Pluto into Aquarius
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January 19th the Sun makes its final conjunction to Pluto in the sign of Capricorn.
The sun informs our sense of self, rules our conscious ego, general disposition, impulses towards autonomy, and selfhood, how we radiate that selfhood outwards, and how we generate life force for ourselves.
Pluto, on the other hand, governs all processes of breakdown, what exists at the subterranean level, cycles of destruction and creation, impulses towards regeneration and transformation, power, fear, purging and detoxifying. Pluto is a libidinous, chthonic God, Ruler of the Underworld.
As a simple math equation, what happens when the Sun meets Pluto?
In a person, the answer seems simple, some area of self is slated for transformation.
But what happens when we zoom out, and look at these planets on a collective level?
In mundane astrology (astrology of the collective) The Sun Signifies the head of the nation, the government or executive head. It rules the President, King, Nobles, persons of distinction, influential political or business leaders, corporation heads. The condition of the Sun reflects many things about the well-being of the nation and how it is viewed by other nations. Difficult aspects show tensions.
Pluto Signifies the mob psychology and power of the masses. It has to do with regeneration and transformation and if in a favorable aspect shows where improvements and better organization can come about. Pluto often shows where there are complications though, the shadows, and if afflicted may indicate sociological upheavals, power struggles, terrorism or corruption. Pluto rules nuclear power, plutonium, radium, zinc, tungsten, nickel, infrared rays and lasers. Stressful aspects of Pluto may produce volcanoes, earthquakes, oil spills, fires, war, mudslide, avalanches or anything which involves widespread death and destruction.
The Historical Astrologer Says, “ Pluto in astrology acts as a force for creative destruction. This term, creative destruction, was coined by the Viennese economist, Joseph Schumpeter. Schumpeter described creative destruction as, a “process of…mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the….structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, and incessantly creating a new one.”
Coud there be some event that takes place on or around the 19th that shakes the world leaders in their leadership position?
On January 20th the Sun Conjunct Pluto moves into the sign of Aquarius. This is huge news by any astrologer's standards. What happened during the last 16 years, and what might the future hold. How should we approach Pluto in Aquarius?
Let’s begin with Joseph Schumpeter’s words. Creative Destruction..Pluto’s trek through Capricorn was a veritable masterclass on the underbelly and corruption of our closed systems. It was kicked off in 2008 with the “destruction” of our financial system. And since this point, it has been one revelation after another about the subterranean level of government. The Deep State, Cover ups and whistleblowers abound. My only sadness is, with Pluto Moving out of Capricorn, we don’t seem to have learned or rectified anything. It’s only been revealed.
With this last Sun/Pluto conjunction taking place in Capricorn, it is no surprise to me that the equivalent of the executive branch of quite a few governments across the globe, seems to be in crisis. It’s as though the old systems of power know they are on the chopping block and they are making one last stand to maintain their grip on imperial power.
With Pluto’s orbit taking 248 years, the last time we found Pluto in this area of the chart, we were founding our country as a rebellion to the English Monarchy. And we are just a few years away from the Pluto Return of French Revolution which happened in Aquarius. The French Revolution fundamentally changed the face of Europe, and paved the way for the “creative destruction” of many more monarchies.
Aqaurius takes power from the center (Hierarchy) and distributes it more evenly, along the periphery. Think centralized systems of power (Capricorn) vs a More Egalitarian Flavor of power.
In many schools of Astrology, Aquarius is the sign of the People. It governs society, Whereas Capricorn is the Government. So while Pluto in Capricorn took the arrow of our attention and focused it on Halls of Power, Pluto in Aquarius may turn that arrow back to us. As the “masses”.
We read above that Pluto Signifies the mob psychology and power of the masses. Essentially, I believe this means that we, the people, are on deck. We have the power to make collective change in ways we haven’t before.
With Pluto unveiling the shadows, the revealer of truth…
This also means the health of the collective has never been more important. We will need to inspect the collective thought forms that try to hook us. The health of the ideologies that we invest in. Whether or not, “mass formation psychosis” has taken over. Because, it may be, for the first time, we realize, we’ve always had the power.
Given the spiritual state, and maturity level of the collective, hooking us with the unhealthy could be quite easy. When we are not firmly attached to the seat of our own soul, it’s easy for outsiders with agenda’s to hijack our system. To engage us in their fight, to support their cause rather than our own. I have a theory about this that I’ll discuss in a later video. As Uranus Rules progress and evolution, I think there is a test in Aquarius.
In addition to being the mundane sign of the People, Aquarius rules progress, the future, new technologies, AI, Deep Fakes, UFO’s, hyperdimensional space travel. Anything that can be dreamt up that doesn’t already exist within the closed system
If you take a look at this list you can see that all of these things are in the “more than human” realm. Therefore, we will need to be capable of discerning what is real versus what is unreal.
With my own students in SkyDancer, we play with a Practice called “Real Beauty or Glamour Magic” for precisely this purpose. So that our connection with the organic, the natural, the “real” doesn’t get squashed by the technologically created unreal.
There is so much to cover Regarding Aquarius and Pluto. I hope to get a video up for you all soon.
The Art is a collage using Joffra Boschart's work. I LOVE it. You've got the skull, Pluto. And the Water Bearer, Aquarius
#pluto #aquarius #astrology #future #progress #truth #Capricorn