture people through the function of groupthink, and it’s ultimate shadow of a Utopian “Trans-human” Singularity.
However, this is just a Full Moon, not a massive transformative transit like Pluto moving into this sign. So we can afford to just appreciate the punched up, quirky, eclectic, qualities of this Moon.
The first thing we might want to look at is who the ruler of Aquarius is and what he is doing.
In modern Astrology, Aquarius is ruled by Uranus.
Uranus is thought by Archetypal Astrologers to have been inaccurately named. A consensus within my school favors the archetype of Prometheus rather than Uranus.
The term "Prometheism" was suggested by the Greek myth of Prometheus, whose gift of fire to mankind, in defiance of Zeus, came to symbolize enlightenment and resistance to despotic authority.
Therefore, Uranus is related to higher states of consciousness, and the liberation of mankind.
Right now, he is in Taurus.
Taurus has everything to do with, the body, our values, and our resources. We’ve seen as Uranus has transited through this sign in the last several years, that there has been a major drive towards decentralization of resources. Slogans like “my body my choice” have featured prominently, and sparked deep philosophical questions around who gets to make choices for the most fundamental part of us, and our physical being. All of these things coalesce around the very values we hold around embodiment.
Right now, Uranus in Taurus is squaring Taurus’ chart ruler Venus in Leo.
What freedom, and values around freedom, might Uranus be triggering a creative, Leonine Venus towards?
Leo is the sign of the Big-Hearted, Regal, Sun King. The Playful Lion. Leo is ruled by the Sun.
Archetypes for Leo, are the King and his Son. Our "Highest Self", or "Spiritual Self", and the Divine Magical Child within.
Keywords for Leo are; play, creativity, expressiveness, innocence, laughter, sovereignty, heart centeredness, radiance, children.
The Sun denotes our, consciousness, and Truth with a Capital T. It is also related to illumination, radiance, wholeness, spirit, and enlightenment.
Venus is our feminine essence. Therefore, Venus in Leo is fierce, strong, sovereign, yet open hearted, playful, self-expressed, and self-creative, big (or rather keen to inhabit her full size), and connected to her erotic innocence.
It’s as though this Full Moon in Aquarius is asking us to claim more of our expression, more of our size, more of our creativity, and capacity to BE SEEN, in novel and exciting ways.
The type of creativity Leo is concerned with is that of the SELF. How we create, adorn, and carry ourselves in true, authentic, heart centered ways.
This Full Moon is inviting us to liberate more of our creative self expression, and allow it to be seen. Not to fulfill some vain fantasy, attached to a pursuit of the ego, but rather because it serves the further awakening of humanity. Because allowing ourselves to be seen, and our heart to be open, means others can actually "feel" us. A rare and beautiful thing in this increasingly performative synthetic world.
Have fun with this Full Moon. Take bold steps. Capitalize on the edgy, wired, weird frequency rattling the cage doors of the collective. Do it because the liberation of our own creative self expression, actually serves us all.
Do it to eliminate the shadow of Aquarius. The more rooted we are in our own embodiment, in our own human, heart-centered creativity, the less we give anyone else an opportunity to hijack us. If we are so full of the essence of who we are, so connected to the spirit that animates us, the less opportunity we have to be duped by someone else’s agenda. This is how we evolve.
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