Mars Into Cancer
Art Luke Shadbolt
March 25th, Mars finally moves into Cancer after an 8 month stay in Gemini.
I think we are really going to feel this one.
Cancer rules our home and family. The place we feel most warm, cozy, and secure in the world.
It’s a watery domain of emotion.
Mars, on the other hand is hot and fiery. It’s associated with things like domination, agression, frustration, strength, passion, zest, and zeal.
Bringing this combustible, almost bombastic, irritant into the realms of sanctuary can really activate the pain body.
It can cause familial disharmony, and discord.
But, on the flip side, it can activate us to make much needed changes on the home front.
That which has been out of alignment, old stagnant dynamics that need and upgrade, can all be brought to the forefront, forcing change.
Mars will be in Cancer for the next several weeks, through May 20th.
When he stations direct after a long retrograde period, he slowly picks up momentum. Thus he gradually chugs along through the first few signs post retrograde, this time giving us the full menu of domestic, and inner soul themes to attend to.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon. The moon is a highly changeable body. It relates to soul, and the process of bringing the unconscious into consciousness.
Cancer, relates to the Great Mother, and is thought to be the portal of incarnation into this realm. It also holds the mystery of how the moon interacts with earth and humanity. Holding certain patterns and realities in place. This is a useful inquiry to play with during this transit.
Use this time to relate anew to the inner child, do pattern work, heal old familial wounds, and tend to the pain body through both grounding and inspiration.
I also wouldn’t be surprised if themes around “mother” arise. Giving us an opportunity to release old stories, both archetypally and literally. How we hold the concept of “Mother” in our own lives. The impossible standards ascribed to the role. The way we have projected God-Like qualities onto “the mother” and how that is juxtaposed against fallible, messy, human women. We have an opportunity to look at how this transfers onto the way we “style” ourselves as women, not just “mother”. This may be a time to work with sacred rage, to reorganize our boundaries, and/or workload.
It may also be useful to feel into how the elements of water and fire combine, how they relate, and interact within our own field.
#astrology #mars #cancer #moon #archetypes #healing #domestic #soul