The Medicine We Need Right Now

Art By Viagio Magico

Art By Viagio Magico


Chiron was discovered on my birth date, Nov 1st of 1977 (different birth year), which means we use this date, along with the time of discovery as his birth chart. Everyone loves a birthday buddy. This special connection has left me feeling an affinity, or resonance with Chiron. As such I’ve studied him deeply. This week I am going to share the medicine of Chiron and Venus, and how they are the essential guides we need inside this portal of intensity.

Chiron was originally thought to be an asteroid, although now there is speculation that he is actually a captured comet. I love this idea of a visitor to our solar system. Here to mentor us with a higher wisdom. He has an elliptical orbit, which means sometimes he is closer to earth than others.

His orbit crosses both the orbit of Saturn and Uranus. Saturn is the last of the “traditional” planets. We often interpret Saturn as a “social planet”. Meaning what he is doing in the sky influences the collective on an overt level. Uranus is said to be the first of the “transpersonal” planets. What he does affects the “collective unconscious”, or the undercurrent of our 3-D reality.. Much like Jung’s collective unconscious, we can see how Uranus works both on a personal level, and in the collective simultaneously. The interplay between conscious and unconscious aids in individuation. Chiron’s unique placement between Saturn and Uranus has earned Him the title of the “The Rainbow Bridge”. He is a mentor on the path to individuation. The planetary body that connects the personal to the transpersonal.

Chiron’s archetype is said to represent our sacred wound. Consensus in the astrological community is that he carries the archetype of the “Wounded Healer” and is closely related to the Asklepion healing temples, Hippocratic medicine, and the alternative field of wellness. Due to his unique upbringing, he also represents the rewilding of the soul. Bringing us back home to essence self.

In his mythology Chiron is the son of Saturn (Cronos) and Philyra the sea nymph. Born as an ugly “disfigured” centaur, (half man half god) his father would not claim him and wanted to kill both him and his mother. Phylira changed herself into a Laurel Tree and left Chiron alone in the shade of her branches as a babe. Abandoned on the side of Mt Pelion, his experiences as a wild, feral youth, transformed Chiron into a wise mentor. Many of the God’s sent their children to Chiron’s cave to have them initiated into their sacred medicine. With Chiron’s guidance they became masters of their divine gifts.

Years later in a Centauran War with the Titan’s, Chiron was injured by a poisoned arrow dipped in Hydra’s blood. Because Chiron was part God he was immortal and could not die. Being a great physician, he set out to heal himself, though no healing was sufficient against the hydra’s blood. He spent the rest of his life carrying that unhealed wound. Eventually he struck a deal with Zeus to end his immortality. And so it is Chiron who brings us the teaching that YES, sometimes death can be a healing. And given that we are in a collective initiation around death, this is a necessary medicine.

Chiron’s mythology points us towards how we integrate the arrows that have pierced our own souls and left us forever changed. How we transform those wounds into our superpowers. In Aries, Chiron initiations often lead us to our deepest truth. His sacred wound practice returns us again and again to our own soul tending. This practice helps us define who we really are. What is ours to hold and carry, and what does not belong to us. He helps us establish healthy boundaries, and hold our rightness out in the world. And helps us ground back into our own gifts when our conditioned self pulls us out of alignment.

Venus in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries. This signature is highlighting the interplay between how we healthily relate to self and other. Aries Represents -Self- The “I am” principle in the Zodiac. The first step out onto the hero’s or fool's (card 0 in the tarot deck) journey. Before any narrative or societal conditioning is piled on. Who we are at our essence. The holy innocent child. You get my drift.

Libra represents balance, just-ness. A higher set of principles, love, rightness, and fairness. Her archetype has mastery in pointing to where there is friction in the field and what needs to be done to reinstate harmony. She is often associated with tranquility and unanimity, but that wouldn’t be a wholesome assessment. From an evolutionary perspective her objective is to be the fulcrum between two opposing polarities. SHE HOLDS EQUANIMITY.

This week Venus in Libra will come into opposition to Chiron in Aries. Venus in Libra relates how we love out in the world, and the art of relating skillfully to the world around us. Libra has resonance with Venus as an Evening Star. Venus symbolizes emotional processes and attitudes, as well as our value-and-meaning-giving faculties– that is, how we interpret, evaluate and make sense of our life-experiences and the world around us. She is also the planet of embodiment. Whatever she is doing, in some way she is asking us to look at how we show up in the world as a fully embodied human. As an evening star, her relational processes are mature, and more outwardly focused towards interpersonal relationships, and the greater collective.

Because Venus is currently in her evening star phase climbing towards her greatest brilliance, now in the sign of Libra, representing the Relational Queen of Heaven, her medicine is POTENT!!

The interplay/tension between Chiron in Aries and Venus in Libra as Evening Star, is really highlighting how we show up in our wider community. As things become more and more chaotic, are we able to hold our values, our deepest truth, with love in the face of opposition? Are we able to stay connected to our own deepest truth in the midst of swirling narratives? How are we soul tending while so many hooks and valleys are vying for our attention?

We are being asked at this time to unplug from all of the machinations attempting to keep us in an adrenaline induced “mind” spiral, infected with a virus of fear and chronic crisis, and instead come back into our body. There is a magnitude of “mind” related archetypal influence right now. Fortunately, Astrology is a map, it is circular. It presents the evolutionary challenge and the medicine simultaneously. If the targeted demolition project that is ongoing on many fronts is the evolutionary challenge, then being firmly rooted in our bodies and our own rightness is the medicine.

When we have dropped down into the body, we are better able to make choices. I mention choices because the body is where they are made. Let me break this down a bit. The mind makes decisions. The body makes choices. Decisions are usually based on a list of pros and cons. It goes over every last detail, weighs the options, and picks the option with fewer cons. A choice is something altogether different. A choice is a choice because it “is”. We make choices because of the rightness we feel in our body around them. There is no reason or list for a choice. We don’t need to defend a choice, because we feel that choice all the way down through our cells, through the pads of our feet. Choice is related to truth. Not some truth out there. But our deepest, most inherent truth. The truth that lands with a clunk in the body. The truth the fool has, before all of the narrative and conditioning has been heaped upon him. The “isness” of truth and choice stand on their own.

In the sea of polarity swirling around us, we are going to need to be a stand in our choices. It’s the only way not to get pulled into the riptide of the collective egregore. Are we a stand for love and unity? Are we choosing not to allow ourselves to become divided into different camps? What choices will we make around our bodies? Are we a stand for holding others with empathy? Seeing their holy innocence? Can we have love and sovereignty at the same time? How do we show up as sovereign in community? Can the two be woven together for the highest good of all? Having to make those choices will be presented to us soon. It’s a good idea to drop into the body and know her as the oracle she is.

“Embodiment in order to hold your rightness, your deepest truth out in the world” IS the medicine of this Chiron and Venus opposition. Like the string of the guitar, it will be plucked over the coming weeks. It’s time to revisit your practices if you feel as though the tone is off. And it will be off sometimes. We are human. We all get pulled into the narrative. So take time to tune yourself instrument.

There is a reason Venus visits Virgo before going into Libra. She is first crowned as Sovereign. The Virgin. Then she is given the relational crown in Libra. Root into this knowing. Before going into a community that holds opposing viewpoints, and counternarratives, ground into your own sovereignty first. Relate from that place.

Chiron is the soul tender. He can see through to the quality of soul with laser precision. When we can clearly see and feel the spark of our own soul, we can see that mirrored back to us in others.

Both Venus and Chiron operate on the frequency of Empathy. Empathy is the alchemical nectar, the easy current we can enter that will bring us back again and again to the deepest thing. Love. Love is the way through, the rainbow bridge that connects all parts of the chart. Everything that is happening is happening FOR US. Though the out picturing may not appear that way, the ascendency of the feminine IS HERE folks. And SHE fiercely LOVES US all. From Reckoning to Resurrection.

Damascena Tanis

Damascena is an Archetypal Astrologer, Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner, and The Facilitator of the Transformative Journey through the Mandala of Venus’ Wisdom, called “Sky Dancer”.

She is a passionate devotee of the ever unfolding mystery. As an expert observer, a trait she developed as an only child, she regards herself as both a student of life, and decoder of the cosmos.

Skilled at recognizing invisible patterns, and picking up on subtle shifts in the collective, she gets a thrill from uncovering and revealing the hidden threads that are woven together to create our paradigm.

Her passion for this existential detective work aligns well with her unique approach to one on one client work, as she helps others to discover the building blocks of their archetypal blueprint, and mythic overtones. She does not believe that astrology is static, and therefore works with clients to develop strategies and practices that allow them to transcend challenging aspects of their natal chart.

She lives on the Shores of Lake Erie with her husband, four kids, and Cat, Oscar (the grouch).

These days, when she isn’t interpreting a natal chart, or translating the stars for her astrology blog, you can find her engaging in one of her favorite pandemic pastimes, unraveling her inner “good girl”, cultivating the ability to thrive in the deep, dark, unknown, or playing her favorite game of identifying fun paradoxes called “two things are true at once”.

The Centaur Speaks


Aquarius Full Moon