Moon Gates and Shadow Dancers… Lunar Eclipse

Art By Beto Hektor

Art By Beto Hektor

Eclipses have long been the subject of much fantastical lore. Each society, and culture across time, has interpreted eclipses in a slightly different way. However, there is one common thread among them; “Eclipses are eerie harbingers of unfavorable events”. In fact, it is only in modern western culture, that we run to the store, buy our eclipse viewing tools, and eagerly await the moment the moon blots out the sun and a Dragon Hole appears. Perhaps that is because, as a society, we suffer with a kind of collective amnesia. Obsessed with new things, proclaiming that building the future has more value than keeping the old ways alive. We forget that time isn’t linear. Eclipses are here remind us that the end is the beginning and we are definitely not in control.

Lunar Eclipses give us an opportunity to complete old stories by forcing change. When we bump up against uninvited change often shadow material comes up to be cleared. At the Karmic South Node, we can be sure that we are clearing some pattern or way of being that perhaps has plagued us for lifetimes. We have an opportunity to look at the stories our ancestors told, the generational guilt that is heaped upon us by our tribe or lineage, and try on whether or not that thread is still ours to carry. For me, this is a “Mother Wound”. It’s time for me to let go of the story that my mother and I will have the type of relationship that I’ve cultivated with my own daughter, and instead embrace what does exist between us, warts and all. I get to choose whether or not I engage in unhealthy dynamics. At this threshold, I’m choosing to exit the cycle that has me feeling guilty when I notice my mother playing the martyr role. I am the sovereign queen of my life, and I’ve edited that narrative to say “I have no reason to feel guilty or small. I can play as big as I want too, and let the fullness of my light shine."

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This Eclipse takes place on May 26th at 7:13am Est. at 5 degrees Sagittarius. Saturn, who just turned retrograde at 13 degrees Aquarius connects in a Sextile to the eclipse point. He is handing us his scythe to make clean cuts where necessary, to finally banish sticky unwanted cords forever. He is also helping us to look at what isn’t working in the collective. What stories are we attached to regarding politics, philosophy, education, or even foreign affairs, that are preventing us from solving old problems? What progress has just completely stalled out because of entrenched ideologies? Eclipses are upgrade points, mini twists in the story of “all of us”. Let’s keep our eye on how the narrative changes over the next six months. Jupiter, who just moved into Pisces, squares the eclipse, really pressing us on our moral obligation to engage in this type of personal and collective shadow work. Helping us to expand our awareness, and broaden our ability to hold multiple viewpoints. He also brings with him the message that diving into the shadow is useful, but to not forget that real spiritual work is balanced. That we evolve through joy, just as much as we do through pain. We can edit and rewrite our stories with playful imagination, and that is just as powerful a medium for transformation as is a sudden loss that seems to transpire out of thin air.

Chiron, at 11 degrees Aries, is there acting as a soul weaver for the stories that really touch into our most essential “I am” self. That tender place when all is peeled away. Our holy innocent mission statements are likely a little battered and bruised after all we have been through in these past 18 months. Allow Chiron’s grace, wisdom, and gentle voice to remind you of who you really are beyond all of the conditionings, and wounds. He tenderly polishes away anything that is occulting our light.

Art By Patrick Odorizzi

Art By Patrick Odorizzi

Venus having finally emerged from the Underworld, is in her Root Chakra Gate of Ascension where themes of safety and security reign supreme. There may be tenderness and vulnerability as we step out of the veil of Covid Restrictions we've been secluded under, and the world begins to reopen. It may feel a bit overstimulating as we begin to release the armor of vigilance that we've worn all year. Remember that it is all in Divine Timing. It is ok to reenter the world at your own pace.

I would be remiss not to mention that Mercury is getting ready to station retrograde in his own sign of Gemini. Which means we may be on the Eclipse Playground and find that traditional modes of communication are failing us. The retrograde will give us an opportunity to experiment with non-representational language. For instance when we see a round, red fruit, on a tree, we call that “apple”. “Apple” is representational language. It represents the round, red fruit we are speaking about. Non-representational language encompasses all the other mediums on which we communicate. Body language, facial expression, tone, actions, silence, what we say between the words, etc. Charades is a game played entirely in the arena nuanced expression. If you find yourself tongue tied in the shadow lands you might find an ally here.

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Lastly, across the zodiac in the late degrees of Taurus, Black Moon Lilith is there amplifying ALL OF IT. It is Black Moon Lilith who makes the moon a “Super Moon”. It means she is closest to the earth at this time, pouring down the energies of the Dark, Primordial Mother. Whose womb is full of slumbering God’s. Slumbering potentials, just waiting to be stirred. She has the same beauty and energetics that wild places have.

I’ve chosen Mary Reynold’s, Reformed Landscape Designer, to be my Patron of Black Moon Lilith this year. In her speech at the Chelsea Garden show, she said “Gardens these days have nothing to do with the feeling that wild places give us. People travel all over the world to see places of untouched beauty yet our own gardens are quite the opposite. They’re manicured lawns full of pesticides and weed killers. They should be covered with moss and clover that bees love and only need to be cut once a year. Our gardens often ignore the true spirit of nature. City parks are like cosmetics. Beautiful in the way a made up face is beautiful, but they are not real. They are not glowing with life force or atmosphere like the magical places of the wild that fewer and fewer people remember from their childhood. We need to find innovative ways to remind people how important it is to preserve the wild. So that we can have the atmosphere of wild nature in city parks, rooftop terraces, and our own backyards. Let’s throw a lifeline to the wilderness. Which begins with remembering the wild places within our soul.” It is the spirit of this energy that Black Moon Lilith holds. She is a Rewilding Specialist, helping us tap into our own organic, wild places. The places untouched by culture, society, or conditioning. That loves playing in a field full of flowers, or running through a magical forest.

I am here wishing you many blessings as you move from one side of this Dragon Hole to the other. Reminding you that the medicine of the Eclipse is to surrender. Allow the wisdom and philosophy of the Serenity Prayer sustain through Eclipse Season. -Damascena

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Damascena Tanis

Damascena is an Archetypal Astrologer, Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner, and The Facilitator of the Transformative Journey through the Mandala of Venus’ Wisdom, called “Sky Dancer”.

She is a passionate devotee of the ever unfolding mystery. As an expert observer, a trait she developed as an only child, she regards herself as both a student of life, and decoder of the cosmos.

Skilled at recognizing invisible patterns, and picking up on subtle shifts in the collective, she gets a thrill from uncovering and revealing the hidden threads that are woven together to create our paradigm.

Her passion for this existential detective work aligns well with her unique approach to one on one client work, as she helps others to discover the building blocks of their archetypal blueprint, and mythic overtones. She does not believe that astrology is static, and therefore works with clients to develop strategies and practices that allow them to transcend challenging aspects of their natal chart.

She lives on the Shores of Lake Erie with her husband, four kids, and Cat, Oscar (the grouch).

These days, when she isn’t interpreting a natal chart, or translating the stars for her astrology blog, you can find her engaging in one of her favorite pandemic pastimes, unraveling her inner “good girl”, cultivating the ability to thrive in the deep, dark, unknown, or playing her favorite game of identifying fun paradoxes called “two things are true at once”.

Venus Report, 2nd Gate of Ascension


Venus First Gate of Ascension…