Venus and the Moon meet at the Sacral Chakra Gateway

Art by Lily Moses

Sacral Chakra Venus Moon Conjunction.

Inanna Reclaims her Erotic Innocence at the Second Gateway of Ascent.

On January 23rd at 5:19 am EST Venus made her Monthly conjunction to the Moon at 25 degrees Aquarius forming the Sacral Chakra Gateway of Ascent.

The Sacral Chakra rules our pleasure, sensuality, sexuality, womb space, passion, Eros, and our holy divine innocence. Our birthright. Eros is our life force, and innocence is to be free shackles of the idea that we are dangerous, or one who causes harm, corruption, or malice. Pure of intent.

Mary Magdalene is the Feminine Face of Venus, or “Guardian Sister” who sits at this Gateway.

Mary Magdalene can be linked back to an archetype of the Primordial Dark Feminine. She was certainly cast in that role by breaking the patriarchal norms of her time. Traveling alongside men as an equal rather than a subordinate.

Because she was a powerful apostle, and priestess, the Roman Church cast her out as a whore. Her part of the story was extraordinarily inconvenient for them. And so, they set about using her juxtaposition to the Virgin Mary, to highlight yet another dualism. Women are either Madonna, or Whore. But never both. And so Mary Magdalene became a cautionary tale. A woman who was given Mercy and Acknowledgement only after she submitted to the cult of Christianity.

This feminine split between light and dark, good and bad, is not new. From Inanna & Erishkagel, Isis and Nepthys, Eve and Lilith to Mary and MM, even, Athena, and Medusa; dominator culture has co-opted these figures' stories in an effort to subjugate women. Making a cultural “monster” out of one, while the other holds the qualities of light, and often of cultural purity. Totally sidestepping the mystical meaning of the dark sister.

Our work this month, at the Sacral Chakra Gateway is to integrate this split within us. To collapse the ways in which it runs us, and to reclaim our Erotic Innocence.

With Venus in the sign of Aquarius, the Archetype of the exile, the one who lives outside of the closed hierarchical system, we are getting a major support in this work.

From birth we’ve been poked and prodded by dominator culture to embody the good girl, the virgin, while our more human desires have been labeled dirty.

The Madonna/ Whore Complex was first identified by Freud in an effort to try and explain why some men were not attracted to their wives, yet had no problem performing with a mistress, or “whore”. But what he was really naming was something far deeper. He was naming the very paradigm women exist inside of.

As internalized misogyny is finally being explored, as we look at the myriad of ways we agree with and uphold dominator culture as women, we are beginning to see where we’ve projected this split onto our own lives. It is impossible to have grown up inside this paradigm and not have internalized the Madonna Whore Split within our own psyche. Remember, Mary Magdalene is the Lady in Red, and the “Scarlet Letter” was mandatory reading in high school. Indoctrination.

I remember as a young woman, having sex out of wedlock, yet again. And feeling the sting of internal shame and disgust, as I cried on my bathroom floor begging God to forgive the dirty sinner that I was. Wishing some outside sky daddy God, would wash me clean, and make me pure yet again.

People have a lot of different ways to commune with Mary Magdalene. Some see her as one half of Divine Union. Hieros Gamos. Some see her as the Bride of Christ, or the Feminine Christ, a symbol of the “Way of Love”.

For me, I see her as a radical. Someone who dared to defy patriarchal norms. Who refused to be labeled. Who refused to submit her mind, body, and will, to the prevailing thoughtforms of her day. Who lived her life above and beyond misogyny. When we think about the culture she was embedded in, she was the walking embodiment of feminine liberation.

Through working with her in this way, she can help us integrate or collapse this internalized split within. The “dark sister’s” were always one person. One person, who embodied both the dark and the light. Who held the codes to both the upperworld, and the underworld, the day and the night, life and death.

She is Venus, Keeper of the Rose Lineage, integrated consciousness, embodying paradox, collapsing dualisms, edgewalker, and initiator, guiding us towards deep inner gnosis, so that we can walk as love, real love, mature, refined love.

This month in SkyDancer we are going into these themes so deeply. I cannot believe how rich the ground is here. So much to cover, we could really devote an entire lifetime to this work.

In an email I sent out yesterday, I included this quote by Meghan Watterson “If this is all you read, if you put down this book at the end of this sentence, know that this is the most important message of Mary’s gospel: we are inherently good. Now, if you’re still with me, that goodness can never be lost. We can feel lost to it. But it is woven into the fabric of who we are; it’s our nature. Goodness. And the word that for me describes this experience, of knowing this inherent goodness, is soul. The word soul to me describes that eternal aspect of our being; an aspect that allows us to feel loved, and to experience that we are love. And that our humanity is not intrinsically sinful, or shameful. This human body is the soul’s chance to be here.”

This message of Goodness, the message of our erotic innocence is really the crux of opening this Gateway.

Damascena Tanis

Damascena is an Archetypal Astrologer, Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner, and The Facilitator of the Transformative Journey through the Mandala of Venus’ Wisdom, called “Sky Dancer”.

She is a passionate devotee of the ever unfolding mystery. As an expert observer, a trait she developed as an only child, she regards herself as both a student of life, and decoder of the cosmos.

Skilled at recognizing invisible patterns, and picking up on subtle shifts in the collective, she gets a thrill from uncovering and revealing the hidden threads that are woven together to create our paradigm.

Her passion for this existential detective work aligns well with her unique approach to one on one client work, as she helps others to discover the building blocks of their archetypal blueprint, and mythic overtones. She does not believe that astrology is static, and therefore works with clients to develop strategies and practices that allow them to transcend challenging aspects of their natal chart.

She lives on the Shores of Lake Erie with her husband, four kids, and Cat, Oscar (the grouch).

These days, when she isn’t interpreting a natal chart, or translating the stars for her astrology blog, you can find her engaging in one of her favorite pandemic pastimes, unraveling her inner “good girl”, cultivating the ability to thrive in the deep, dark, unknown, or playing her favorite game of identifying fun paradoxes called “two things are true at once”.

Mary Magdalene & Incarnation


New Beginnings