Cultural Transfiguration…

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It feels as though there is no end to the amount of New and Full moon interpretations that one can plug into every month. While great writers can help illuminate the energies in such a way that their unique language helps a concept land for you, in essence the archetypal expressions captured by each astrologer should be the same. So with that, each time I sit down to write something for my readers I am looking to create content that is going to feel fresh and useful for you to implement in your life.  

The New Moon happens on February 11th at 2:05 pm at 23 degrees Aquarius. To me, this new moon portal is highlighting the importance of having your energetic roots match the actions you take. With the New Moon conjunct the Asteroid Goddess Pallas Athene, the Weaver Dreamer archetype of the Zodiac, we are starting to see threads of “the global game” come into focus. A pattern interrupt. I’m not speaking into any one narrative or “conspiracy” but rather a slight lifting of the veil that is allowing the new set of “rules” to emerge. Where we will begin to piece together how we will move through this new world. Our old cultural mythologies are rapidly being rewritten, in many cases, without our consent or participation. I have noticed a vortex around the cultural authors whereby people are sucked in into the current, unable to go through their own process of authentication. Moving further and further away from what thinking actually is and more and more towards merely running a script. Many of our old archetypes have been so badly distorted and the keepers of our cosmologies discarded and marginalized, that mainstream society is left without mythical context. This new moon is letting down the drawbridge, revealing what was secretly locked in the castle. 

Art By: Oliver Ler Marinkoski

Art By: Oliver Ler Marinkoski

Aquarius is like the global psyche, or group consciousness itself, and the mandate here is to ask the question, how do we individuate from it? How do we not get swept into the current, but rather self-author our own life? The challenge? To really root into what is real. A quantity of story lines will be emerging this cycle. The Aquarian adapted person will spend time sifting the sands for what is authentic and what path leads to liberation. And the astrology of now makes an ecstatic transfiguration of the soul entirely possible if you are willing to put in energetic currency. 

Transfiguration is defined as a complete change of form or appearance into a more

beautiful or spiritual state. 

With Venus, and Jupiter exactly conjunct in Aquarius on the day of the new moon, we have a unique opportunity to weave our collective stories together in a song that activates humanity in an agape style of love. How do we become a clear instrument in service to love? Develop subtle energy skills of attunement, and energy body hygiene which will aid in our discernment. Living within the matrix requires a clear connection to our centers of intuition. It’s easy to become enmeshed and entangled when we desire to affect change. Real love comes from a place of independent, deep rooted, centeredness. From a person who is willing to be unlikeable, judged, and criticized, while being a stand for human dignity. As a Moon, Venus, person who’s Jupiter trined his Neptune, Martin Luther King Jr. was such a person. Rooted into what needed to be done to achieve equity, from a grounded place of love for humanity. This Venus Jupiter signature not only provides ample juice for Valentine's day on February 14th, but allows us to vision outward, to a more expansive, inclusive, tomorrow.  I went deep into Venus’s Earth Star Descent Gateway here.

Art By: Howard Pyle

Art By: Howard Pyle

Neptune is still squaring the Nodes, opposite Vesta. And all of the planets in Aquarius are marching in Neptune’s direction. This signature can lead to a sense of confusion. That confusion can lead one to seek out a spiritual solution to the bed of chaos that holds us in our dreamtime. How do we discern what is real, and what is a dream? What is good and true,  from what is our own egoic neurosis?  How do we know that we aren’t feeding someone else’s narcissism by co-signing their out-picturing of the world?  Simple, start by becoming empty.  Tune into nature’s white noise. Sit in stillness. If you find that too challenging for you, do something with repetition, like drumming, dancing, or chanting. Something that will help the clamor of society fall away. Vesta benefits us here by adding the simple suggestion that you devote yourself to a ritual of reality seeking. Create a practice everyday that helps you ground into your primal, authentic nature. 

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When a planet is direct it has no special relationship with earth, but when it is retrograde the stationary pause amplifies its frequency and then the energy is swept into a spiral vortex looping around the ecliptic. Spirals hold evolutionary keys wherever they are found. Mercury turned Retrograde on January 30th. On February 8th he kissed the Sun for the start of a new cycle. His retrogrades, or his psychopomp journey’s, allow us to receive messages from the otherworld, and give us an opportunity to upgrade the really practical parts of our lives so we have room for more magic. The parts that take intellect and logic to carry out. Mercury Retrograde gets a bad rap because he shows us what isn’t working in our lives. Generally because we are moving too fast, on autopilot. Use Mercury Retrograde to slow down, take stock, and from the still point, uplevel. This Aquarius Mercury Retrograde can reinvigorate our relationship with our Magic. Without the human connection to magic, we will look around and eventually realize everyone is the same. If you take the time and use this retrograde properly you have an opportunity to peer into the liminality around us, and get a different sense of time, of the deep dark void from which creation and form emanate. Mercury is the first filter of the Sun, where the spark of possibility is lit.  Where desire and new thoughtforms are awakened. Where we stretch our limbs in the cramped cave of hibernation, and let out a revivifying sigh. Mercury is asking us what ideations keep percolating up into our mind? What alchemy is needed to revise, review, or reanimate some area of life in order to evolve into the next iteration of ourselves? Three times he traces over the same area of sky, so wherever Aquarius is in your chart, those house themes are likely the area of your life that is due for a mystical remodel. 

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Mars Uranus and Black Moon Lilith are all in Taurus. This grouping gives me Shakti vibes. Uranus can signify where our energetic field meets the intellect of the cosmos. We can expect that more and more people will begin to awaken from the indoctrination of the patriarchal paradigm. Black Moon Lilith helps us connect into our primal, intuitive, fiery expression, and Mars provides the Animus, motivating us towards action. Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius. Remember that Aquarius is the sign where our non-identified, collective super conscious lives. Uranus at 7 degrees Taurus Squares Saturn at 6 degrees Aquarius. Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius. Both Taurus and Aquarius are in fixed signs which portend a clash or breakup of stale energies, systems, institutions, and patterns of belief. Saturn and Uranus can express as the dynamic of parental control, an immovable object meeting an irrepressible force. Where an epic  power struggle ensues between the old and new, or control versus freedom. However, Saturn is sextile to Chiron at 6 degrees of Aries, and I think the tension and stress in this highly evolutionary signature actually represents a push to develop mastery around the new ideas being put forth. To take our time, and be methodical about weaving new technologies and narratives into society. All of this is leading to a massive upgrade in our understanding of reality and relationship to the quantum field. Pam Gregory recently used the words “Matter Coalesces around Frequency”, which is a type of equation used by quantum physicists.  She was talking about how we magnetize a new earth into being by cultivating a mastery of higher frequency. This goes back to my opening statement that the mandate of this cycle is to unblock and cleanse our energetic house by creating a practice of regularly clearing our own field. 

Listen to this song to catch an fully Aquarian Vibe

New Moon Chart February 11, 2021

New Moon Chart February 11, 2021

Damascena Tanis

Damascena is an Archetypal Astrologer, Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner, and The Facilitator of the Transformative Journey through the Mandala of Venus’ Wisdom, called “Sky Dancer”.

She is a passionate devotee of the ever unfolding mystery. As an expert observer, a trait she developed as an only child, she regards herself as both a student of life, and decoder of the cosmos.

Skilled at recognizing invisible patterns, and picking up on subtle shifts in the collective, she gets a thrill from uncovering and revealing the hidden threads that are woven together to create our paradigm.

Her passion for this existential detective work aligns well with her unique approach to one on one client work, as she helps others to discover the building blocks of their archetypal blueprint, and mythic overtones. She does not believe that astrology is static, and therefore works with clients to develop strategies and practices that allow them to transcend challenging aspects of their natal chart.

She lives on the Shores of Lake Erie with her husband, four kids, and Cat, Oscar (the grouch).

These days, when she isn’t interpreting a natal chart, or translating the stars for her astrology blog, you can find her engaging in one of her favorite pandemic pastimes, unraveling her inner “good girl”, cultivating the ability to thrive in the deep, dark, unknown, or playing her favorite game of identifying fun paradoxes called “two things are true at once”.

The Goddess and the Eyes of Death-Venus Report


Venus Report, Aquarian Woman