Love is the Power
We pay a lot of lip service to LOVE in spiritual communities.
And well we should, it is THE POWER.
However, at the same time we are speaking to having a more loving world, we are being violent to ourselves.
Love, like charity, starts with us, then at home, and then we can give it to the world.
Give yourself the love that you’ve always imagined the “Archetypal Good Mother “ would give you.
Give it to yourself, unreservedly, unconditionally, eternally.
Forgive yourself for everything you “think” you’ve done wrong.
In the grand cosmic game, it isn’t scored that way anyways. Rights, wrongs, goods, and bads.
There are errors of judgment. Mistakes. Acknowledge yours, learn from them, let them go.
Know yourself as goodness.
Meet your innocence, and hold it.
Be as kind to yourself, as you would be to a new born baby.
We need more of this.
Not more striving, not more perfection, not more productivity.
But rather, more love.
The love you give yourself, grows.
Try it.