
The Mystery Of Coming UNDONE

I love it.

The rawness. The nakedness.

The ”no room for bullish!t-ness”…

The absolute UNKNOWN-NESS….

of the Venus Underworld Journey.

The way others get hyped about their favorite holiday each year, I get hyped for the descent.

The disrobing of everything that is not us.

No frills.

It’s a time of emptying and alchemy.

And maybe loosing our minds a bit.

Where we purge old ways of navigating the world that keep taking us back to the same tired places that we don’t want to go anymore.

Can you feel it?

The desire to take some space. To really feel ourselves?

To own our frequency? Our Medicine? To OWN ourselves?

To know a quiet simplicity.

How we are actually smoother, and less complex, on the inside than we thought we were, when the noise of the upperworld is turned all the way down.

When we drop all of the masks.

When identity doesn’t matter anymore.

When we stop gripping onto the “shoulds”

And there is nobody left to ask permission of. Just us.

The Underworld is calling us when…

When it costs more to keep it all going than to let it go.

When we realize that hanging onto our fears is literally killing us.

When we are on our knees for the thing we came here to embody, and everything else just feels like a cheap substitute.

Searching for it out there, when we know, that we know, that we know, it’s been in us all along. We just haven’t been able to access it.

This is the path of deep trust. The path of surrender. The Path of Inner Gnosis

The Alchemical Crucible that lives in the dark.

In order to have all of this, we have to give up control. We have to relinquish our addiction to safety, and restriction.

But how?

That’s f&cking terrifying.

Venus and the Moon Meet May 7th and Open the Gate to Underworld.

Let us go through the Gate Together.

Underworld Dates and Sparse information listed below.

To register for Underworld, Click Here

More of my writing on the Underworld Here..

  • “A star becomes a sun, under the pressure of darkness.”

    ― M. R. Noble, Karolina Dalca, Dark Eyes

  • “There is only one thing in your life that you can fully control, and that is the way you will react to the world around you. How you choose to use that power will have a great impact on the quality of your life.”

    ― Anthony Galouzis, Trinity of the Broken

  • I have noticed that this hell we are in is purifying and refining the edges of my mind and heart. And then it made me think: what if that's what hell really is? What if everyone who goes to hell, goes there to come out purified and refined? What if it's just a stopover? What if nobody is ever really left there? What if everything, at one point, becomes, or is, utterly holy?

    C. JoyBell C.

  • “What's the point of waking up in the morning if you don't try to match the enormousness of the known forces in the world with something powerful in your own life?”

    ― Don DeLillo