Statement on Women’s Health Issues…


“I was born for this, I came into the world for this. To bear witness to the truth. All those who are on the side of truth, bear witness to my voice.”

“Truth? Said Pilate. “What’s that?”

-John 18:37

Like many women my soul ordered the “misogynistic, toxic patriarchy” sampler platter of experiences to have in this lifetime.

I came in under the mythological theme that premarital sex is shameful.

My birth mother came to Cleveland to hide her pregnancy, have and leave me here while she returned to her life in Washington DC.

I myself was so perplexed and wounded by carrying these mythological codes, I unconsciously decided to rewrite the story with us as heroine rather than sinner.

I got pregnant at 14 & had a child at 15. This time, I consciously chose to hold all of the projections of whore, slut, and shame in an effort to transmute that storyline.

To other people’s absolute disgust, I was proud of what I had done.

Thanks to my adoptive mother, I then went on to have a fairly normal arch of development as a rebellious teen and young adult.

Got pregnant again in my early 20’s when I was being wreckless, and had an abortion.

By this time, my soul was worn down from wearing the Scarlett letter.

My thought was that I had racked up enough sin for a lifetime. I legitimately thought I might burn in hell if I continued on my current path.

That’s what having an abortion when one is invested in our current myths does to people.

Make us think about sin, and hell.

All of the religious dogma from my youth made a resurgence.

I had pendulum swung so far into the Whore Archetype, I thought it was time I moved things back in the other direction.

So I chose to partner with and marry a person from a very, rigid, patriarchal, culture to ensure my soul’s deliverance.

Traditional family values, here I come.

Dressed as Madonna, I did everything I thought a good wife might do to meet my husband’s expectations.

Our early marriage was insanely chaotic. I lived in a different country, and didn’t exactly understand my new job as “Palestinian Woman”.

While everyone was exceptionally kind to me. I was a constant source of disappointment to my new husband.

I just couldn’t seem to get the matronly role quite right.

I tried to force myself into a shape that just didn’t fit.

So I suffered a lot of the consequences that living into this inauthentic archetype of “good women, aka Mother/Wife” causes for a lot of us.

Chronic pain, autoimmune issues, suppressed rage, and eventually addiction.

Through a series of traumas, and grace filled synchronicities, I broke.

That shattering was the single best thing that has ever happened to me.

It was a profound underworld experience.

From that place of empowerment, I then began to reclaim the inner me that was lost under layers of these misogynistic tropes.

The me that existed beyond the Madonna / Whore split.

It’s been a really long road home.

Smashing identities and masks, to polish the pearl of my soul.

A total unbecoming.

However, my story is far from unique.

Once we step beyond the over acculturated archetypal cut outs that society limits women to, we can then track how the narratives alive inside the dominator paradigm keep us trapped.

These narratives, mythologies, and archetypal cut-outs absolutely apply to the current conversation we are having about women, and access to termination service.

They are part of what has us in such a perilous position. Still.

We’ve invested in them. And when we fight, we fight from a particular pre-existing archetype. An archetype that isn’t winning.

We must move beyond this idea that our rights are something that someone else has the power to give or take away.

My right to chose what happens with my body is one of the most fundamental, natural laws, of being human and alive.

We must move beyond the duality presented in the argument.

Stop feeding it.

There is a way that we can claim ourselves as wholly sovereign.

And take care of each other.

I declare now that I will not comply with any law rooted in patriarchal misogyny that seeks to disenfranchise my body.

I reject any paradigm that coalesces solely around the male body, and the male hormonal cycle.

I reject any projection onto my being.

I am a serpent daughter, a dragon mother.

And I do not accept a repeal or rollback of

R V W.

The same way I did not accept the narrative around mandatory procedures during the last two years.

My teacher has said repeatedly that if something is true, it cannot be dinged or damaged. We ultimately cannot hold the truth down.

I have faith that we will come through this.

Because it is not true that in 2022 we are backsliding in the timeline.

This is happening precisely because the timeline seeks to evolve.

And we have to get into alignment with it.

And stop asking for what is inherently ours.

But in order to do that, we have to be able to see it. So that work, the work of collapsing the split comes first.

The dynamic in this dimension is flawed.

The Parental Government style is a distortion. A reality inversion.

Our rights do not flow from the Government.

The Government’s job is to enforce our inalienable rights endowed on us by our creator. A power higher than any human system of laws.

It follows then that, I am an adult. And as an adult, I will make my own choices. Especially about the one thing that is most mine. Me.

It’s time to reorient our strategy to a solid “No”.

Step into our maturity. Step into our authority. Step into our self responsibility.

And accept nothing less than full enfranchisement.

To claim full enfranchisement we need new myths and archetypes.

Because this isn’t only about termination.

It’s about a paradigm shift. And our current paradigm is dying.

Dying paradigms grasp for the glory days.

Seek to invest in the strong archetypal patterns of the past, in order to hold onto power today.

It is grasping for familiar stories. Comfortable plot lines.

It’s also what people do when they are afraid of change.

But I am not going there. And I’m not allowing my fear to take me there.

I’m a “No” for that.

I incarnated to help the planet evolve. And that is precisely what I plan on doing.

I’m writing a new script, living a new mythology. Cultivating an ancient future archetype to help us move beyond this tired old story that “man” is superior to women.

Imagine where we could go if we were truly in partnership?

What archetypes could we create that would help bring that reality online?

That’s where I’m investing my energy. In that me.

Damascena Tanis

Damascena is an Archetypal Astrologer, Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner, and The Facilitator of the Transformative Journey through the Mandala of Venus’ Wisdom, called “Sky Dancer”.

She is a passionate devotee of the ever unfolding mystery. As an expert observer, a trait she developed as an only child, she regards herself as both a student of life, and decoder of the cosmos.

Skilled at recognizing invisible patterns, and picking up on subtle shifts in the collective, she gets a thrill from uncovering and revealing the hidden threads that are woven together to create our paradigm.

Her passion for this existential detective work aligns well with her unique approach to one on one client work, as she helps others to discover the building blocks of their archetypal blueprint, and mythic overtones. She does not believe that astrology is static, and therefore works with clients to develop strategies and practices that allow them to transcend challenging aspects of their natal chart.

She lives on the Shores of Lake Erie with her husband, four kids, and Cat, Oscar (the grouch).

These days, when she isn’t interpreting a natal chart, or translating the stars for her astrology blog, you can find her engaging in one of her favorite pandemic pastimes, unraveling her inner “good girl”, cultivating the ability to thrive in the deep, dark, unknown, or playing her favorite game of identifying fun paradoxes called “two things are true at once”.

An Upgrade Event


Heart Chakra Gateway of Descent. Venus in Pisces.