Venus in Aries Cycle Supplement

Venus in Aries Cycle

A New Cycle brings in New Themes to work with. However, as we have seen, there is much overlap between the Aries and Leo cycles. Aries tends to be a bit more primal, its quicker and more instinctual than Leo. I hope my heavy focus on Aries will help us differentiate between the two.

Aries is the initiating “will to be”, the continuous pulse of of Life Force as it emerges through the creative, fiery ethers and moves through the various panes of the evolutionary scheme, until it anchors itself in the world of forms. It is where the we are embedded with the Divine Spark, and how we keep that Divine Spark alive through creation. As the light of life itself, Aries is a pure emanation from the Mind of God —That place “where the Will of God is Known”. This initiating focus of life makes Aries the birthplace of ideas according to ancient wisdom teachings. As all of the manifest world has its beginnings as Divine Ideas. It is through Aries that the plan of Divine Will descends to us either individually or collectively as a humanity via the plane of soul.

Attributes to Develop

Work in these areas can help uncover hidden gifts.  I want to cover a few of the items that are on deck for the Venus in Aries Cycle..

  • healthy relationship to inner power

  • Independence 

  • Self awareness 

  • Trusting one own impulses and instincts 

  • Bravery

  • Constructive self interests

  • Self leading 

  • Self Nurturance

  • Expression of healthy anger/rage, especially in the area of injustice. 

  • Seeing ourselves clearly

Tendencies to leave behind 

  • over or under utilizing our power

  • feeling victimized by our power and responsibilities

  • Seeing oneself through other people’s eyes. 

  • Debilitating selflessness 

  • Being “nice” as a cultural rule, instead of being kind 

  • Obsessive attachment to fairness

  • Codependence - attachment to external harmony

  • Dependency

  • Tit for tat mentality

  • pre-occupation with Justice, or “Justness”.

Esoteric Aries Lessons

In Esoteric Astrology we work with the ‘seven rays”. They are mystical/evolutionary influences that permeate our Solar System through other systems. Don’t get lost in “what they are”, instead just absorb the information.

“The vast majority of personality-centered human beings are swept along unconsciously by the rhythms, movements, and patterns of their biological karma, instinctive desires, and national orientation. There is very little actual sense of self-consciousness, and what little there may be is too easily suffused by the nonindividualized, collective herd instinct. They are incapable of actuating and integrating into daily life the kind of self-actualization and self-realization that characterizes one in whom Soul-consciousness has been developed. It is only when Spiritual Will expressed through the Soul connects, via the Rainbow Bridge, to the personal will that such a focus of self-actualization is possible. Then, a person may recognize him- or herself as a co-creator of his own destiny, along with the Plan of the Creator. At a later and more evolved stage of individual development, he begins to recognize and accept the responsibility for being a co-creator of the collective destiny of humanity.” Alan Oken -

Oken is essentially talking about awakening in the Matrix, to discover that it is a vast field of delusion that most ordinary people are plugged into and unable to see accurately. The Aries lesson is the “REVELATION” that we are a co-creator with the Universe, here to “create” ourselves and our lives… and the responsibility to USE our WILL towards that end. To squeeze every last drop out of this incarnation. This is somewhat ironic when astrology is often depicted as fatalistic, and yet its very first esoteric lesson is one around free will. We are not victim too, or helpless, in the face of fate. Instead there is a co-creative dance happens. Fate happens, and our free will is how we, respond to and create with, the forces of fate to cultivate a “third thing”. This is why the trinity is an early lesson in most mystery schools. Mars and the Tower Card help to move us away from being “personality centered beings’ to being “soul centered” beings. Accepting the trinity, as described (fate + free will = the creation of Us = moving towards Christic Consciousness) is a Lesson of Spiritual Aries. It’s the acknowledgement of the Divine Spark and the desire to keep it lit.

Aries represents the 1st of the seven Rays, the Ray of Will/Power to Love

The seven stars of the Great Bear (Ursa Major) in the Big Dipper are the source and emanating vehicles of the Seven Rays of esoterica. The same stars are also thought to be the place in which the seven Rishi’s incarnated. These seven stars collectively focus the causal First Ray of Will/Power. The Central focus of the star system (big dipper) is that it commands the energy of the Will/Power of the ONE.

The first ray is the causal focus of life. It is the “will to be”, and as it acts through the second ray of love/wisdom (all rays act through the second ray, as the second ray is distributed by our solar system’s sun), therefore it may be more accurate to call it the “will to be love”. The first ray is also known as the Ray of death, the destroyer of forms, and the lord of the burning ground. It’s planetary vehicles of expression are the two spheres most associated with decomposition, regeneration, and re-birth. Mars, Pluto. The Lord of Power or Will preforms the task of destruction thereby bringing beauty into being and the revelation of God’s will and His beneficent purpose. In this way we can see that out of chaos is birthed the “Will to Create”. It is this powerful Will that is behind the Big Bang, which initiates all cycles of creative expression, whether in terms of the birth of the universe, or the orgasmic movement leading to the conception of a child. This is certainly the energy working through the Planets Pluto and Mars, and represented by its regenerative, and destructive modes of expression.

The energy of the first ray acts as a catalyst, breaking up old and existing conditions so that new ones may be born. It is indeed the power behind the Phoenix. The first Ray stands behind the other six to “shatter forms” they have created so that new worlds may emerge. Aries, Leo, and Capricorn are all First Ray Signs, with Aries predominating this triad. This is another point of convergence between the Aries and Leo Venus cycles. This is natural leadership energy. We have had the last three Venus Cycles under The First Ray Energy as prior to the Leo cycle, we were in the Capricorn Cycle.

“People who are strongly influenced by this Ray of Will/Power (Strong Aries, Capricorn, Leo, Mars, Pluto) find that they move into positions of leadership quite easily. In this respect, they display a very natural positive drive, a directness in personal relationships, and the ability to carry out their often self-appointed tasks and assignments with self-confidence and responsibility. Other First Ray attributes include the courage to persist against all odds, as well as the ability to inspire others to new heights of personal daring and expression. There is a special zeal and enthusiasm in the face of challenge while they continually motivate others. As leaders, First Ray people often have to make decisions about the direction others have to take in their lives”. -Alan Oken

Keywords and Key Phrases of the First Ray

1. Concept: Will, power, destroyer of form, the urge to rule, the vehicle for creative initiation on all levels.

2. Soul Level: The use of spiritual will for the benefit of the collective; power utilized for the purpose of enhancing unity and beauty; the expression of will for the purposes and well-being of the group.

3. Personality Level: Ray of soldier, statesman, ruler, explorer, leader; government, politics, and administration. 

General Positive Traits: Courage, diligence, quick discernment, leadership abilities, inspires others, adventurous, not dismayed by initial failures, but remains persistent until goal is achieved.

General Character Difficulties: Limitless ambition, uses will for selfish purposes, manipulative of others through personal Power, easy to anger, cannot take criticism, strong sense of personal pride.

To Be Cultivated: Compassion, humility, tolerance, caring, sympathy.

Mental: Strong, one-pointed mind with very individual opinions and points of view which can lead to a sense of isola-tion; need to dominate the thinking of others, or at least to lead the direction of thought; thinking is purposeful, as is the choice of intellectual interests.

Emotional: Can be very detached and cold; sometimes emotions are very deep-seated, and may explode volcanically; shy and reserved emotionally most of the time.

I worked with Alan Oken’s book “Soul Centered Astrology” to bring this wisdom forward.

Damascena Tanis

Damascena is an Archetypal Astrologer, Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner, and The Facilitator of the Transformative Journey through the Mandala of Venus’ Wisdom, called “Sky Dancer”.

She is a passionate devotee of the ever unfolding mystery. As an expert observer, a trait she developed as an only child, she regards herself as both a student of life, and decoder of the cosmos.

Skilled at recognizing invisible patterns, and picking up on subtle shifts in the collective, she gets a thrill from uncovering and revealing the hidden threads that are woven together to create our paradigm.

Her passion for this existential detective work aligns well with her unique approach to one on one client work, as she helps others to discover the building blocks of their archetypal blueprint, and mythic overtones. She does not believe that astrology is static, and therefore works with clients to develop strategies and practices that allow them to transcend challenging aspects of their natal chart.

She lives on the Shores of Lake Erie with her husband, four kids, and Cat, Oscar (the grouch).

These days, when she isn’t interpreting a natal chart, or translating the stars for her astrology blog, you can find her engaging in one of her favorite pandemic pastimes, unraveling her inner “good girl”, cultivating the ability to thrive in the deep, dark, unknown, or playing her favorite game of identifying fun paradoxes called “two things are true at once”.

Blessed Venus Retrograde


Valor In the New Year