Age of the ORACLE


This New Moon at 9° Sagittarius is amazing for a lot of reasons.

I’ve seen dozens of amazing translations of the energy.

One thing I haven’t seen mentioned is the Oracle.

The New Moon is Conjunct the Asteroid Delphi in Sag.

She is making a sextile of to Kassandra, the Archetype of the wounded Oracle. The one cursed to not have her messages believed. She’s also in orb with Pluto.

We have the Asteroid Pythia conjunct the North Node in Aries.

Cybele is opposite Pluto in Leo.

I have the asteroid Sybil conjunct my Midheaven in Scorpio.

And lastly, at the Venus Gate to the THROAT CHAKRA we have Sybilla conjunct Venus in Capricorn.

The Oracles are sending a very strong message at this time. They want us to develop our Oracular Gifts, heal the wounding at the Throat Chakra, and SPEAK our vision of the Future into being.

There’s so much more to say here. I’m going to post some writing about Kassandra and the wounded oracle function below. Please see my link in below for an offering around the ORACLE. If you want to strengthen your inner Oracle, this offer is for you.

———Previous Writing that fleshed out KASSANDRA, the wounded Oracle——-


Many of you have heard me talk in the past about my relationship with the Goddess, (Archetype) of Kassandra.

In my chart, The Asteroid Kassandra sits at the midpoint between my Sun and Uranus in Scorpio.

In other words, I have felt her POTENTLY across my life.

For those who don’t know her story, Cassandra was a daughter of Priam, the Trojan king, and his wife, Hecuba.

The God Apollo gave Cassandra the gift of prophecy, in exchange for sleeping with her after she caught his eye on the Promenade.

Cassandra readily accepts the gift, but later chooses to rebuff Apollo’s advances, which greatly angered the God. Instead of simply taking back his gift of prophecy, the furious Apollo instead laid a curse on her.

As a result of this curse, Cassandra’s prophecies would be ignored. She was doomed never to be believed. This meant that whilst Cassandra was able to see the terrible things that would happen in the future, such as the Trojan war, she was powerless to do anything about them, since nobody believed her.

In other words, Cassandra was cursed with the gift of accurate prophecies no one heeded; her people thought she was both crazy and a liar and, finally locked her away in an asylum.

Not long ago, I wrote an Essay on Sinead O’Connor and her relationship with this Archetype. She called out the church years before anyone would take the accusations seriously. And what did she get for her warning? Essentially she was canceled, dismissed, and abused.

Have you ever told the truth and not been believed? Been brandished as silly, or crazy? Or worse, punished? I know I have.


The Following was a recent post by the Facebook account “She Who Is”

“In my research, I came across the tale of Margery Rivel, a Pythoness condemned as a witch in 14th century England. For centuries, gifted women have been persecuted for channeling mystical powers men could not comprehend. But these women were light bearers - their legacy still relevant.

The word "pythoness" comes from the ancient Greek "Pythia" - the high priestess at the Temple of Apollo in Delphi who served as the Oracle. The Pythia would channel Apollo's prophecies while in an ecstatic trance state, offering guidance to seekers.

The Pythia exemplified the sacred feminine ability to act as mediator between spiritual realms, decoding messages for the enlightenment of humanity. Her title honored feminine power to tap source energy and live from the intuitive.

Once a revered female oracle in ancient Delphi, communing with spirit to offer prophecy and wisdom, the early church recast women with second sight as dangerous agents of the devil. Poor Margery was likely a cunning woman or psychic healer engaging forces misunderstood in medieval times.

Margery AND the Oracle represents the feminine power to traverse inner and outer realms. Reminding ourselves of this sacred power pays homage to forgotten seers, reminding us to embrace our own intuition and magic today.

Like Margery, each woman contains the capacity for vision, connection to source, and healing. Yet we have been taught to fear power not originating from external authority. What universal truths might women access if we released these limiting beliefs? reclaiming her today reconnects us to the sacred purpose of mystical vision. The pythoness teaches spiritual sovereignty - direct access to divine wisdom, unbound by any institution. Her story celebrates the seer in us all, as we each steer our own sacred vessel fearlessly charting courses beyond earthly rules. With her as guide, we too can journey far, if we dare to see." -She Who Is


The opposite of Kassandra, our Goddess of the “wounded” oracle function, is the Sybil, or the Pythia. These were the exalted Oracles at Delphi.

Margery’s Story reminds me of the difference between these two Goddess Archetypes, and what still happens today when a woman dares to speak from her power.

In this day and age, women who (g)Know are often crucified, hunted, and outcast, just like the witches were.

However, In modern times, the witch hunters are an angry mob of internet trolls who have made it deeply unsafe to speak our oracular wisdom to the world.

This Full Moon squaring Pluto and Kassandra in Aquarius signifies an opportunity to bring our wounded voice to the Underworld and reclaim our Oracle function. In Aquarius, this tells us, the messages Cassandra is asking us to reclaim are in service to collective evolution. Perhaps a warning or some new wisdom for our time. We must release her curse.

At the outset of the new Leo Venus Cycle in August, Venus was conjunct Black Moon Lilith. I spoke then about the places our expression is shut down because it doesn’t feel safe to speak.

And here again, we find a similar resonance at the outset of Her Underworld Journey on this potent Scorpio Full Moon. In other words, the transmission from the stars is clear. “It is time to reclaim the powerful voice of feminine wisdom to serve the world”

These archetypes around speaking and expression are bone deep.

It’s one thing to (g)Know, it’s quite another to SPEAK what we (G)Know. To “hold” what we (g)know with our own inner authority without backing away or diluting it.


The practice of trusting our inner gnosis, and revelations, and building the inner infrastructure to speak them aloud is part of what My Venus work is in service too.

If you’ve incarnated with a big purpose, you can no longer afford to censor your voice. The world needs us to speak boldly now.

It is the Feminine who delivers the world’s sacred “yes’s” and the sacred “no’s”.

It is she who is either complicit and participates, or she who stands and speaks from her own oracular sense of truth and rightness.

If you’d like to spend a year with me, privately developing your own inner oracle, click this link.

Damascena Tanis

Damascena is an Archetypal Astrologer, Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner, and The Facilitator of the Transformative Journey through the Mandala of Venus’ Wisdom, called “Sky Dancer”.

She is a passionate devotee of the ever unfolding mystery. As an expert observer, a trait she developed as an only child, she regards herself as both a student of life, and decoder of the cosmos.

Skilled at recognizing invisible patterns, and picking up on subtle shifts in the collective, she gets a thrill from uncovering and revealing the hidden threads that are woven together to create our paradigm.

Her passion for this existential detective work aligns well with her unique approach to one on one client work, as she helps others to discover the building blocks of their archetypal blueprint, and mythic overtones. She does not believe that astrology is static, and therefore works with clients to develop strategies and practices that allow them to transcend challenging aspects of their natal chart.

She lives on the Shores of Lake Erie with her husband, four kids, and Cat, Oscar (the grouch).

These days, when she isn’t interpreting a natal chart, or translating the stars for her astrology blog, you can find her engaging in one of her favorite pandemic pastimes, unraveling her inner “good girl”, cultivating the ability to thrive in the deep, dark, unknown, or playing her favorite game of identifying fun paradoxes called “two things are true at once”.

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