The Mystery is Innocence


We have a really interesting New Moon in Taurus forthcoming on the 7th. The Moon is making many interesting connections. We thought we were out of the intensity after the Eclipse… but not quite yet. However, be minded, this is just intensity, not necessarily negativity.

Let me first draw your attention to the word Taurus (Torridal-Torus) and wink. We could meditate on this symbolism and how it connects to the rest of my transmission for hours…

Additionally, on deck for the New Moon we have Pluto Stationing, Mercury making his third conjunction to Chiron, Venus has changed signs, Jupiter & Uranus are still in conjunction, Lilith is on the South Node… and so much more.

But what really caught my eye is, Ceres (Demeter) in Capricorn, who seems to be in aspect to so many active parts of this chart.

So allow me to wax poetic about her for a moment. And to talk about why she is connected to this moment in such a huge way.

In a Venus Underworld kind of way…

(This is long but worth it for mythic adventurers)

Let’s begin at the end… Death (metaphoric or real)

The cavernous space death carves out within us creates the gravity of a black hole. Our whole life reorients around this space.

A lament so large culminates all around us, it feels as though it will swallow us whole, dragging the entire universe behind it. Loss this big feels like it rearranges the order of the cosmos. Civilizations Fall.

It is…Chaos.

It is the one of the Great Mysteries of the Feminine to be proficient at communing with Chaos. To cultivate intimacy with it. Create from it.

We find these truths in Chaos’ very lineage. Demeter, Great Granddaughter of Chaos, Granddaughter of Nyx… is the keeper of “The Mysteries” along with Her daughter Persephone.


The Mystery - Wisdom brought back from the edge of lament:

We cannot communicate with this black hole space that death ripens within us, we cannot pull creation through our body and translate it, through distortion.

Or rather we should not, because what will be born is more distortion.

What am I saying? See if you can stay with me for a moment…

Persephone carries the epithet “arrheton koura” or the “ineffable maiden”.

She is the only one of the divine beings to be given this epithet.

Hers was THE Mystery tradition… and Her epithet means that it was HER. The “Maiden” —Innocence— She was the secret that the “Mystery Protected”

This becomes comprehensible only as we penetrate the core of the mysteries.

Let’s look at one example…

Take, for instance, the rape of Persephone by Pluto (Lord of the Underworld) … From an esoteric or psychical perspective, the rape signifies a loss of our innocence. Of being penetrated by the distortions, the projections, the “impurities” of life. And instead of alchemizing and digesting these “impure” experiences, by purging and re-purifying them, they lay on top of us like armor.

The armor of the matrix. We “learn” something from them. And without the magic of fully alchemizing what we’ve learned, it calcifies within us as a distortion.

Like a video game, we chose our tools to survive the different levels of the quest of life. These become “tools of protection”, or in my cosmology, I call them “vestments of power”. The word “vestment” signifies an “investment”. Something we’ve invested in to keep us safe AND to be successful in the game.

On this quasi “Heroine’s Journey”, unlike the Hero’s Journey, we don’t meet an external dragon…

No, instead, we meet the inner recesses of our psyche. Our job, is to slay every single thing that persecutes us. Every distorted belief we’ve taken on. All of our conditioning… our “corruption”. To slay our guilt. All of the demons from our perceived lack of love, our lack of innocence.

Every projection and distortion that would have us believe that we are anything other than whole, complete, worthy, and loveable as we are now.

But how do we do this? This is a monumental undertaking if we “think” about it.

Only that’s the thing. We cannot think our way into or “through” the Mystery.

It is Demeter who shows us the “how”. “How” to give birth to our innocence again and again.

How to reconnect with our primal life force again…

How to dip into the great pool of Chaos, the “black hole” of pure potentiality, and “create life from death”

It is through our grief. Through our genuine lament that we reconnect with Persephone. The “ineffable maiden”.

In Astrology, Demeter is known to govern two main themes that are actually closely intertwined.

The first is the immense grief at the “loss” of her daughter, and the journey of lament it takes her on.

The second, as an “Agricultural Goddess”, Demeter also governs food, nourishment, digestion, sustenance. = Integration/ assimilation.

Agriculture has to do with the making of society, of civilization. Agriculture is the end of the wild. The end organic hunting and gathering societies. And the beginning of “social organization”.

In her Myth, when her daughter (Innocence) is plucked from the Garden, Demeter goes into an immense period of Grief. She grieves so hard, and for so long, that she stops “Greening the Earth”.

This alarms the Gods. They must do something to help the humans who are at risk of Famine. They agree to return Persephone for half of the year. It isn’t until Demeter’s reunion with Her daughter, (the maiden—innocence) that she agrees to feed the world again.

Again, from a psychical perspective, we can view this as the “hold” that conditioning, society, civilization, etc. has over Her, MUST be broken…

The deeper thing… the way this is intertwined… harkens back to her second governance… sustenance, food, digestion…

We see Demeter’s Journey of Lament as the need to fully digest our grief. To have our lament.

It can be likened to the Greek word Zoë. Zoë means life. Not only our life, and all living creatures, but also what is eaten. In the Odyssey the suitors wish to “eat up” the Zoë of Odysseus. For truly, it is through our grief that we are reconnected to life. It is through our catharsis that we are reconnected to our “innocence”… made new again.

Therefore, Demeter governs the ingestion, digestion, and elimination processes. How we must “eat life” in order to fully live it. How through this act of full communion with life and death, we are cyclically made new (innocent) again. How our emotions stagnate and calcify within us, when we don’t digest them fully. We must “have them”, make a feast of them to be truly alive. Vivified. Clarified. Aligned.

In part, what we can take from this New Moon is the opportunity to touch into our own spring-like freshness. To commune with innocence. Be “Made New” again. To go on a journey that brings us face to face with this renewal. We reflect on the paradox of entering the lower world of the mystery in the sign of Taurus which signifies new life.

These are some of the deeper Mysteries we explore in Underworld. One of the keys or codes that sees us through to the other side.

In Underworld, we don’t just teach “about” the Underworld. We go through a full mythic/alchemical experience of reconnecting to our innocence. Becoming new. Priming the ground to be in a place of true conscious creation.

If you are interested in Journeying with us through the Halls of Mystery. Of meeting your innocence (newness, inner divine spark) in the LOVING BELLY OF THE MOTHER, we begin May 11th. More details at the link below. This mystical initiation is going to be epic. It will act as a beautiful foundational piece to the Venus Ascent Journey. And it’s held in a gorgeous, container on Mighty Networks. If you are interested, we’d love to welcome you.

I will post a longer, more contextualized transmission on this powerful New Moon, tomorrow. Look for it.

Artist unknown.

Damascena Tanis

Damascena is an Archetypal Astrologer, Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner, and The Facilitator of the Transformative Journey through the Mandala of Venus’ Wisdom, called “Sky Dancer”.

She is a passionate devotee of the ever unfolding mystery. As an expert observer, a trait she developed as an only child, she regards herself as both a student of life, and decoder of the cosmos.

Skilled at recognizing invisible patterns, and picking up on subtle shifts in the collective, she gets a thrill from uncovering and revealing the hidden threads that are woven together to create our paradigm.

Her passion for this existential detective work aligns well with her unique approach to one on one client work, as she helps others to discover the building blocks of their archetypal blueprint, and mythic overtones. She does not believe that astrology is static, and therefore works with clients to develop strategies and practices that allow them to transcend challenging aspects of their natal chart.

She lives on the Shores of Lake Erie with her husband, four kids, and Cat, Oscar (the grouch).

These days, when she isn’t interpreting a natal chart, or translating the stars for her astrology blog, you can find her engaging in one of her favorite pandemic pastimes, unraveling her inner “good girl”, cultivating the ability to thrive in the deep, dark, unknown, or playing her favorite game of identifying fun paradoxes called “two things are true at once”.

Navigating Thresholds


It’s Not What You Think