In Groundlessness, the Dakini is on the Scene
IN THE GROUNDLESSNESS -The Dakini is on the scene.
“The Dakini is a messenger of spaciousness and a force of truth, presiding over the funeral of self-deception. Wherever we cling, she cuts; whatever we think we can hide, even from ourselves, she reveals. The dakini traditionally appears during transitions: moments between worlds, between life and death, in visions between sleep and waking, in cemeteries and charnel grounds. - Wisdom Rising”
Given the current astrology, I wouldn’t be surprised if we feel like we are loosing our bearings, or even going a tad bit insane.
Like the plot has been lost, and we can’t find the thread between us and the horizon we are looking out upon.
Mars is pinching all of us. We may notice that our once secure attachments all of the sudden feel insecure. If the emotional pain body was activated, with Mars instigating looping thoughts of fear and dread around our sense of self and place in the world. When we get into these mental loops that stem from childhood, it can bring out a ruthless inner punisher. As the punisher is often the one driving the mental looping. It may also feel as though everything is irritating. Things that don’t normally bother us, are really getting under our skin.
Mars is inviting us to “follow the energy” where it leads us so that you can have an alchemical experience. This is an opportunity to heal unprocessed wounds, or places that were too hard or scary to express as children. I’ve recently been in a running inner dialogue about my “badness”, that was precipitated by the silliest thing. I am definitely having what seems like an outsized response: but I realize that’s because what is coming up is finally ready to be fully felt and integrated.
Mars will also help us run our energy field more efficiently, revealing where we are carrying excess baggage: the places that we are holding onto old wounds because they have become part of our identity.
The inner child work around this Mars Retrograde is invites us to finally process and express wasn’t safe as children.
With Saturn in Pisces headed towards Neptune, and Neptune making a connection with the north node, one might experience an unveiling that shifts everything. A realization that the wool has been pulled over our eyes around collective issues or issues that are bigger than just us.
Only, because of Neptune’s haziness, we can’t see an immediate future outcome. What comes next is a foggy, and intangible at best. Which can be very uncomfortable, because we realize that we are not in control, navigating through the unknown, with very little ability to anchor or even define what we are experiencing. It’s a deep internal process that isn’t fully conscious yet. Groundlessness.
This is also an ego dissolving signature. So we may be confronted with one of more truths about ourselves that is mega uncomfortable to feel or see. Be careful here not to add on more layers of illusion, hope, or latch onto stories about how we wish things would be rather than how they really are. It’s easy to be overtaken by a vic.tim or mar.try narrative here because things feel so big and abyss like. Almost as though we are being swallowed whole by the issue at hand.
Saturn’s pass through the end of Pisces is calling us into greater responsibility. Responsibility to meet the scary, insecure, places within ourselves. The places that we act out immaturely. To not revert back to old coping mechanisms that stem from trying to control the void of chaos that feels as though it’s consuming us. Who do we become inside of this energy? The invitation here is to inspect our relationship to inner anarchy and chaos.
In the tarot, Pisces is paired with the Moon Card. It’s Hebrew letter is Tsade which means shadow, reflex, and roof. It indicates the activity of spirit in psychological and material life, foresight (oracular vision) individual regeneration through awareness of the body and ritual. In its negative sense it can mean misleading imagination, illusion, and delusion. In the image of the cards two dogs stand guard in front of two towers in an attempt to keep evil at bay. This card also means a return to earlier events (the moons association with children and the sign of cancer)
Its number is 18 which correlates to the nodal cycle and eclipse points. So when Pisces energy is amplified, it can take on a resonant note to the dragons meeting point.
This was a doozy of a start to the year. And the intensity is set to continue through the next several weeks. But fear not, there are so many beautiful transits upcoming.
Pisces can be a tricky sign. But it’s the sign of our collective focus for the next 18 months. So I will continue to flesh out what evolutionary lessons the stars are offering as curriculum in the coming weeks.
Perhaps I’ll do a nodal axis shift video when I have some spaciousness.
A nodal axis survival guide of sorts.
Until then, chew on this information. This is the year we will be initiated into the mystery, and the deep void, in a hands on practical way. We will need all of our intuitive faculties on line to navigate these complex energies. On the bright side, there is so much growth on offer: a true invitation to expand the capacity in our nervous systems to hold ourselves through the unknown. An invitation to our oracular gifts.
Though a nihilistic meaninglessness may arise as the year progresses this is a good sign. My own teacher talks about nihilism meaning that outdated parts of ego and crystalized identity structures are dissolving. When we are in a nihilistic portal it acts like a “meantime incubator”, that holds you in the balance between who we used to be and who we are becoming.
Don’t get me wrong, there is beauty to found in these transits, in the reverie, longing, and the vastness of the moment. This energy is priming us to meet the curriculum of the year. Each and every one of us are being prepared and catalyzed through this foggy, insecure, intensity.
I love to use imagery to illuminate the archetypal energy of the moment. Imagery, archetypes, and symbolism is the language of the feminine, so use the pictures as a transmission in and of themselves. Take your time to feel into each one, and ask yourself what it evokes in you. Perhaps as a journaling exercise. Bringing the “as above to the as below” and the “as within to the as without” is an especially powerful practice in this moment. It will help you locate yourself on the map.
#astrology #marsretrograde #pluto #neptune #Pisces #saturn #northnode #dakini #skydancer