Black Moon Lilith In Astrology
Artist Unknown
“And God blessed them, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” -Genesis 1:28
This passage is one of the foundational pillars that the Dominator Paradigm (AKA patriarchy) was founded upon.
Not that God/Goddess knit us into a vast eco-system. To live in Harmony with the beauty and bounty of Mother Earth.
But to have dominion OVER the Earth.
And we already know that the Earth is associated with the Mother, and Nature with the Feminine.
So what happened with this change in Genesis?
When these words were were put into practice by the Abrahamic God’s disciples, not only did they try to subdue Nature by conquering it, but they went on to conquer Woman and the Goddess herself.
The story of Lilith and Eve is a warning to us based on this same principle.
Keeping in mind the mythological story, that says Lilith was made of the same clay as Adam, making her equal too; verses Eve being made of his rib, making her subservient too. “Or rather born of man”
There’s an interesting theme at this turning in which they attempt to transfer the “rights of birth, or creation” to the world of MAN/God rather than WOMEN/Goddess.
“God Birthed the world in Seven Days”, “The creator God”, “it is through Jesus we are born again”. Etc.
The warning inherent in the myth of Lilith and Eve that helped anchor Man as the top of the food chain went something like this:
“Be too wild, too “Dark”, too much like nature. Embody your full power, and embrace chaos when it comes. Insist upon your own sovereignty, and give full permission to your humanity. Do all this and you will be cast out of the Garden like the wild Lilith. To be made into a monster, destined to live on the edges of society.
Instead, be like Eve, the “light” feminine. Subdue your nature, be only good, and pure, and chaste, submit your will to Adam’s, allowing us to punish you for your mistakes, and we’ll grant you admittance to exist among us.”
In ancient times, most Goddesses’ had a “dark partner or sister”
Inanna and Erishkagel
Isis and Nepthys
Demeter and Persephone
Eve and Lilith
The Abrahamic Religion sought to sever women from their wild instinctual nature. To cut them off from their source of power.
We saw the Pagan’s who became early Christian mystics diefy the two Mary’s, and then the Patriarchs come in a demonize the sovereign one.
This is also what happened to the “witches” by those same patriarchs. The witches were often associated with Lilith by their hunters. They were viewed as way to comfortable with the Great Mystery. Their easy relationship to the unknown made them a powerful threat in a world wholly oriented to domination. Not just domination of nature, but control over our every day experiences.
Black Moon Lilith is often interpreted in the chart as a place of severing, where we are cut off from the “Good Mother”. Or she’s sometimes translated as our Dark Sexual Nature, the hidden self, or our wild taboos. (Much like Scorpio)
But for me, Lilith is Sovereignty. She is the Rewilding of the Feminine. She represents the place in which we’ve been cut off from our organic nature by the paradigm we live in. Cut off from our “darkness”.
Our Black Moon Lilith work is to move beyond inner misogyny, and Eve style conditioning. To reconnect to our essential self, the self that existed before we bathed in the soup of the Dominator Paradigm. To cultivate a relationship to the mystery, to the dark, to the groundlessness from whence we came, and shall again return.
In doing this work for ourselves, we not only reclaim our birth right, but help to re-establish our place within the vast eco-system, living in harmony and resonance with the entire cosmos, versus having dominion over it. We help anchor the New Earth, a paradigm of partnership.
Where we find her in our chart can give us an entry point into integrating this ancestrally disowned piece of ourselves.
*Black Moon Lilith work is deep and profound. And can’t possibly be covered in a one dimensional post on the internet. Begin by working with her glyph in your chart.
Based on the thought forms that have been projected onto the lilies Archetype, I don’t recommend invoking her to work with directly.