Eclipse In Scorpio
Art: The Martyr by Jason Engle
The Eclipse Point at 2 degrees Scorpio holds enormous potential for us to bust the myth of normality. And how our contract with “normal” is keeping us out of an intimate relationship with soul.
But it means unhooking from certainty. From “knowing”.
Because the energy feels so abundantly void unless we can KNOW and relate to the “inbetween” as a fertile space for creation.
With the Eclipse conjunct Venus, all of our personal and collective values are up for reexamination.
Old attachments and stories just naturally want to dissolve.
Scorpio is the Queen of Death. Holding open the Gates of Truth, calling us inside.
If we can just hold ourselves in all of the different paradoxical spaces that are arising.
Being ok with not being ok.
Grounding ourselves in Groundlessness.
Knowing that when we are bad, we are still good.
Loving our shadow and our light.
Deconstruction in service to growth.
The bounty within scarcity.
Safety in the Unknown.
Knowing exactly where we are even when we are lost.
Staying with the Energy without the mind needing to analyze what is happening.