The Centaur Speaks

Patrick J Adams

Patrick J Adams

Chiron & Venus Medicine

Last night more came through to be shared regarding the medicine of Chiron and Venus....

One of the things we experience with a Chiron transit, is that he is asking us to take radical responsibility for our lives, and all that is showing up in our experience. Even if it is something that our conscious mind vehemently, expressly, doesn’t want.

Remember Chiron grew up feral, in literal isolation. And aside from mentoring the God’s in his cave on Mt. Pelion, he had very little association with the outside world and wider society. He is the archetype that holds the medicine of Master/Apprentice, or Wizard/Initiate. He is a soul alchemist, a self-empowerment sage. In many respects he carries the energetic signature of The Hermit Card in Tarot. In Aries Chiron will ask you to burn away every single thing that isn’t you. That is not your essence, your truth.

Venus will draw up two main (but MAJOR) personal patterns from the well. The first is our VALUES, and the second is our DESIRES.

Both values and desires play out “sets” or patterns. We have our own coding around them. So with this transit we are quintessentially being asked to be in radical responsibility for our own values and our own desires and not outsource them to the collective. With Venus in Libra themes around holding our own equanimity and inner balance come forward as well.

Image By Rebecca of A Clothes Horse

Image By Rebecca of A Clothes Horse

What we see happening in the collective is that people are projecting both their values and desires onto other people from a disembodied place. This is happening because Chiron is triggering the responsibility piece within us. For the most part, as humans we don’t want to be responsible for what is showing up in our experience so we put the responsibility to live within our values and desires onto other people. When actually, trying to control other people puts us under their control. And there is no real power in this dynamic.

We think to ourselves, “If only this person would do XYZ, I could be ok” or the inverse of that “If only he/she wouldn’t do XYZ I would be ok”. This pattern is making the outside world responsible for places we each need to do our own inner work.

In the background the larger evolutionary challenge that is coloring the experience of the collective is the Saturn/Uranus square. Essentially this transit brings up what could be labeled “the authority of the group”, vs individuation. And with the Sun currently squaring the nodes, we can be sure that what is happening at this moment will leave an evolutionary imprint.

In Aquarius, Saturn represents everyday people and how groups of people can create “hive mind” or “echo chambers” or even the “singularity” where we are moving towards a society with little diversity in values. A dystopian/utopia. Where the values of the group override the values of the individual. And this drive towards being loud and confrontational around these values is amplified by the fact that Aquarius is ruled by Saturn in traditional astrology and Uranus in modern astrology. It’s showing us how the collective shapes reality and powers evolution.

Ok, moving on to Uranus. Uranus is the planet that carries the spark or drive to individuate. He's always moving us towards liberation wherever we find him in the chart. Uranus wants to drive evolution by causing electrified, high sensation, instantaneous change.

Uranus is in Taurus which is ruled by Venus. This is amplifying all that is coming up around values, desires, and additionally resources and the earth. I don’t really want to lose anybody here so I am going to circle back to the Saturn/Uranus square. I just thought I’d mention those pieces so you can weave them into your own personal map.

The challenge presented by the square is group authority vs individuation, liberation, and personal freedom. And of course this is playing out in obvious ways all over the place.

Remember the chart always presents the evolutionary challenge, and also the medicine we need to move through it. Another way of saying that is; it plays the background music for us, and shows us how we can either be in harmony with it, or where we are out of tune.

So with this background music, we are being asked how we want to join the symphony. Are we coming in to smoothe and harmonize, or clash, and clang? I know it’s a paradox, but both are acceptable answers so long as you are coming from a fully embodied place.

Art by Slava Kushavalieva

Art by Slava Kushavalieva

So what does all this mean for us? On a personal level we are being asked to pull all of our projections around “other” back to ourselves, and really inquire whether or not we are being responsible for our own experience? When was the last time we sat and asked ourselves what our values are? And once we know what our values are, are we being responsible for living inside our values, or are we putting responsibility for our values onto others?

If we want others to take responsibility for their health, so that we can have a good outcome, we have to pull that back and ask; have we taken full responsibility for our own health? Are we getting enough nutrients, exercise, sunlight, and doing enough soul tending away from social media? See how we could possibly be out of alignment here? I’m just using this as an example because it’s so prevalent right now. But it works around any set of values or desires.

How to know whether or not we are projecting or being responsible? Well one clue is that we are being critical and judgmental of others. Often that is a great portal into the inquiry around projection. We can also ask, do I feel disempowered or victimized by the choices of others? If so, this is a clue that we’ve given our power away and are projecting that sense of disempowerment onto others.

Now do the same exercise with desire. If we desire to live in a healthy, harmonious, mature, and equitable society, are we moving this way within ourselves? Or are we making others responsible to create that reality for us by expecting them to show up as what we desire? Are we holding health, harmony, maturity, and equity out in the world?

Although our desire is different then our values, the two are often entwined. Can we untangle them? These are the questions a Venus/Chiron transit brings to the fore. We are always responsible for the state of our inner life, for our own experience. Even the stuff we don’t think we want. If it’s showing up, it is Universal Law that we are contributing to it in some way. We called it it.

Lastly, Chiron calls us to be responsible for where we react out of our own wounding and triggers. And when we are in touch with our wounds, and in “right relationship” to them, we can have radical empathy for others, and ourselves whilst holding the rod of personal responsibility and the sword of truth.


Venus opposite Chiron active for the August 22nd - August 30th

Saturn Square Uranus Active all of 2021

Chart by Astro Gold

Chart by Astro Gold

Damascena Tanis

Damascena is an Archetypal Astrologer, Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner, and The Facilitator of the Transformative Journey through the Mandala of Venus’ Wisdom, called “Sky Dancer”.

She is a passionate devotee of the ever unfolding mystery. As an expert observer, a trait she developed as an only child, she regards herself as both a student of life, and decoder of the cosmos.

Skilled at recognizing invisible patterns, and picking up on subtle shifts in the collective, she gets a thrill from uncovering and revealing the hidden threads that are woven together to create our paradigm.

Her passion for this existential detective work aligns well with her unique approach to one on one client work, as she helps others to discover the building blocks of their archetypal blueprint, and mythic overtones. She does not believe that astrology is static, and therefore works with clients to develop strategies and practices that allow them to transcend challenging aspects of their natal chart.

She lives on the Shores of Lake Erie with her husband, four kids, and Cat, Oscar (the grouch).

These days, when she isn’t interpreting a natal chart, or translating the stars for her astrology blog, you can find her engaging in one of her favorite pandemic pastimes, unraveling her inner “good girl”, cultivating the ability to thrive in the deep, dark, unknown, or playing her favorite game of identifying fun paradoxes called “two things are true at once”.

Mars opposite Neptune


The Medicine We Need Right Now