Aquarius Full Moon

Image by Ben Frost

Image by Ben Frost

*This is a channeled transmission. The reason it is written in the ‘stream of consciousness; form is to demonstrate the difference between something that comes from “mind” vs something that comes from the “God Body”. I am seeing significant markers in the collective that “the mind” is causing an alarming kink in our ability to make choices. The more we only come from the place of mind, the more we are feeding the collective egregore. I am stand; a full body commitment to not feed into any narrative of separation, or closed heartedness. I am a stand for love, and unity. The message encompasses all of the archetypal influences that are active at the moment. It is a complete astrology report without the technical “mind” piece that lists the transits and aspects one by one. Challenge yourself to “feel” and “embody” the astrology rather than “understand” it with your mind.


This full moon is full of intensity and electricity.

It’s mobile, quick, frenetic.

With bass undertones of a heavy density that feels unmovable. Fast meeting slow.

It’s ok to feel scattered.

It’s ok to feel downright electrified right now.

It’s ok if your nervous system feels taxed.

Its ok if you have free floating energy that doesn’t seem to have an outlet to plug into.

It’s ok if your attention is going in a thousand different directions.

Its a sign that you are alive, awake, tapped into the tapestry of the human collective.

There is a poem I love by Rumi that keeps coming up at this moment.

“The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don’t go back to sleep.

You must ask for what you really want.
Don’t go back to sleep.

People are going back and forth across the doorsill
where the two worlds touch.

The door is round and open.
Don’t go back to sleep.”

~ Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks, Essential Rumi

Throughout all of the swirling influences, and machinations vying for your attention, you must remember that at your essence you are a spiritual being.

God in a body.

We are at a dawning.

It’s not the first dawning, and it won’t be the last. We are lucky enough to be alive during a great period of transition.

Gatekeepers, Way Showers, Bridge Builders.

After lifetimes of being asleep…

Finally cracking the chrysalis from the inside.

Revealing an ancient future template.

Our job is to anchor into our practices that allow us to BE WITH all that is, while having faith that it is all happening FOR US.

As my buddy and spiritual guru Jerome Braggs says, “Life Loves You”

And everything that is happening, is happening FOR YOU.

There is a perfection in this death/life portal that we may not see yet. Yet putting one foot in front of the other in the faith that there is a greater purpose is important.

Do not go back to sleep.

Keep building, dreaming, cultivating your visions.

Only creation of the new pulls us through to the other side.

Do not go back to sleep.

The purpose of this Full Moon is to show you where you are on the map. To catapult you into an expanded iteration of yourself. And to push you far enough into the unknown, that your faith muscles must be activated.

It’s also going to give you a burst of creative energy, if you are ready to build.

We never change things by fighting the existing reality…. to change something we must build something that makes the existing model obsolete.

-Buckminster Fuller

Art by: Vivien Szaniszlo

Art by: Vivien Szaniszlo


If you are in your mind, this full moon offers a plethora of hooks, valleys, and rabbit holes to chase. A sexy, alluring payoff. The mind triggering a cascade of hormones masquerading as aliveness. A playground for the ego.

If you are in your body, there is an abundance of free floating, high level, alchemical nectar available.

This is the moment that many will cut through the outer layer of the chrysalis they’ve been marinating in. Dripping in imaginal cells as they resurrect.

These artists and visionaries will become our next generation of leadership. It’s lift off time.

I’m so excited to see what people create on the other side of this portal of intensity.

If you are feeling hooked, no worries, you are human. Unplug, come home to the body, then harness that frenetic energy and invest it in a creative endeavor.

I cannot stress enough how important this moon is. It is a threshold moment!!

One that “feels” sooo intense but will likely cause very subtle, nuanced, changes. Now is a great time to do your own “stream of consciousness” writing to track what changes this full moon triggers in your own life.

It is CRUCIAL at this time that we cultivate a practice of being in our bodies. Most people aren’t. For the most part we live in our minds. That’s human. Give yourself full permission to begin where you are.

Remind yourself that there isn’t any real power in the sticky webs of mind. Only the illusion of power.

In the weeks ahead we will begin to see the tension between power and illusion unravel.

For this piece, embodiment is essential. It helps us better gauge what is really happening behind the curtain.

In addition to the imperative of being fully embodied, our spiritual and creative endeavors are being given a gigantic boost. The canvas is ripe. Use it. We need you.

However, these creative endeavors require a different state of consciousness than the one that created the current one.

*I recently wrote a piece for my portal members called “Choices-A How Too” that talks about how to make choices from an embodied place. You can join the portal for access to my non-astrological based PRIESTESS writing. by subscribing to the mailing list. It is in the Venus Transmissions Link.

Art by: Vivien Szaniszlo

Art by: Vivien Szaniszlo

*Lastly, the Pluto/Eris Square is triggering an egregore of collective fear. Fear of dying, fear of the unknown, but also, the fear that we don’t really know how to live inside the current reality. Instead of writing out my own transmission on fear, I am going to use two pieces of writing gifted to me by two Dear Sisters, both on the Left Hand Path. I have the intuitive hit that they are a necessary piece of this Full Moon Message. Intuition is lives in the body.

Osho on Fear and Pandemics

This question was asked to OSHO about 40 years ago.

“How do I avoid a pandemic?”

“You're asking the wrong question", Osho replied,” the right question should be:

“How to avoid the fear of dying caused by the pandemic?”

Because it is very easy to avoid the virus, it is very difficult to avoid the fear in you and in the world.

People will die more from this fear than from the pandemic.

There is NO virus in this world more dangerous than FEAR.

Understand this fear, otherwise you will become a dead body before your body dies.

It has nothing to do with the virus.

The scary atmosphere you feel in these moments is collective madness...

It has happened a thousand times and will continue to happen.

And it will continue if you don't understand the psychology of crowds and fear.

You usually keep your fear at bay, but in the moment of collective madness, your consciousness can be completely lost.

You won't even know when you lost control of your fear.

Then fear can make you do anything.

In such a situation you can also take your own life or the lives of others.

So much will happen in the coming times:

Many people will kill themselves and many people will kill more.

Attention, be mindful.

Don't watch news that triggers fear.

Stop talking about the epidemic, repeating the same thing over and over again is like self-hypnosis.

Fear is a kind of self-hypnosis.

This idea will cause chemical changes in the body.

If you repeat the same idea over and over again, a chemical change is triggered that can sometimes be so toxic that it can kill you.

During a pandemic, energy around the world becomes irrational.

This way you can fall into a black hole anytime.

Meditation then becomes a protective aura into which no negative energy can penetrate.”

We can see from this writing, how important it is to detach, and return to a place of rootedness in the body. For those who wish to deepen into a relationship with the Feminine, we must remember that the Goddess is PARADOX. In a place of groundlessness, we must be grounded. There is always a both/and. We are constantly being fed either or scenario’s. Narratives that lack nuance. We can work together on many converging fronts while continuing to love our neighbor, whatever choices they may make.

The second piece of talks about the state of mind one must be in to create new realities.

“We don’t have to physically die and leave this life in order to start a new creative cycle in another place or body. We don’t have to break everything down before we start something new. We already carry the futures of new possibilities inside us. It’s just that many people don’t know how to activate the seeds for these possibilities. We have the power to renew our lives, just like the caterpillar and the snake. We are nature. The key is being able to access the state of consciousness of the choice that awakens the future potentials inside us. You can’t renew your life from your old realities.” The Quest of the Rose, by Anneloes Smitsman & Jean Houston

The Message is Always Love

For those who like to feed the mind:
Aspects: Full Moon at 29° Aquarius conjunct Jupiter 8:00 am EST

Channeled Message included The Full Moon’s potency conjunct Jupiter in the sign of the People (Aquarius) + squaring the nodal axis; indicates we are at an evolutionary turning point. The nodes are flanked by both Goddess Asteroids Juno and Ceres. Indicating the evolutionary changes are being ushered in by the feminine. Juno is the wife of Jupiter, but this T-square is a hard aspect. Which suggests that we may see some conflict between the Masculine and the Feminine. Or conflict in the traditional social contract, the roles of leadership and hierarchy, and that interplay with the “people”, may clash in a way that makes a lasting change. There is so much to write about with just this one aspect. Writing it all out would defeat the purpose of this exercise of rooting into the body. Maybe I’ll flesh it out at a later time

Mercury and Mars in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces will perfect later this week indicating action behind our dreams, visions, and creative projects. As well as as the tension between illusion and power.

Pluto 25 Capricorn square Eris 24 Aries- Is the outer planet aspects that has been triggering the targeted demolition project of 2020-2021. If the previous aspects are the actors, this aspect is the stage and setting.

Please enjoy this Spotify playlist, curated to help you land back into your body, and bring the body back into coherence.

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Damascena Tanis

Damascena is an Archetypal Astrologer, Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner, and The Facilitator of the Transformative Journey through the Mandala of Venus’ Wisdom, called “Sky Dancer”.

She is a passionate devotee of the ever unfolding mystery. As an expert observer, a trait she developed as an only child, she regards herself as both a student of life, and decoder of the cosmos.

Skilled at recognizing invisible patterns, and picking up on subtle shifts in the collective, she gets a thrill from uncovering and revealing the hidden threads that are woven together to create our paradigm.

Her passion for this existential detective work aligns well with her unique approach to one on one client work, as she helps others to discover the building blocks of their archetypal blueprint, and mythic overtones. She does not believe that astrology is static, and therefore works with clients to develop strategies and practices that allow them to transcend challenging aspects of their natal chart.

She lives on the Shores of Lake Erie with her husband, four kids, and Cat, Oscar (the grouch).

These days, when she isn’t interpreting a natal chart, or translating the stars for her astrology blog, you can find her engaging in one of her favorite pandemic pastimes, unraveling her inner “good girl”, cultivating the ability to thrive in the deep, dark, unknown, or playing her favorite game of identifying fun paradoxes called “two things are true at once”.

The Medicine We Need Right Now


Portal of Intensity