Projection as a Theme of the Upcoming Libra Venus Star Point
Art by Gerazon
As a continuation of yesterdays post around projection and the Underworld, and themes around the Libra Venus Star Point, I thought I’d take an opportunity to explore an area in which the dynamic can take place using the exaggerated roles archetypes and human archetypes play in our lives…
Working with Archetypes can be fantastic.
In a sense, they act as God-Parents for us.
In a society almost completely devoid of true elders to mentor the next generation, Archetypes can be a wonderful stand in.
They help us see who we want to become.
They hold the pattern for us, until we can expand into it.
It goes like this… we have a brush with the archetype, and something about that archetype activates us. Like turn on. They have something we want.
So we hang our inner gold around their shoulders, and sit at their feet until we’ve expanded enough to take back our inner gold and step into our new, larger role.
Be it sex appeal, wisdom, strength, strategy, business acumen, symbolism, seership, etc.
The archetype mentors us in the patterns we wish to embody.
By handing them our gold an alchemy between us begins to take place. We “mix our metals” with theirs.
Teachers, guides, guru’s, & celebrities, can all become stand in HUMAN archetypes to us.
I see a lot of talk in the spiritual field about toxic guru’s and spiritual teachers.
And what people often don’t understand is their own participation in the dynamic.
I’m not saying that there are never predatory teachers with false prophet complexes.
But there is a way in which by handing our inner gold over to any of these “archetypal figures” who work in clearly defined roles, we’ve consented.
We need to be conscious when and if we’ve “projected” a godlike image onto them.
Although, our ego often prevents us from seeing that we’ve done that.
While we want growth, in our society, we’ve made the admiration of human archetypes somehow shameful.
I think it may come from a dogma that says we can have no god but “this one”. And generations of shame being heaped upon people who do admire “the wrong god”.
I’ve also got some other theories around why we shame admiration of others.
Because of this shame our psyche hides the pattern of godlike admiration from us.
Which can make things go from good to bad rapidly.
In essence, without entering into the relationship with a teacher or mentor conscious of the fact they are both master and human, we’ve legitimately deified them.
If we do this unconsciously, without a clear agreement. An understanding that at some point we will take our gold back, that we will track our own growth. These relationships can easily become toxic.
All archetypal work should be undertaken with clear agreements in place.
It should be brief, for an agreed upon period. Until we have tasted the embodiment of the archetype we are working with.
After that taste, it’s time to take our gold back, and continue the practice on our own.
If we don’ t we will eventually lift that human archetype onto a pedestal.
If that archetype is a human we have deified, we will kill the archetype when their fragility, humanity, and fallibility is revealed.
We will try and “cancel” them for being mortal and imperfect.
Once we become disgusted by the humanity of “our personal chosen” archetype. We become disgusted by the entire pattern.
Why this is so painful, and we leave these situations with so much undigested rage, is because archetypes represent a purity in the patterns they hold, and by transference we become unconsciously disgusted with ourselves and all of the work we did in the first place to embody that archetype. We murder the whole experience.
So while archetypal work is a wonderful practice, and much needed in the collective to help humanity aspire to greatness through the dynamic that unfolds between mentor and student, we must maintain our humanity throughout the process. We must track our own growth, and be responsible for our own inner gold.
We must also always hold the humanity of our teachers in our awareness.
All of this anger directed at teachers is actually because we failed to take responsibility for the gold we hung around their shoulders.
If we don’t think we can make room for our teachers humanity, we shouldn’t have them.
Not least in part, because if we are striving to become a teacher or mentor someday in our own right, we will fail.
Because no human fails to be human. There is no purity or perfection in humanity.
We’d set ourselves up to fail at the outset when we couldn’t maintain the perfection of a god.
And yes, sometimes teachers are just toxic. There is also that.
There’s also the fact the some teachers will just fail to be a good match for us. Still, this all applies.
Our job is to be conscious of the relationship, it’s scope, and hold our own pole of responsibility within the work.
Look for teachers who eventually let their students go. Or ask their students to leave when the pattern is playing out.
Because of our absence of real mentors. Because the mentors we did have perhaps didn’t hold it well. We have a lot of wounding in this relationship to begin with. So it’s a humbling piece of inner responsibility to open our eyes and see the truth of this when it is happening.
Our job is to track our own experience. And make wise responsible choices. To be aware of the shadow sides of these relationships. Eyes wide open.
Once we begin to see this pattern in the exaggerated world of archetypal role players. We will begin to see how often this pattern plays out in our everyday lives and relationships.
Another area in which this is prevalent
is the falling “in-love” part of relationships. “Lover” is an archetype. So is husband or wife.
#Venus #venusstarpoint #libra #librathemes
*the concept of inner gold and psychological projection comes from the Jungian Analyst Robert A Johnson.