A Feminine Approach to the Chakras and Language
Art by Verena Wild
On the Feminine, Language, and The Chakras...
One of the things I love most about Astrology is that it is a symbolic system. Any time we are translating symbols we are “speaking the language” of the Feminine, acting in the Dimension of the Goddess.
There is something distinctly different between symbolic language which points to “a whole dimension or field of reality”. Versus language which is decidedly a Masculine system. Labeling a single thing through abstraction. It is linear and one dimensional.
History tells us that we once communicated in only symbolic language. Take the Egyptian Hieroglyphs.
Some who have studied Ancient Kemet (Egypt) say that the early inhabitants didn’t speak “language” in the way we understand it now. But rather they communicated with their eyes and bodies. Through dance and song, and by translating the subtle fluctuations in the field that exists between people.
I had an opportunity to communicate and express this way in the years I lived overseas in Palestine. Speaking a different language then most of my in-laws we were not able to communicate in the conventional way.
The relationships I formed through this mode of expression were multidimensional in their depth and profundity. Cultivating love without language creates an eternal bond and deep sense of knowing the “other”.
While language has certainly had its blessings, it also makes reality decidedly small. For the sake of making my point quickly, I won’t dwell on this point for long. But study with me long enough, and you’ll learn all about my love/not love relationship for what words, and language, have done to our relationship with the “Mystery”.
I have a similar relationship to my work with linear systems. Chakras fall into this category. We most often work with them from an ascending, or descending orientation. And most often, one at a time.
But the feminine isn’t linear. She doesn’t only move in a straight line. She is chaos, she is the spiral. No better a symbolic example is that of Venus herself. The ratio of her cycle is that of Phi. The fractal bloom of nature. She is the symbol of evolution itself. Constant, and ever changing.
Likewise, most of our ideas of the “energy” or ‘chi” in the body come from masculine systems.
As a counterpoint to the priceless contributions of Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine, I turn my attention to my own lineage. Which is soo vastly different, and yet complimentary to these systems. She is complimentary because she is Feminine.
The people who have studied the Celtic/Druids report that they viewed the Chakras and energy systems a little differently.
And to me, identifying with energy as “awen” and/or a kind of “nectar” that accumulates in Cauldrons inside the body. That can be stirred, or poured out, or boiling, helps me relate to the Chakras in a more multidimensional way. It somehow feels “more personal”.. Consider the words of blogger “MrsRawMojo”
"In Celtic symbology, the cauldron features frequently. One of the major Celtic stories, that of Taliesin, begins with a magical brew of the goddess Cerridwen, to create ‘awen.’
Awen is broadly described as a flowing spirit, a kind of life essence, a source of spiritual strength, prophetic insight, and poetic inspiration. Similar to the hindu concept of shakti in the sense of being a living, feminine, flowing, creative force.
The feminine noun, Awen, has been variously translated as ‘inspiration’, ‘muse’, ‘genius’, or even ‘poetic frenzy’. According to a 19th century Welsh dictionary, the word itself is formed by combining the two words, ‘aw’, meaning ‘a fluid, a flowing’, and ‘en’, meaning ‘a living principle, a being, a spirit, essential’.
The story of Taliesin is filled with shamanic wisdom and clues to the practices of the ancient Celts. It includes shape-shifting, magic potions, goddesses, forbidden cities of druids, and supernatural babies being found in rivers. One of the many symbols found there, is that of the cauldron. Whilst the cauldron is used for seemingly ordinary purposes, to brew up a potion, the symbology is that the cauldron is the container for awen."
Teach to me the mystery,
Of the Cauldron’s Brew,
Let Utter Darkness give way to light,
And be reborn anew. Damh the Bard
I’m not suggesting that we throw out the old system, but as the multidimensional beings that we are, that we can relate to our bodies, and the world from many different entry points along the hologram.
So as we are working this month with the throat/pineal chakras how does it change your sense of them to weave non-vocal communication in?
How is it different to relate to the energy that runs through your body as Awen? For me is personifies the energy, gives it a different quality of vitality.
On our call, I’ll briefly present the “Celtic Chakra System”. If it is in your joy, you may begin to weave this approach into your work with the Chakras.