Blessed Venus Retrograde
Venus stationed retrograde March 1st at 7:36 pm. Her Retrograde lasts from March 1 - April 12 lasting 43 days.
The beginning phase of her retrograde often brings up things from our past that our heart still needs to heal.
This is a time of introspection and opening ever more deeply to love.
I want to offer an invitation around how we approach and contextualize this retrograde period.
Throw away any attempt to “understand” what is happening in your personal life or the collective with a linear, intellectual, approach.
You will not make sense if it with “the mind”. You will not “get your mind around it”. This is “feeling navigation” territory.
Instead try to turn the situation backwards, or upside down. Literally. Viewing the situation from the “eyes in your belly” from differing points on the hologram can be helpful. Especially as Venus will make a conjunction to Neptune and reenter Pisces during this retrograde phase. Neptune is ruled by the Hanged Man in the Tarot. The one who takes in all perspectives. Seek here to release the energy of desire and transform it into spiritual energy
Avoid trying to pin down your experience with language. Language is largely a representational exercise. Wherein we use the word “apple”, for instance, to represent the red, juicy, fruit that grows on a tree.
Many of the things that take place during Venus retrograde live in the land beyond language. And labeling it with language makes the experience smaller, and more narrow. It’s an exercise in “naming” something, rather than experiencing it.
Instead, if you desire to express your experience, (and I recommend this) do it in “non representational language”, such as art, stream of consciousness writing, poetry, music, dance. In this way, you are better able to convey the essence without the need to “capture it”. Keep it non linear.
If something comes through in your personal life, that is crystal clear in representation, no need to make that wrong, instead map the polarities of that and focus on what essential quality is necessary to unify the opposites. Venus is the bridge, or the frequency that unifies opposites. This is an opportunity to work with in the realm of consciousness. It is a notification that something is longing to be integrated.
Allow yourself to be lost. Don’t make any part of your experience “wrong”. Just notice what is happening and name the feeling without representational language around “what is happening”. A degree of madness is normal. However, if it becomes overwhelming, marshal support.
This is a wilderness journey, a trek into the unconscious. It’s uncivilized. The rules do not apply.
This is an exercise in embodiment. An opportunity to allow your womb, belly, heart, and breath to lead. Move your navigational tools to these centers.
Turn off the News, and any signal that hooks you into the small stories out on the screen. And instead “feel your way” through the next forty days. In this way, you have an opportunity to tune into the big stories, and integrate the upper and lower, inner and outer realms.
Keywords: Primal, Ecstatic, Dionysian, Mystical, Underworld, Chthonic, Soul, Non Linear, Sensory Perception, Liminal, Embodiment, Womb, Non Representational, Reception, Nurture, Embodied, Slowww